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Hindus, Muslims should fight poverty, not each other: PM Narendra Modi

You know I have often agreed with you in the past as to why things are the way they are.

The course you advocate would be akin to open heart surgery without anesthesia in midst of a burning hospital with India as the unfortunate patient.

Why is religion so important, I could never understand - there are plenty of things to fight for but religion shouldn't be on the list. It has no tangible value.

Anyway good luck!

It isn't about religion. It isn't about love of God (or of the Goddess). It's about a deep personal inadequacy that finds expression through the pleasure of hating someone and the pleasure of knowing that he and his loved ones are low life, to be hated, abused, bullied, beaten and then finally killed. These are sick people. All religious bigots and majoritarians, not just our lot.
@Joe Shearer

sorry for the offtopic, but I'm interested in your views on how Modi and Erdogan stack up

big terror bomb in Ankara, a media ban, and everyone's talking about right wing "islamist" conservative Erdogan..

different countries, cultures, economy but still.... what do you make ?

@everyone else too, btw.. modi and erdogan, what you think ? :big_boss:

India and Turkey are as distant as the North and South Pole

Turkey does not figure anwhere in the Indian consciousness
. .
Let me guess - you have been called an Islamophobic Hindutva bigot many a times in your life? :D

Among other things, yes.

They stop at Hindutvawadi, or lack conviction, because my being a Parsi confounds the issue in their eyes.

I care little for labels though.

Instinct serves me well. And when it smells, it shows pretty clearly on my face.
Perhaps this had to be done, in view of the massive blood shed at partition.
This is EXACTLY what the seculars thought then.

Now let me ask - the call for Direct Action was from the Muslim League. The country was partitioned on the demands of Muslims alone. Not the Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Parsees, Christians, animists, Buddhists etc...

Then why are the latter expected to pay the price for it? Especially why the Hindus and the Sikhs?
Well true, I may have spoken too soon - let the Bihar elections be over - if BJP wins then I will double down on my entreaties to Modi.

Muslims were appeased and are appeased still today, Hindus as a vote bank is too large to appeased generally and specifically only lower caste gets tangible benefits in terms of quota. A large section of Hindus like traders and others who are relatively well off as a community were not pandered to due to obvious reasons.

Some political and social parties fomented this hatred and sense of disenchantment with popular politics leading to where we are today.

So the answer lies in fair treatment to all right not more appeasement. It would seem that a lot of these adjective laden invectives by our intelligentsia are aimed only at The behaviors of the majority community. Minorities are human too, they behave badly too, sometimes really very badly and a little acknowledgement of that would go a long way, a little more balanced blame apportioning is a good idea IMO.
@Joe Shearer

Please dont worry about India

In your lifetime India will remain the same

But Nothing is permanent in this world

Neither the Mughals nor the British lasted for ever

and hence THIS appeasement driven and oriented secularism will also have to be CORRECTED

We WONT allow our country to be taken over
No, you may be individually but RSS demands primacy.
No it does not. It is the prime force already. Even when and if a Congress Govt (ever) comes. The numbers will be with the RSS. There are more Congressis in the RSS than are from the BJP. Shocking? True.
@Joe Shearer

sorry for the offtopic, but I'm interested in your views on how Modi and Erdogan stack up

big terror bomb in Ankara, a media ban, and everyone's talking about right wing "islamist" conservative Erdogan..

different countries, cultures, economy but still.... what do you make ?

@everyone else too, btw.. modi and erdogan, what you think ? :big_boss:

Unfortunately, I dislike both of them, for precisely the same reasons.

Modi has effectively betrayed our secular antecedents, which were, however, deeply flawed. We never brought in proper secularism, for wishy-washy sentimental reasons, but also for the reason that many of our independence heroes, in the Congress party, including Gandhi, were right-wing Hindus.

Erdogan, like Modi, made no bones about being a religion-centric leader, committed to bring back Islam to centre-stage, again reversing the decisions of their founding father, the Grey Wolf himself.

They operate in the same way, creeping, molecular infiltration, and intimidation of all opposed to them, all classes, groups and ethnic groups, professions, vocations.
This is EXACTLY what the seculars thought then.

Now let me ask - the call for Direct Action was from the Muslim League. The country was partitioned on the demands of Muslims alone. Not the Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Parsees, Christians, animists, Buddhists etc...

Then why are the latter expected to pay the price for it? Especially why the Hindus and the Sikhs?
As my mother said "life is not fair". Hindus make up 80% of the population, if you guys start behaving really badly the country will burn. Sorry but We expect you to suck it up to some extent. All democratic countries do. Given that, it makes my skin crawl when I hear people giving a completely free pass to the most atrocious behaviors of minorities. Minorities are not children, we can be expected to behave too.
India and Turkey are as distant as the North and South Pole

Turkey does not figure anwhere in the Indian consciousness
true, but I still see some parallels between the two leaders, don't you ?
No it does not. It is the prime force already. Even when and if a Congress Govt (ever) comes. The numbers will be with the RSS. There are more Congressis in the RSS than are from the BJP. Shocking? True.

I had no idea - Anyway I was speaking about Hindu Primacy in cruder words - Hindu First Philosophy. Not necessarily hateful but positive discrimination towards all Hindus.
My 'About me' here in this forum has not been changed. It was and remains 'Just a friendly Hindutvavadi'. I have never claimed otherwise. :)

I like him. He is honest and minces no words - like me. We get along fine and both have a good taste in spirits.

I am too sophisticated for the Sturm Abteilung. The Ahnnerbe may be... but then I despise superiority based on race.

If this had not been morbid, it would have been funny. You have gradations of like and dislike among fascists?

It is relative sir. It is desirable if you wish to reinforce secularism as Nehru envisaged. Only if we all become Nehru like in our Hindu-ness can that be possible. The only way for doing that is to weaken Hinduism directly. That opportunity, thankfully (for us), is gone by now.

Bluntly, all that clap-trap is worthless. You are just being triumphal. And that's fine with me.

Not the right approach. BJP may win. BJP may lose.
Either way lessons are to be learnt. :tup: Arrogance is not the solution. We should remain open to learn or re-learn lessons.
I had no idea - Anyway I was speaking about Hindu Primacy in cruder words - Hindu First Philosophy. Not necessarily hateful but positive discrimination towards all Hindus.
That would be dumb. A defeat of my life's purpose. :(
Modi has effectively betrayed our secular antecedents, which were, however, deeply flawed. We never brought in proper secularism, for wishy-washy sentimental reasons, but also for the reason that many of our independence heroes, in the Congress party, including Gandhi, were right-wing Hindus.

SO now you have problems even with Nehru
SO basically you are ANTI HINDU

Sir why dont you WRITE an Article under Your REAL name ; photograph and profile

Let us see your face and know your credentials
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