well then let me just set your imginary progress a wee bit back .. fact of the matter is that most Pakistanis would have wheatish to brown skin tone where as for most indians it would be brown to dark.
The browns of Pakistan are still distinguishable from the browns of india based on the facial features , built and dress
So over all we are NOT the same people no matter how hard you try to convince your self ( since you cannot convince us
From genetic point of view most people in Pakistan and in north india would be in the R1A1 groups but the R1A1 group also there in quite large numbers in Poland and south of Ukraine so does that mean they are also the 'same' .. No they arent , the genentic similarity is also a game if you take 12 markers on the Y-chromosome than a lot more people can be called 'same' if you take 24 markers on the Y-chromosome then even lesser numbers are the 'same' if you take 36 markers then even further lesser people are the 'same' and if you take the full Y-chromosome then no two individuals can be called the 'same' .. now chew on that and again come back and tell us that we are the 'same'