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Hindus upset with Jim Carrey & NBC

No need for any apology.

There is no limit to how sensitive can one be. For example some religions believe other religions prophets are fake, and some believe that others religious books are corrupted. Than should they be apologising to each other daily???

You respect your beliefs, don't expect others to.

and you dnt mind if somebody burn Bible or Quran on national Tv? are you gonna say "No need for any apology"..:no:
No need for any apology.

There is no limit to how sensitive can one be. For example some religions believe other religions prophets are fake, and some believe that others religious books are corrupted. Than should they be apologising to each other daily???

You respect your beliefs, don't expect others to.

No one has the right to offend others religion,weather they think it was fake or corrupted.religion is the most sensitive issue in the world & it should be taken carefully.

if someone can't respect others belief then how can he expect others to respect his relogion or beliefs..:frown:
God is a matter of logic and not emotion. Those Hindus offended by the Ganesha debacle need to learn about their religion before jumping in to take offence about the conduct of Carrey and his sidekick ! Firstly , Hindus also believe that God is inanimate, a formless and absolute being. Secondly , we also believe that God manifests Himself/Herself as an avtar when required to sort out problems on earth. Therefore if God is absolute and formless, why is there so much hype over the insulting of a murti which is only supposed to represent some of the aspects of the Supreme being ? With respect to Islam and Muslims, I also question why there is anger when the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) is insulted by westerners. If Allah is the Supreme Being and the prophet was His messenger, then surely anger should only be vented if the Supreme Lord is insulted ? Anyways religion is too complex to debate.

look... making se.xual ad about a hindu god in a country where very less is known about hinduism is bad...... it just gives the impression what hinduism teaches.... moreover..... they will do that again and again if are not checked now.....

for others who think zed has over reacted can insult se.xually or what in their own home .......

hinduism strongly condemns hurting anyone's feeling it doesn't mater if insulter or insulted is hindu or not....
I shall definitely agree with Ms. Jana here. This is downright offensive as even commercial humour has limitations of itself. Depicting as a simple cartoon is fine but using images for such derogatory matters is wrong.

And this is very decent of worldwide Hindu community to take the initiative to responsibly complain against something that is offensive to such a large community. NBC and Mr. Carrey should apologize considering that it was something very just that is demanded of them.
i think lord ganesha will pardon those immature indviduals who hurt the sentiments of his devotees. god doesn't need mere mortals to safeguard his dignity. If he does, then why is he the god in the first place anyway??
Hinduism has boundaries higher and greater than a pity insult by an American idiot!!grow up we are the oldest religion so we ought to be most mature society as well!!

proove it hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, you cant but you can only argue,

Hinduism is the recent word created in 1830, Hinduism is a british construct, when brits arrived they grouped together thousands of differents cults together and those which were separate from abrahmic faiths(islam, christians) and non vedic religions(buddhism, jainism) and called it hinduism, hiduism is a new religion
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Hinduism has boundaries higher and greater than a pity insult by an American idiot!!grow up we are the oldest religion so we ought to be most mature society as well!!
But you must know where to correct people especially if this is being done in a country where not much is known about Hinduism. Even I am particularly hurt here as I too am a Hindu and find it surprising how you Indian are ready to escape this by trying to be overly liberal.

Liberal is a term that is expressed when one is ready to accept others for what they are. It does not mean not to get offended at all or become insensitive to everything. Please know the difference.
Not believing in a particular line of thought is one thing , free expression of your objections are one thing ......but what the organizers did was depict a God , a deity revered by billions - in a derogatory and provocative way.

Disagreement with a faith doesn't justify ridiculing it .
proove it hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, you cant but you can only argue,

Hinduism is the recent word created in 1830, Hinduism is a british construct, when brits arrived they grouped together thousands of differents cults together and those which were separate from islam and non vedic religions(buddhism, jainism) and called it hinduism, hiduism is a new religion

guys please do not answer this post
Hinduism has boundaries higher and greater than a pity insult by an American idiot!!grow up we are the oldest religion so we ought to be most mature society as well!!

Your logic will have a greater implication at home too and i am afraid it is not going to set well because tolerance does not mean some people should keep on testing that level and breaking the boundaries.

no religion can be affected by the petty insult by morons and insane people but it does not mean you should resort to such uncivilized acts which leads to creation of hatred.

The only question is why they needed to pick ganesh for such a a joke?

if at all they wanted to crack one such method they could have portrayed an Indian man for that not a Hindu god
God is a matter of logic and not emotion. Those Hindus offended by the Ganesha debacle need to learn about their religion before jumping in to take offence about the conduct of Carrey and his sidekick ! Firstly , Hindus also believe that God is inanimate, a formless and absolute being. Secondly , we also believe that God manifests Himself/Herself as an avtar when required to sort out problems on earth. Therefore if God is absolute and formless, why is there so much hype over the insulting of a murti which is only supposed to represent some of the aspects of the Supreme being ? With respect to Islam and Muslims, I also question why there is anger when the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) is insulted by westerners. If Allah is the Supreme Being and the prophet was His messenger, then surely anger should only be vented if the Supreme Lord is insulted ? Anyways religion is too complex to debate.

Oh god another logic finder, in Hinduism there are both dvaita and advaita make it three if u want to count the other it depends what one follows. You seem to be mixing two schools of thought here with idol worship which is entirely different.

Would the Christians be equally happy if some body something bad about Jesus?? :hitwall: belief is also imp.
A few overly sensitive individuals.

What??? a few overly sensitive individuals....
don't play the religion card so easily body, read history you will know how a single incidents like this cause millions to bleed.

In which world you live boddy???
proove it hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, you cant but you can only argue,

Hinduism is the recent word created in 1830, Hinduism is a british construct, when brits arrived they grouped together thousands of differents cults together and those which were separate from abrahmic faiths(islam, christians) and non vedic religions(buddhism, jainism) and called it hinduism, hiduism is a new religion

oohh boy...you mama calling..go drink some milk and PLEASE GROW UP:hitwall:
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