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Hindus, Muslims should fight poverty, not each other: PM Narendra Modi

He is JUST quoting the quintessential Hindu PHILOSOPHY
which states that TIME is the ALL powerful force in this universe

But how would you know

For you these are pearls before ......

Yes, I must stop dropping them. All I get is OINK OINK - all in capitals.

I am NOT your student in one of the classes that you take
So SIR your " certificates " are not of any value or use

Not a certificate. A perception. If you had taken any classes, you would have learnt that much. Pity.
Little bit off topic, a question raised on my mind why this incident gained so much importance, that even PM has to come out with some statement. Wonder why Erudite people are protesting in full throttle in this case, but not protesting for similar incidents like

Killing of a mentally challenged man Kolkata as medical college students thinks he is a mobile thief.

Alleged rapist, pulled out of jail and thrashed to death in Nagaland while police was a mere spectator.

Man was killed in police custody in Tamil Nadu as he has a relation with a lady of different religion.

Man was Killed in Kerala’s by a mob after he was found in the house of a woman whom he knew very well. Initial probe indicated that the murder was an outcome of moral policing.

Above examples I have taken from the states where Saffron groups have least influence.
And this list goes on, similar examples are there in each and every states in India.
But this case haven't become so important?

Finally I will say it is really a shame that a man was killed for eating of his choice.
Little bit off topic, a question raised on my mind why this incident gained so much importance, that even PM has to come out with some statement. Wonder why Erudite people are protesting in full throttle in this case, but not protesting for similar incidents like

Killing of a mentally challenged man Kolkata as medical college students thinks he is a mobile thief.

Alleged rapist, pulled out of jail and thrashed to death in Nagaland while police was a mere spectator.

Man was killed in police custody in Tamil Nadu as he has a relation with a lady of different religion.

Man was Killed in Kerala’s by a mob after he was found in the house of a woman whom he knew very well. Initial probe indicated that the murder was an outcome of moral policing.

Above examples I have taken from the states where Saffron groups have least influence.
And this list goes on, similar examples are there in each and every states in India.
But this case haven't become so important?

Finally I will say it is really a shame that a man was killed for eating of his choice.
Selective emphasis.
Tell me, Doc, what these two things mean:
  1. You do not hold Gujarat against Modi at all;
  2. I will stop short of saying they (Muslims) asked for it.
You do not hold Gujarat against Modi at all?
  1. Is it because there was a great deal of provocation from the Muslims?
  2. Is it because he was new and did not know how quickly the situation could get out of control?
  3. Is it because he intended only a mild demonstration of force, and over-anxious subordinates displayed excessive zeal?
  4. Is it because he could not have foreseen how far things would go?
  5. Is it because he tried so hard to bring the situation back under control?
  6. Is it because there was nothing much that happened after all?
  7. Is it because nothing really happened, but the media and Teesta Setalvad bribed and corrupted and coaxed and bullied and cajoled and seduced and bludgeoned a few innocents into lying about what had happened?
  8. Is it because the state under Modi did its heroic best to bring ameliorative measures into place?
I am curious how far you will go before you start feeling sick. Honestly, I am not being provocative, nor am I trying to goad you into action; this is genuine puzzlement.

Coming to your awful remark about Muslims, so you stopped short of saying they asked for it; what exactly was on the other side of asking for it?

How can you possibly say that 'the Muslims' were asking for it? How can you possibly take the egregious behaviour of one or two, and conclude that the entire community was asking for it? Is this not really crazy generalisation? Wouldn't you condemn thousands, millions of innocents to death in future feuds? Apart from making a quick and clean sound-byte, what does this do for you?

There was nothing Modi could have done once a bogey full of Hindus were burned alive.

Not in those charged times.

Not ever.

The Muslims started it.

And this time the Hindus finished it.

You will have to live with that Joe. The Muslims started it.
I did not nt want you to SQUEAL like you just did

It is better to exchange " fire " like soldiers committed to their respective causes


Try not to use metaphors above your station in life. Comparing yourself to a soldier is an insult to all soldiers.

Little bit off topic, a question raised on my mind why this incident gained so much importance, that even PM has to come out with some statement. Wonder why Erudite people are protesting in full throttle in this case, but not protesting for similar incidents like

Killing of a mentally challenged man Kolkata as medical college students thinks he is a mobile thief.

Alleged rapist, pulled out of jail and thrashed to death in Nagaland while police was a mere spectator.

Man was killed in police custody in Tamil Nadu as he has a relation with a lady of different religion.

Man was Killed in Kerala’s by a mob after he was found in the house of a woman whom he knew very well. Initial probe indicated that the murder was an outcome of moral policing.

Above examples I have taken from the states where Saffron groups have least influence.
And this list goes on, similar examples are there in each and every states in India.
But this case haven't become so important?

Finally I will say it is really a shame that a man was killed for eating of his choice.

Want to know why this is important? Not that the other incidents you named were not important. In this case, a man was murdered because his religion made him suspect of moral transgression. By a mob instigated by politicians obsessed, fixated with people of other religions being automatically suspect of moral transgression.

YOUR perception is yours alone it is NOT the REALITY

That's what you hope. If you were to ask anybody outside your narrow coterie, they would not allow your hopes to continue.

Selective emphasis.

Meaning? That those not so erudite are not protesting?

Try not to use metaphors above your station in life. Comparing yourself to a soldier is an insult to all soldiers.

Again that is your perception and your over inflated sense of self which is talking

The Internal enemies of a country are MORE dangerous than the external enemies

If you have read the history of this country ; you should know

And please dont talk about Stations in life

I dont see any virtue in insulting an old man

Let our differences remain IDEOLOGICAL
what is the need to get personal
There was nothing Modi could have done once a bogey full of Hindus were burned alive.

Not in those charged times.

Not ever.

The Muslims started it.

And this time the Hindus finished it.

You will have to live with that Joe. The Muslims started it.

Terrible coming from you. There was always doubt about that incident. There were important commissions of enquiry with no reason for bias that were uncertain as to how and why the fire started. If you have ever travelled with a certain type of pilgrim, you would have noticed their culinary arrangements for yourself.

The Muslims started it, according to a right wing accusation. Never anything more substantial.

The Muslims didn't start it.

Again that is your perception and your over inflated sense of self which is talking

The Internal enemies of a country are MORE dangerous than the external enemies

And that is precisely why I feel that you and your likes are an acid applied to our internal structures.

If you have read the history of this country ; you should know

If you had read the history of this country, you would also have known, and would have been wiser than to become one of those Hindutva retards.

And please dont talk about Stations in life

I dont see any virtue in insulting an old man

Let our differences remain IDEOLOGICAL
what is the need to get personal

Did you have this exquisite courtesy in mind when you talked of pearls before.....you swine?
Terrible coming from you. There was always doubt about that incident. There were important commissions of enquiry with no reason for bias that were uncertain as to how and why the fire started. If you have ever travelled with a certain type of pilgrim, you would have noticed their culinary arrangements for yourself.

The Muslims started it, according to a right wing accusation. Never anything more substantial.

The Muslims didn't start it.
Umm, err... holy.... you mean the kerosene 'burning a (single) whole bogey down' thing again? Is that what you are implying? THAT would be terrible coming from you.
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The Muslims started it, according to a right wing accusation. Never anything more substantial.

The Muslims didn't start it.

It is really a SHAME if you say that

Even that SHAMELESS Digvijay SIngh the perennial boot licker of the Minorities
would not say that

This is a NEW low even for you ; earlier you were focussed on the Post Godhra violence

Now I would really like to know your REAL name
I respect your opinion and would be interested to know why you think there is so much slow simmering hatred? It did not come out of nowhere. Large groups of people are not easily mobilized especially as for more than half a century we have had a left liberal press and education system....yet people are nurturing a huge sense of injustice....why?

This is direct result of policies of appeasement. Every action has a reaction.
A study conducted by the Gujarat Forensic Science Laboratory report states that 60 liters of inflammable liquid had been poured into coach S-6 of the train using a wide mouthed container. It had been poured by standing on the passage between the northern side-door of the eastern side of the coach, which had been set on fire immediately thereafter. The report also concluded that there had been heavy stone pelting on the train.

Explain this.
Umm, err... holy.... you mean the kerosene 'burning a (single) whole bogey down' thing again? Is that what you are implying. THAT would be terrible coming from you.

It would, wouldn't it?

A study conducted by the Gujarat Forensic Science Laboratory report states that 60 liters of inflammable liquid had been poured into coach S-6 of the train using a wide mouthed container. It had been poured by standing on the passage between the northern side-door of the eastern side of the coach, which had been set on fire immediately thereafter. The report also concluded that there had been heavy stone pelting on the train.

Explain this.

Read and cite the other contradictory reports. Selective emphasis?
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