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Hindus upset with Jim Carrey & NBC

Originally Posted by Tashfin View Post
proove it hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, you cant but you can only argue,

Hinduism is the recent word created in 1830, Hinduism is a british construct, when brits arrived they grouped together thousands of differents cults together and those which were separate from islam and non vedic religions(buddhism, jainism) and called it hinduism, hiduism is a new religion
Originally posted by A.R
guys please do not answer this post

Well said !!!
jIM carry is just a drama bi@tch. his humor type is fading - he is trying so hard to be funny.

your post was not appreciative and was without any logical research also off topic.

My post was with logical research, Hinduism word was created in 1830's before there was no such thing as hinduism, proove me wrong.

I only answered when one indian said hinduism is the world's oldest religion where in reality it can never be proven
proove it hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, you cant but you can only argue,

Hinduism is the recent word created in 1830, Hinduism is a british construct, when brits arrived they grouped together thousands of differents cults together and those which were separate from abrahmic faiths(islam, christians) and non vedic religions(buddhism, jainism) and called it hinduism, hiduism is a new religion

Go search for 'Sanatan Dharma' on the internet. Google is your friend.

It was actually known as 'Sanatan Dharma' which in sanskrit means 'The Eternal Law'.
My post was with logical research, Hinduism word was created in 1830's before there was no such thing as hinduism, proove me wrong.

I only answered when one indian said hinduism is the world's oldest religion where in reality it can never be proven

My child I suggest that you do a bit of google to find the answer to the question which vexes your mind. If you wish to convince yourself otherwise about Hinduism or any other religion to which you do not subscribe to then so be it. As long as your mind is at peace then I as a follower of God will be at peace with you :) That is an old Hindu saying which was recorded around 500BCE in the Puranas. Now please stick to the topic at hand :coffee:
I think there is no need for an apology or whatsoever needed ... Hinduism by far is a tolerant religion, its just that few of them have moved into extremist "mode" and started acting strange and thankfully the state has acted upon them on that.

I am particularly interested about Tashnfin's comment about the origin of the word.. If it was a recent term , what where Hindus called earlier like say around 1700 or so?
My child I suggest that you do a bit of google to find the answer to the question which vexes your mind. If you wish to convince yourself otherwise about Hinduism or any other religion to which you do not subscribe to then so be it. As long as your mind is at peace then I as a follower of God will be at peace with you :) That is an old Hindu saying which was recorded around 500BCE in the Puranas. Now please stick to the topic at hand :coffee:

Son, your illiteracy astounds me, finish class 1 homework then come back to answer
The pooranas were written by different authors between (800 to 1600)AD where does 5000BC comes from
My post was with logical research, Hinduism word was created in 1830's before there was no such thing as hinduism, proove me wrong.

I only answered when one indian said hinduism is the world's oldest religion where in reality it can never be proven

The thing was there. The word was not.

The word was 'Sanatan Dharma'. The word 'Hinduism' or 'Hindu Dharma' originated later.
I think there is no need for an apology or whatsoever needed ... Hinduism by far is a tolerant religion, its just that few of them have moved into extremist "mode" and started acting strange and thankfully the state has acted upon them on that.


I feel some of you guys are acting as apologetic here in this case because the people who insulted hindu god are foreigner goras otherwise we dont see such "tolerance" from you if anyone post or make such fun of ganesh even on this forum.

If you are serious then what is with that Painter Hussain case? why you guys are playing double standards ?

I would say again NO one has any right to make fun of others' faith at the expense of hurting religious sentiments of others
My post was with logical research, Hinduism word was created in 1830's before there was no such thing as hinduism, proove me wrong.

I only answered when one indian said hinduism is the world's oldest religion where in reality it can never be proven

If you want to discuss that then open another thread. your comments are OFF Topic here.
i thought the topic was about Lord Ganesha getting insulted by couple of lunatics. Howcome this turned into a discovery of relegion thing??
I feel some of you guys are acting as apologetic here in this case because the people who insulted hindu god are foreigner goras otherwise we dont see such "tolerance" from you if anyone post or make such fun of ganesh even on this forum.

If you are serious then what is with that Painter Hussain case? why you guys are playing double standards ?

I would say again NO one has any right to make fun of others' faith at the expense of hurting religious sentiments of others

As far i see around , the problem here is , it becomes offensive when people of other religion insults the religion, case of Jim carrey, Hussain are examples..

Its a psychological thing.. Lets take an example. we are free to critisize our PM in whatever language we want, but when someone else do it in a slightest way we make the war cry.. its same everywhere.. same case here...

I have seen lots of time in comedy shows and all where gods have been made fun of in television and even in films there are hundred of instances... but an average normal Hindu, take it lightly and laugh it off as they are more tolerant and dont make a mountain out of it unnecessarily.
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