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Hindus, Muslims should fight poverty, not each other: PM Narendra Modi

This is what i am saying that Indian Muslims are part of Indian Nation.

Arabs call all Indians irrespective of thier religion as Hindi.

Many Indians beg to differ. To them, Muslims are either barbaric foreign invaders OR spineless traitors who abandoned the religion of their motherland. Now, I've got a solution for you guys to treat this menace. If they're foreign invaders, send them to Pakistan or just lynch 'em all. If they're spineless traitors, convert them back in anyway possible.
Many Indians beg to differ. To them, Muslims are either barbaric foreign invaders OR spineless traitors who abandoned the religion of their motherland. Now, I've got a solution for you guys to treat this menace. If they're foreign invaders, send them to Pakistan or just lynch 'em all. If they're spineless traitors, convert them back in anyway possible.

Now Indians are aware of the regional and International politics and right now India is on the track of development and regional alliance.
Now Indians are aware of the regional and International politics and right now India is on the track of development and regional alliance.

What do you mean by that? Indians shouldn't be afraid of what the world thinks of their future cleansing programs. If the UN doesn't like genociding Muslims, it can go to Pakistan.
Completely natural response to around 7 decades of Hindu-hating legislation. Next point of agenda is to kick out all sickularists to Pakistan and cleanse India of foreign invader influence. With a pure Hindu India, you can start building your monkey and elephant vimanas to conduct space wars against Islamists on Mars.

That wont be necessary cause islamists with their backward attitude wont be reaching mars for centuries
That wont be necessary cause islamists with their backward attitude wont be reaching mars for centuries

What if they used their petro-dollars to buy Western scientists and cheap Indian labour to construct a space ship for themselves to reach Mars?
This is direct result of policies of appeasement. Every action has a reaction.



The creation, the existence and the presence, lure and idea of.

And the historical precedent of the Hindus giving in.

A study conducted by the Gujarat Forensic Science Laboratory report states that 60 liters of inflammable liquid had been poured into coach S-6 of the train using a wide mouthed container. It had been poured by standing on the passage between the northern side-door of the eastern side of the coach, which had been set on fire immediately thereafter. The report also concluded that there had been heavy stone pelting on the train.

Explain this.

There is no explaining.

My respected senior is lashing at windmills.
This is the most interesting remark that Ive seen. "They asked for it". Because in it is both contempt and disconnect from that section of the population. Suddenly, India's Muslims are "they". Not "we" , "They". That is a start of a dangerous precedent.

Facts may be uncomfortable to face. But that discomfort does not negate the existence of those facts.

The Muslims more than any other Indian community see themselves as a monolithic whole within the whole.

And oftentimes that whole is not limited to the Indian whole - or encumbered with it.

This ghetto insecurity is not new. Nor is it reactionary to majority threat. It stems from an entitlement syndrome. Of differentness at its most benign. Of superiority and exclusivism and incompatibilty at its malignant extreme.

Either way it precludes mixing, tolerance, empathy, open mindedness.

And it's not new. Pakistan was borne out of exactly this ghetto communal instinct.

Cheers, Doc
By continually stating that minority behaviors is purely reaction to majority excess, left liberals are doing a disservice to Minorities who would be better served by being treated the same as any other group and responsible for their own actions. Murder is murder whoever does it. To state that everyone in a bogey died due to a cooking fire accident, that not ONE SINGLE person was able to escape to tell the story, is stretching incredulity to its limits....and by sticking to that lie, it is sowing doubt in the general population and nurturing grievance in minorities and anger in the majority. In short it serves no constructive purpose.
By continually stating that minority behaviors is purely reaction to majority excess, left liberals are doing a disservice to Minorities who would be better served by being treated the same as any other group and responsible for their own actions. Murder is murder whoever does it. To state that everyone in a bogey died due to a cooking fire accident, that not ONE SINGLE person was able to escape to tell the story, is stretching incredulity to its limits....and by sticking to that lie, it is sowing doubt in the general population and nurturing grievance in minorities and anger in the majority. In short it serves no constructive purpose.

My sentiments exactly.

1 billion and 200 million are numbers.

In reality the fight is rarely between a billion and 200 million.

The historical evidence of riots in India proves it.

We may talk national but we fight local.
Facts may be uncomfortable to face. But that discomfort does not negate the existence of those facts.

The Muslims more than any other Indian community see themselves as a monolithic whole within the whole.

And oftentimes that whole is not limited to the Indian whole - or encumbered with it.

This ghetto insecurity is not new. Nor is it reactionary to majority threat. It stems from an entitlement syndrome. Of differentness at its most benign. Of superiority and exclusivism and incompatibilty at its malignant extreme.

Either way it precludes mixing, tolerance, empathy, open mindedness.

And it's not new. Pakistan was borne out of exactly this ghetto communal instinct.

Cheers, Doc

It isnt. Since one of the first signs of Ghetto insecurity is that it begins with claiming facts that are "true". Facts that it happened and somehow you were witness to it on a scale that no one else can fathom.It begins with dismissing all those that oppose these facts on the basis that they do not know or are incapable of understanding your facts. It begins with claiming facts on "forced conversions", Facts that talk of "appeasement", facts that belie social injustice.

But the penultimate proof of Ghetto mentality is blaming the little guy, blaming all others for their problems. Blaming being "enslaved", Blaming for a human tragedy known as Partition..and the final reek of ghettoism comes from when you finally are in a position of power; to take revenge, to dismiss all ideals of human value and decency in an effort to "get them back".

So yes, I do agree with you. It is ghettoism, but Im not sure who is inflicted with it.
Because as I say about "facts"; It is a fact that Summer comes around June/July.. and it is a fact that Summer comes in December/January... Just where these facts are valid is something only an astute observer can ascertain; something that besides your self appeasing and grandiose ideals of having "seen it all" and "been there/done that" are simply either too myopic to find out.. or perhaps in a less complementary way.. too pithy and spiteful to acknowledge.

In the end, I am not going to quote some age old philosopher with a cryptic ideal or some revolutionary..but rather a pretty movie-bound one because that it what seems to float with many Indians now.
"Madness, is like gravity"...

And this thread is plenty testament.. most Indians are caught by it.

The litmus test however, is no longer whether they can be treated for it; but as a record for the annals of history when those that write it a few hundred years from now; were they pushed into it, or did they jump willingly.
It isnt. Since one of the first signs of Ghetto insecurity is that it begins with claiming facts that are "true". Facts that it happened and somehow you were witness to it on a scale that no one else can fathom.It begins with dismissing all those that oppose these facts on the basis that they do not know or are incapable of understanding your facts. It begins with claiming facts on "forced conversions", Facts that talk of "appeasement", facts that belie social injustice.

But the penultimate proof of Ghetto mentality is blaming the little guy, blaming all others for their problems. Blaming being "enslaved", Blaming for a human tragedy known as Partition..and the final reek of ghettoism comes from when you finally are in a position of power; to take revenge, to dismiss all ideals of human value and decency in an effort to "get them back".

So yes, I do agree with you. It is ghettoism, but Im not sure who is inflicted with it.
Because as I say about "facts"; It is a fact that Summer comes around June/July.. and it is a fact that Summer comes in December/January... Just where these facts are valid is something only an astute observer can ascertain; something that besides your self appeasing and grandiose ideals of having "seen it all" and "been there/done that" are simply either too myopic to find out.. or perhaps in a less complementary way.. too pithy and spiteful to acknowledge.

In the end, I am not going to quote some age old philosopher with a cryptic ideal or some revolutionary..but rather a pretty movie-bound one because that it what seems to float with many Indians now.
"Madness, is like gravity"...

And this thread is plenty testament.. most Indians are caught by it.

The litmus test however, is no longer whether they can be treated for it; but as a record for the annals of history when those that write it a few hundred years from now; were they pushed into it, or did they jump willingly.


Since I'm on my phone and moto gp is just about to start, I'll keep it short.

Let's dump on the Hindus.


Cheers, Doc
What do you mean by that? Indians shouldn't be afraid of what the world thinks of their future cleansing programs. If the UN doesn't like genociding Muslims, it can go to Pakistan.

Here Indians have to think not the world because its about India and Indians.

Other nations are jealous of India and Indians because the Indian nation have achieved many things in the short period of time by being strong and displaying thier patience.

Jai Jawan - Jai Kishan have gave us the right place.
How stupid can you get? If you are right, and secularism is not permanent in India, there will be a generation that will conclude, sadly, that India was not permanent because it was not secular. .

I am interested to know why you believe that India would not survive?

India has survived until 1976 without these. What has changed now? Do you think the antinational forces are more powerful today than prior to 1976? Should I read this as your concern or a threat?

The Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976
Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Constitution (Forty-fourth Amendment) Bill, 1976 (Bill No. 91 of 1976) which was enacted as THE CONSTITUTION (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976
A Constitution to be living must be growing. If the impediments to the growth of the Constitution are not removed, the Constitution will suffer a virtual atrophy. The question of amending the Constitution for removing the difficulties which have arisen in achieving the objective of socio-economic revolution, which would end poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity, has been engaging the active attention of Government and the public for some years now.
2. The democratic institutions provided in the Constitution are basically sound and the path for progress does not lie in denigrating any of these institutions. However, there could be no denial that these institutions have been subjected to considerable stresses and strains and that vested interests have been trying to promote their selfish ends to the great detriment of public good.
3. It is, therefore, proposed to amend the Constitution to spell out expressly the high ideals of socialism, secularism and the integrity of the nation, to make the directive principles more comprehensive and give them precedence over those fundamental rights which have been allowed to be relied upon to frustrate socio-economic reforms for implementing the directive principles. It is also proposed to specify the fundamental duties of the citizens and make special provisions for dealing with anti-national activities, whether by individuals or associations.
4. Parliament and the State Legislatures embody the will of the people and the essence of democracy is that the will of the people should prevail. Even though article 368 of the Constitution is clear and categoric with regard to the all inclusive nature of the amending power, it is considered necessary to put the matter beyond doubt. It is proposed to strengthen the presumption in favour of the constitutionality of legislation enacted by Parliament and State Legislatures by providing for a requirements as to the minimum number of Judges for determining questions as to the constitutionality of laws and for a special majority of not less than two-thirds for declaring any law to be constitutionally invalid. It is also proposed to take away the jurisdiction of High Courts with regard to determination of Constitutional validity of Central laws and confer exclusive jurisdiction in this behalf on the Supreme Court so as to avoid multiplicity of proceedings with regard to validity of the same Central law in different High Courts and the consequent possibility of the Central law being valid in one State and invalid in another State.
5. To reduce the mounting arrears in High Courts and to secure the speedy disposal of service matters, revenue matters and certain other matters of special importance in the context of the socio-economic development and progress, it is considered expedient to provide for administrative and other tribunals for dealing with such matters while preserving the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in regard to such matters under article 136 of the Constitution. It is also necessary to make certain modifications in the writ jurisdiction of the High Courts under article 226.
6. It is proposed to avail of the present opportunity to make certain other amendments which have become necessary in the light of the working of the Constitution.
7. The various amendments proposed in the Bill have been explained in the notes on clauses.
8. The Bill seeks to achieve the above objects.
The 28th August, 1976.

The Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976 | National Portal of India
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