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Historic Murree as Seen By the British.


Sep 26, 2018
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The site for Murree was selected in 1850 by Sir Henry Lawrence (who was then President of the Punjab Administrative Board) immediately after the annexation of the Punjab Province. The town was originally established for the British troops garrisoned on the Afghan frontier as a sanatorium. Officially, the municipality was created in 1850. In 1851 temporary accommodation was provided for a detachment of troops; and in 1853 permanent barracks were erected.
The permanent town of Murree was constructed at Sunny Bank in 1853. The Holy Trinity Church was sanctified in May 1857, and The Mall Road was built. The most significant commercial establishments, the Post Office, general merchants with European goods, tailors and a millinery, were established opposite the church. Until 1947, access to The Mall Road was restricted for “natives” (non-Europeans).
Murree was the summer capital of the Punjab during British Raj; which later moved to Simla. In the hot season it was also the headquarters of the Lieutenant General of the Northern Command. The Commissioner and the Deputy-Commissioner of Rawalpindi also resided here during summer.
The chief educational institutions at that time were the Lawrence Military Asylum for soldiers’ children (now the Lawrence College Ghora Gali), and the St. Denys’ High School and Convent of Jesus and Mary for girls. The station also contained the Lady Roberts Home for invalid officers (Still managed by the Pakistan Army with the same name).
Convent of Jesus & Mary, Murree

Lawrence College, Ghora Gali, Murree: Prep School Building-1875

Junior School Building at Lawrence College, Ghora Gali, Murree

Holy Trinity Church in Murree, 19th Century

Kashmir Point Murree, 1861

Murree Post Office

Upper Topa, Murree, 1920s-30s

Golf Club Murree, 1940s

General Charles Monro at Gharial, near Murree, 1917

Commander in Chief of India General Charles Monro with his staff inspecting barracks at Gharial near Murree in 1917. General Monro served as C-in-C India from 1916 to 1920.

A Football Match in Murree, 1909

There are dozens more historic pictures of Murree to view. Surely the British made this lovely hill station into little England. Most of the buildings dont exist anymore nevertheless Murree still attracts millions of tourists every year. Our country is blessed with thousands of scenic spots like this which i hope will be developed in the future .

We have even destroyed what english made.
The gardens are destroyed, the forest are thinned etc.
And the cities mismanaged.
I absolutely agree with you bro. Although no one likes to be colonised but we in Pakistan should be thankful to the British for the transport,educational and urban infrastructure they left us,which are still benefiting us as we speak.
all those goras who are there in the pictures were like pharoahs of that time. they treated locals as inferior creatures as the pix depict. but all of them whether they were the bosses or slaves are now under tonnes of soil and most likely even their skeletons would be decomposed giving all the nutrients back to the nature. the only thing left of them are their deeds.
whenever i see pix of old times with people in them i always think that today none of them are alive and no one even know who they were and even if they are famous they cant do anything nor we can do anything for them . one day we all have to go and this world after 100 years from today some people may see our pix and we will be nobody. how weak we are? cant even extend our life span by a few hundred years with all this science and technology.
the world would have been lot beautiful place 100-150 years ago. more greenery, life closer to nature, plenty of spare time to ponder over the purpose of life.
colonial mentality, love for chita maas is still there. oh they gave us this gav us that yh after raping n pillaging destroying everything in their path.
Although no one likes to be colonised but we in Pakistan should be thankful to the British for the transport,educational and urban infrastructure they left us,which are still benefiting us as we speak.
You forget they freed us from Sikh/Hindu Raj in 1859 thus paving the way for 1947. The British made Pakistan. Literally ...
colonial mentality, love for chita maas is still there.
I absolutely agree with you the colonial mentality has never died in Pakistan. Before we had CHITA masters and now we have BROWN masters(Elites of Pakistan). All the perks the Goras enjoyed has been taken over by their true slaves.
I absolutely agree with you bro. Although no one likes to be colonised but we in Pakistan should be thankful to the British for the transport,educational and urban infrastructure they left us,which are still benefiting us as we speak.

Well they left is infrastructure but they destroyed our society. They destroyed our mentality and created a class based society. Till this day our bureaucracy behaves like colonial times.
Well they left is infrastructure but they destroyed our society. They destroyed our mentality and created a class based society. Till this day our bureaucracy behaves like colonial times.
You are absolutely right bro. After the second world war the British shrugged off their Victorian mindset straight away. But alas in Pakistan the Civil military babus kept that mentality for their vested interests. We are still slaves to their whims. Their Pakistan is different and common Pakistanis Pakistan is different.
taxes and digital payment will give you great taste of frustration and stress to the point someone will end up shooting in public places just like lone wolf in america. imran khan charging the lil guy for all the faults of colonist master shareefs and zadaris.
But the slave mentality cannot be destroyed
unfortunatley it seems that people from subcontinent though out the history remained slaves to foreign powers. may be they are good at this job. some regions are even better then others in producing slave mentality people. even religious teachings of equality and fight against oppression do not have much effect on their mentality. even in pakistan you meet people from certain areas and you will ask this question from yourself that what is wrong with these guys ? why they dont have any principle and spine? why they tend to bow down so much in front of anyone who can give them any benefit. although we have been taught that no one can inflict any damage to us or give us any benefit which is not ordained by Allah almighty but still we spend lot of effort in butterring our superiors almost in every field. and those who have gone higher after using these tactics also appreciate the juniors who have similar traits and they tend to reqard them.
unfortunatley it seems that people from subcontinent though out the history remained slaves to foreign powers. may be they are good at this job. some regions are even better then others in producing slave mentality people. even religious teachings of equality and fight against oppression do not have much effect on their mentality. even in pakistan you meet people from certain areas and you will ask this question from yourself that what is wrong with these guys ? why they dont have any principle and spine? why they tend to bow down so much in front of anyone who can give them any benefit. although we have been taught that no one can inflict any damage to us or give us any benefit which is not ordained by Allah almighty but still we spend lot of effort in butterring our superiors almost in every field. and those who have gone higher after using these tactics also appreciate the juniors who have similar traits and they tend to reqard them.
Very well written.
Some more nostalgic pictures from pre partition era.
Students of Murree Christian School

A Football Match in Murree, 1903

Motto Bridge, Crest of the Black Watch, Murree, 1910


Snowfall in Murree – 1865


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