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Hindus upset with Jim Carrey & NBC

Great atleast u see the moral wrong in the act.

I don't think we need to talk anymore on this as it will only lead to flaming on your part (which actually is not for u though)

So let us discontinue this here itself as i am not an atheist and deeply revere Hanuman and Ganesh.

Sir I assure you that I wouldn't flame you. You have every right to believe what you want and I have mine. It's as simple as that.


PS: I'm a born Hindu, I wouldn't classify myself as an atheist per say but I certainly don't practice any form of religion.
Saying that the whole news is overhyped doesnt depict secularism it shows indifferent and careless attitude towards the religion.
As far i see around , the problem here is , it becomes offensive when people of other religion insults the religion, case of Jim carrey, Hussain are examples..

Its a psychological thing.. Lets take an example. we are free to critisize our PM in whatever language we want, but when someone else do it in a slightest way we make the war cry.. its same everywhere.. same case here...

I have seen lots of time in comedy shows and all where gods have been made fun of in television and even in films there are hundred of instances... but an average normal Hindu, take it lightly and laugh it off as they are more tolerant and dont make a mountain out of it unnecessarily.

am just asking if that gives us the right to make fun of your gods??

will you laugh it off just like you do in case of western TV shows' fun making of your gods?
I feel some of you guys are acting as apologetic here in this case because the people who insulted hindu god are foreigner goras otherwise we dont see such "tolerance" from you if anyone post or make such fun of ganesh even on this forum.
Funny that you mention this. And funny that there are three pages of discussions on the topic. Well, how many of you have seen the said 'offending' SNL act by Jim Carrey? I happened to watch it and frankly, I was amused as to their ignorance. Mind you, I believe, of all the Gods, the most in Lord Ganesha (He's cute!).

Go ahead, make fun of Lord Ganesha all you want. Even Hindus make fun of him in many stories. The kind of fun that you make shows your level of sophistication and maturity or lack thereof. Simple.

There was nothing in the act to get disturbed by. People are over reacting!
If you are serious then what is with that Painter Hussain case? why you guys are playing double standards ?
Hussain left the country on his own accord. No one forced him to! There were threats against him by some nutcases for painting Goddess Saraswati in the nude. IMHO, it was tastefully done, nothing vulgar about it. There are threats against your beloved Ms. Arundhati Roy or that 'besterdo hypocrite' Geelani. You dont find them leaving the country, do you?
I would say again NO one has any right to make fun of others' faith at the expense of hurting religious sentiments of others
The whole concept of faith and religion is ridiculous to say the least. People desperately want to believe in something which hasnt been proven to exist, but criticize and ridicule anything supported by facts and evidences!
But you must know where to correct people especially if this is being done in a country where not much is known about Hinduism. Even I am particularly hurt here as I too am a Hindu and find it surprising how you Indian are ready to escape this by trying to be overly liberal.

Liberal is a term that is expressed when one is ready to accept others for what they are. It does not mean not to get offended at all or become insensitive to everything. Please know the difference.

Agreed, but demanding an apology isn't going to work. For example: Do you think a racist person will apologise simply because you demand them to?

It's all about tolerance, you have the right to be offended. But you have to accept the fact that bigotry exists.
this is so pseudo - a bunch of people saying - oh i will laugh it off its not big deal.

Religion is a sensative issue - whole bloody world is stuck on it - throguH FAITH.

Most of the countries are fightign wars and supporting on basis of it .

why do some jack arse have to come up with these pun ???? which are not required at all.
Saying that the whole news is overhyped doesnt depict secularism it shows indifferent and careless attitude towards the religion.

Have you seen that particular 'offending' SNL sketch by Jim Carrey to post such a comment? That goes for all those taking offence at the act.

Its not about secularism. Its about maturity of a people or religion or faith. Immaturity and intolerance go hand in hand.
There are threats against your beloved Ms. Arundhati Roy or that 'besterdo hypocrite' Geelani. You dont find them leaving the country, do you?

Why should geelani leave his country kashmir, he is living in his country, it will be bharti army who will be thrown out of muslim country,

Lets see how long can bharat hold kashmir after americans leave afghanistan
Why should geelani leave his country kashmir, he is living in his country, it will be bharti army who will be thrown out of muslim country,

Lets see how long can bharat hold kashmir after americans leave afghanistan

Cut the Kashmir crap. Stay on topic "some people finding Jim Carrey's SNL sketch offensive". Nothing to do about Kashmir. Go rant in a relevant thread.

Stay on topic fellas.
Have you seen that particular 'offending' SNL sketch by Jim Carrey to post such a comment? That goes for all those taking offence at the act.

Its not about secularism. Its about maturity of a people or religion or faith. Immaturity and intolerance go hand in hand.

Well said sir, could you post a picture of that sketch please, I would like to see it.
Well said sir, could you post a picture of that sketch please, I would like to see it.

Comedy Sketch - meaning a small act, play, a series of short comedic performances called sketches.

Here is the sketch on youtube video. This is SNL. Dont know if it is offensive or against forum rules, but I am taking my chances though.

YouTube - Saturday Night Live - Jim Carrey Grady Wilson Skit [HQ]

The act starts at 3:03 timepoint. Watch and decide for yourselves.
Comedy Sketch - meaning a small act, play, a series of short comedic performances called sketches.

Here is the sketch on youtube video. This is SNL. Dont know if it is offensive or against forum rules, but I am taking my chances though.

YouTube - Saturday Night Live - Jim Carrey Grady Wilson Skit [HQ]

The act starts at 3:03 timepoint. Watch and decide for yourselves.

Thanks! Now people, how offensive was that really? Seemed a bit desperate and pathetic to me. By making such a big deal out of this, your'e only giving this thing more attention than it deserves.
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as long as they show their displeasure in normal terms and not violently, its fine.... ur post is in fact insensitive.:what:..

Insensitive or rational. This is why I stay away from religious threads. People tend to get offended quite easily. Anyway I won't discuss further.
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