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Hindus fight to get justice for Muslims in Gujarat riots: The Great untold

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Why the hell Indian posters are trying to convince Pakistanis that Hindus and Muslims and Christians and Sikhs and others care for each other in India ...they will not believe... this is hard bound into their DNA that Hindus will always kill Muslims....even though its Muslims in Pakistan who have reduced Hindu Population to less than 1% from 16% in 1947.

They cry Minority minority against India but they give a crap to their Minorities...

Good Point. They ll never understand.
Apna ghar un se sambhlta nai, dusro par apne kaanun jhadenge.
Good Point. They ll never understand.
Apna ghar un se sambhlta nai, dusro par apne kaanun jhadenge.

You are trying to say that we should discuss Pakistan in this topic about india..i think tumari aqal gass churney ghi ha
Really he seem one of those guy you see in horror movie who give bali of muslim to please their devi mata

Huh dude you are talking about Pakistani movies right ?? ...Who the Heck gives Bali of muslim :woot::woot::woot: ..... You better name the movies .....Iam sure no Indian Movies ever depicted that in a good light or otherwise also ...but Pak movies...hmmm
I have two explainations !

1. Either the pakistani muslims breed at enormous rates and have outbred their hindu countrymen.
2. Or pakistani terrorists have lynched all hindus to near extermination or they have been forcefully converted.

You know it that u r just trolling. Similar statement have been made by Indian Hindus including Indra Gandhi that Indian Muslims breed at enormous rates, don't apply those rules on us.

Not more than you . The other day you posted the pics of a pakistani and a brazillian girl calling them indians :lol:
And what about that bihari girl who suddenly became south indian but actually turned out to be pakistani :rofl: . Still I can't help myself chuckle when I think bout that. You are the only chronic attention seeking liar on this forum .

Then you really suck at googling. That "moustache Indian girl" is a cult celebrity here in USA and majority of us recognize her.Doesn't matter if she is Bihari or South Indian, she is still Indian and I am in tears when I see her pics, the look on her face is hilarious and mustache is stunning!!

It is uttarakhand !:smokin:

eeeewwwww! Uttarkhand was part of Uttar Pradesh? :eek:
You know it that u r just trolling. Similar statement have been made by Indian Hindus including Indra Gandhi that Indian Muslims breed at enormous rates, don't apply those rules on us.

You couldn't come up with any explanation regarding the decline of hindus in pakistan so talking like this. I have given you two explanations . Either you accept the first point or the second . Its your choice.:enjoy:

The you really suck at googling. That "moustache Indian girl" is a cult celebrity here in USA and majority of us recognize her.Doesn't matter if she is Bihari or South Indian, she is still Indian and I am in tears when I see her pics, the look on her face is hilarious and that moustache is stunning!!

She is a PAKISTANI and you were caught with your **** down when you tagged her as Indian but she turned out to be pakistani . I had the biggest lol of my life at that instant . And its understandable that you were in tears after being humiliated so badly . Waise i have to agree that mustache on that pak* girl looked stunning :lol::pakistan:

eeeewwwww! Uttarkhand was part of Uttar Pradesh?

So ? You gonna fart ?
The situation of Shias in Pakistan is in no way comparable to that of Muslims in India.

I agree. It is far worse and getting even more worse. That is why boatloads of Shia are running off, many in ramshackle boats knowing that chances of making it across thousands of miles of ocean are pretty slim.

That was just inevitable in a way.

A bus journey for you in Pakistan will be statistically much more dangerous than almost any adventure activity in the world, including climbing the Everest with no mountaineering experience at all.

Thousands and thousands of them have been killed in Pakistan in inter sectarian violence. Many by PA supported Tanzeems. They roam free, obviously with the establishment winking and looking the other way.

This is not a new report:

You can go a few more years earlier in 1984 when General Zia sent his notorious lashkar led and supervised by no other than Brigadier Musharraf aka General Musharraf, the enlightened, the moderate. This proto-Talibanic lashkar not just burnt alive hundreds of the Shias of Gilgit, it burnt alive the animals too owned by the Shias. Of course, this can be justified because those animals were not human, Muslim, or Pakistani.

Talibanization of the heart | Pak Tea House

If one looks at just the facts, I had read a figure of 5600 Shia killed in the last decade, at least 5-6 years back. Now it would be much bigger number.

Many times more than the "different" Gujarat riot or any Hindu Muslim riot in India.

The NLI was used as sacrificial lambs by Musharraf (considering his role in the above Shia genocide, led by Osama Bin Laden) in kargil with no care for even their bodies? What does that show?

As for perceptions, we all have our own.

Eighteen bloodied bodies, shot Gestapo-style, lay by the roadside. Men in army uniforms had stopped four buses bound from Rawalpindi to Gilgit, demanding that all 117 persons on board alight.Those with Shia sounding names on their national identification cards were separated out. Minutes later it was all over; the earlier massacres of Hazara Shias in Mastung and Quetta had been repeated.

But with Shias and Ahmadis it was different. Whatever they might feel now, they were enthusiastic about Pakistan. Mr Jinnah, born a Gujrati Shia Muslim, believed that Muslims and Hindus could never live together peacefully but that Muslims, of course, could. Chaudhry Zafarullah Khan, an Ahmadi leader, was commended by Jinnah for having eloquently argued the Two-Nation theory, and then appointed by him in 1947 as Pakistan’s first foreign minister. Mr Jinnah died early, but Zafarullah Khan lived long enough to see disillusionment. The inevitable had happened: once the partition was complete, the question of which version of Islam was correct became bitterly contentious.

Until recently, Pakistan’s Shias did not have the self-image of a religious minority. They had joined Sunnis in supporting Mr Bhutto’s 1974 decision to declare Ahmadis as non-Muslim. But now they are worried. The Tribal Areas are convulsed in sectarian warfare: Kurram, Parachinar and Hangu (in the settled districts) are killing grounds for both Sunni and Shia, but with most casualties being Shia. City life has also become increasingly insecure and segregated; Karachi’s Shia neighborhoods are visibly barricaded and fortified.

At the Multan DPC rally on February 17, Khatm-e-Nabuwat leaders bayed for Ahmadi blood while sharing the stage with the famed Malik Ishaq, a self-acclaimed Shia-killer. Newspaper reports say Ishaq was freed last year after frightened judges treated him like a guest in the courtroom, offering him tea and biscuits. One judge attempted to hide his face with his hands. But after Ishaq read out the names of his children, the judge abandoned the trial.

Run for your life – The Express Tribune

So when you said "unfortunately for us" earlier, this is what is really unfortunate for you, what happens in your own Islamic countries.

Now what happens in other non Muslim countries. They are doing well thank you. They don't need your advice or even your concern.

Someone asked why Muslims are different from other minorities in India. The answer is that there is a long history of Muslim-Hindu conflict in India. Muslims came as invaders and ruled large parts of India for centuries. Many Hindus have not forgotten that and will never reconcile to the presence of Muslims.

Most Muslims in India are native converts. I will repeat what I said to you earlier on this issue.

Pakistanis are just Hindu converts as far as we are concerned.

Some of us think of them as self loaths, who surrendered their identity to all comers and hate the people who didn't do that. They need constant reassurance that they did the right thing, like all others who also went through similar experiences ;).

They had nothing to do with that barbarity in India, they were the first victims of it. They were just weaklings who surrendered (or were made to surrender) and became apologists for those who persecuted them.

At best you can say we have contempt for that mindset. No hatred.

That part is only for the actions of Pakistan.

BTW, the highlighted part in your post seems to suggest some invaders didn't belong to the land even after hundreds of years. They could never become Indian (or Pakistani for that matter). They just remained aliens, disease causing antigens, waiting to be thrown out by the native antibodies to regain the health.

But that is only for the barbaric invaders who could never assimilate. Not for native converts or those who became Indian in letter and spirit after all those hundreds of years.

Only fair?

After all, as non natives, it is their prerogative to assimilate. Not ours to overly accommodate such people. That is how it works all over.

It could have been much worse had the Dharmic people not been so tolerant. There are many examples around the world of such invaders and their collaborators and lackeys being treated in very different ways.

We don't owe them anything. Nothing at all. They only deserve a payback for the actions of their ancestors if they are still proud of them.

They could begin that by starting to apologize for all the fil.thy barbarity rather than being proud of it.

Some extremist Muslims might also throw that fact in the Hindus' face.

They may and as far as I am concerned, they can shove it. I can only have contempt for their identity crisis. Most Muslims in the subcontinent have more Indian blood than foreigner.

If there are still some "pure foreigners" left after a thousand years, I just hope they get a chance to get the hell out before the inevitable comes their way.

While there is sectarian violence against Shias in Pakistan, it is a new phenomenon in terms of scale. Shias are a very integrated part of Pakistani society from the military officer corps, to the media, to the fact that one of the two dynastic parties ruling Pakistan is Shia. For a 25% minority to hold a 50% stake in the ruling sweepstakes hardly speaks of marginalization.

Fantastic statistical analysis.

Just a wee bit problem with the sample size!

And of course, that minor ignoring of all the other facts, like the tens of thousands of Shia being killed all over Pakistan. With the establishment winking and looking the other way.

BTW with your explanation here, can I consider Zaradari to be a true representative of Shia in general?

Or the treatment of the Shia Bhutto family by the PA as representative of their love of the Shia?

And most Pakistanis' tremendous love for him as their love for Shia as well? ;)

Contrast that with India, where one of the two ruling parties makes no bones about its appeal to sectarian hatred. It purports to protect 'Hindu' interests from poaching by minorities. It is a blatant play on people's prejudices.

Well, you may contrast all you want. I don't even want to bring all facts from your Islamic world and Pakistan here.

Suffice to say, you have much to do before you can aspire to the standards of the "worst of creation" on whom you keep on making unceasing and ever increasing demands, disregarding your own reality.

The contrast will not be in your favor if we were to really do it.

And my question again:

So, would it be fair for me to say that as a Shia you have to "jump ever higher to prove your loyalty and patriotism"?

That you need need to prove your "anti Zionist" credentials more than others because Shiasim is charged with being a Jewish conspiracy to destroy Islam from within?

If yes, why should we give you any credence?

If no, why not?
Discussion should be in positive way, based on technical, logical facts not like you do... Posting some stupid blogs or video is not a way of discussion.

You are trying to say that we should discuss Pakistan in this topic about india..i think tumari aqal gass churney ghi ha
There are muslims in shiv sena as well .,, shiv sena or what ever .... i am a proud indian

There are few Hindus in Popular front movemnt too [ a Kerala wahabi party ]

Its all politics and power mongering
Pakistani internet terrorist on the loose. Sheesh the amount of religious indoctrination and hatred these morons receive from childhood is astounding.

Indian Muslims don't fall in the category of Bangladeshis and Pakistanis after all they love to serve Chinese even after the Ramadan ban and killing of Muslims in China. Their Ummah concept is not applicable for China.
Indian Muslims don't fall in the category of Bangladeshis and Pakistanis after all they love to serve Chinese even after the Ramadan ban and killing of Muslims in China. Their Ummah concept is not applicable for China.

China had applied for special exmption from the ummah feelings a decade back....seems a few years back they successfully got the permission...since India havent applied for it yet the Ummah is legally obliged to to be raucous when a indian muslim is pricked

[Mods- iam trolling.........for humour sake , i havent insulted anyone or any country ...but feel free to delete it if you find moi trolling :partay: ]
Every documentary especially by these foreign channels have a ulterior motive. The Aussie media especially likes to potray a grim pic of Indian minorites after graham staines was killed.

Actually, Mr. Developero is the first one to point out the propaganda machine nature of these channels.

Except perhaps when they say what he wants to hear!

The crucial point is that the Shia killing in Pakistan is a manifestation of the general lawlessness. All kinds of killings go on in Karachi and elsewhere. The government can't provide electricity, jobs, education, security -- nothing!

In this general lawlessness, any kind of extremist will run amok, and they do. But the fact remains that Shia are represented in Pakistani society -- at all levels and in all spheres of public life -- well beyond their numbers. There is no institutionalized discrimination.

Anyway, this is not about Shia, so let's move on.

It is not!

Shias killed in Gilgit - YouTube

It is targeted killing.

The killers were shouting "kaffir shia, kaffir shia" when they killed 22 Shia in Gilgit recently. ANd it was not the lone instance.

While it is true that it is not about Shia, it should not be about cheap point scoring by flogging the same dead horse over and over.

Give it a rest. Its been more than a decade already!

I knew you are weak in geography and history but your maths is equally pathetic. In 1951 percent of hindus in pakistan was 22 % . and in 1941 hindu % of east bengal was 28 % which would have declined to near 20-22 % in 1951 because of migration of hindus to india . Now think that percent of hindus in united pak and east pak both was around 22 % . So it means that pencent of hindus in west pakistan was also near 20-22 % .

You pakistanis are really poor in academics . Maybe u should apply that coconut oil in your head to increase brain power .:rofl:

There is no question that West Pakistan started its life with ethnic cleansing of Hindus and Sikhs and they reduced from 100% before the Islamic invaders to ~20% in 1947 to about 1% after that.

It is really a marvel of hypocrisy that they have the gall to make unceasing, ever increasing demands on us kaffirs, the "worst of creation"!
Indian Muslims don't fall in the category of Bangladeshis and Pakistanis after all they love to serve Chinese even after the Ramadan ban and killing of Muslims in China. Their Ummah concept is not applicable for China.

China is a non religious country you farthead. They dont do Buddhist rituals in the state ceremony neither their state provide any special treatment to any religion. So its fair for Muslim to give up some freedom in China like every other religion. India does not fall into that category moron.
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