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Hindus upset with Jim Carrey & NBC

It's a very simple question phrased in very simple English.


Please take a day or two off and think about it. I request you as a friend.

Think about it and then give me an answer.
NO He cant be insulted.The incident of Lord Vishnu and sage Bhrigu in vishnu puran proves it.

In order to test Lord Vishnu, Maharishi bhrigu reached Vaikunth Dham. He entered the Dham without Lord Vishnu's permission and saw that the Lord was resting at that time. Maharishi asked him to wakeup, but Lord was in deep sleep. On seeing no reaction from Lord, Maharishi hit Lord Vishnu on his chest (that strike by Maharishi Bhrigu left a foot print on Lord's chest and that foot print is known as "Shri Vats").
Lord Vishnu got up after the strike and realized what has happened. On realizing that Maharishi had hit him with his foot, Lord asked him, “Maharishi, are you hurt in your foot? My chest is strong but your foot is not so strong". Seeing the decorum of Lord Vishnu, Bhrigu was pleased and declared him superior amongst the Tridev.
Will you care so much if an Indian Hindu ridiculed Ganesha? There are a lot of Atheist movements in India rediculing Hinduism which are lead by Hindus.

Look ridiculing or saying god doesn't exist is one thing while portraying them down right sleazily is another, let us leave this here shall we its ok that we differ in our views.
Grow a thick skin, better for everyone. Do we agnostics take offense when religious nutjobs bad mouth us and compare us with Nazi etc.
Jiim Carrey's career has been failing for a long time now, this is another attempt to try and revive it. Whether or not he apologizes is his choice but the channel should definitely apologize for this.
Where is SivSena? Some protests from them surely awaiting when Jim Carrey pictured film gets released on Mumbai.
This is very wrong of Jim and the NBC network iam against making fun of anyones religion or backround shame on them stuff like this makes me sick.
No one has the right to mock any religion and play with issues which are sensitive to various religious and ethnic communities...Jim Carrey should apologize immediately.
Where is SivSena? Some protests from them surely awaiting when Jim Carrey pictured film gets released on Mumbai.
Shiv sainiks reads only marathi samana.It will take time for thackrey to translate it into marathi and print.As he has grown old his efficiency has decreased so does shiv saniki's.
@Maddog... I completely agree with you... no one has the right to mock anyones' religious beliefs... If I pay due respect to others religion, then I expect the same in return.

Now since he has done this act, I am sure god will forgive him for his ignorance and stupidity, but he should atleast apologize to those whose sentiments have been hurt. Hope he acts quickly to save himself from further embarrassment.
Where is SivSena? Some protests from them surely awaiting when Jim Carrey pictured film gets released on Mumbai.

I am sure they would have marked him as a target and appointed a group dedicated to start tracking his activities in and around India. :coffee:
Grow a thick skin, better for everyone. Do we agnostics take offense when religious nutjobs bad mouth us and compare us with Nazi etc.

Nazism is imposing your condition/thoughts on everyone, which is what you are trying to do here (asking to grow a thick skin). :azn:

And a question to everyone - what is some outsider calls your mother names - you very well know it is not true, but will you just walk away or give him a piece of your fist ??

I will go for the latter.
No one has the right to mock any religion and play with issues which are sensitive to various religious and ethnic communities...Jim Carrey should apologize immediately.
Well its called freedom of speech and SNL can say whatever they want to. SNL has done much worse and they never get in trouble. They are just making a harmless joke, they didn't do it to offend anyone. People just need to chill and realize they are just joking.
Nazism is imposing your condition/thoughts on everyone, which is what you are trying to do here (asking to grow a thick skin). :azn:

And a question to everyone - what is some outsider calls your mother names - you very well know it is not true, but will you just walk away or give him a piece of your fist ??

I will go for the latter.

Some Americans have the habit of using the curse word mother.fkr quite generously and they don't really mean it. Will you go and hit them? If you do you will be a crazy one. And getting offended by an SNL short is as crazy as that.
Quite a few people would get violent if you called them a MF.

Try it next time you go out.
Nazism is imposing your condition/thoughts on everyone, which is what you are trying to do here (asking to grow a thick skin). :azn:

And a question to everyone - what is some outsider calls your mother names - you very well know it is not true, but will you just walk away or give him a piece of your fist ??

I will go for the latter.

My exact point tolerance is ok but it has its limits!!!
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