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Hinduism and Talibanism:Did hindus destroyed Buddhist& jain temples?

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When it come to hindus you cry foul and shout in unison "close the thread"....otherwise you people go bashing Islam in every thread.

This thread is not a hindu bashing thread its objectivity is derived from Auranzeb's thread.

You should talk the Sikhs and see what they have to say about the most benevolent Aurungzeb. I say try praising Aurungzeb infront of the Sikhs! :D
You are a perfect example of what kind of effect a particular religious preaching can have on a normal human being!!
An d you are the perfect example of what hindutva has done to india and is eating into the soul of hinduism and india.
he he this is not enitrely true. I come from a place in kerala which has the two remaining statues of budha. Years before he was missing because a drunkard in fit of bhakthi wanted to take him home but in between lost somewhere. He was not able to recall where. After some years while cleaning temple pond budha reappeared. Now he is in prominent place in the temple. :-)
I have heard that the kodungalloor bharanipattu has some relation to hindu revivalism as the poojaris and people used to go there and do gaali on the forests. The forests nearby used to have budhists.
sankara used to thrive in intellectual duels and the duel used to have this condition of looser commiting suicide. That was the rule of the time.
Budhists are agnostics and hence it is not right to say they are close to islam. Truth is what sankara taught is very close to islam.

(Ruins of Krishna Temple, Vijayanagara - victim of Islamic vandalism)

What you(your forefathers) were doing when these rulers were invading and destroying these temples? Why blame others for your weakness? There is no point of blaming them now after they all went in their graves. You should have fight with them when they were alive
what you(your forefathers) were doing when these rulers were invading and destroying these temples? Why blame others for your weakness? There is no point of blaming them now after they all went in their graves. You should have fight with them when they were alive

So today that Hindus are in the driving seat, should we go and destroy all the mosques? :rolleyes:
they are not lies and its called perceptions of history which is hardly objective. Just like history of partition perceived by British is not same as perceived by peoples of sub continent . Your hero bhagat singh was their villain and your traitor was their hero :)

He he he.....It wasn't me who said Pakistanis feed lies to their children......I only wanted confirmation.......
Based on what? Some bs theory spouted by some AMU leftist professor? :lol:
Why not? if Hindus sources are admissible in esistence of Ram telple in Ayodhya as a reason to destroy Babari masjid so why not AMU leftist professor's theory.You cant be slelective about lapping up whatever shoots you and throw away whichever is againstyou.
Why not? if Hindus sources are admissible in esistence of Ram telple in Ayodhya as a reason to destroy Babari masjid so why not AMU leftist professor's theory.You cant be slelective about lapping up whatever shoots you and throw away whichever is againstyou.

Mob violence is not a source, if it was there would be a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya today. Read the High Court Ruling, the Hindu claim isn't exactly baseless.
Thats over simplification. So Brahmans said you are inferior and everyone went yeah ok cool. :rolleyes:

Class divide existed in every society, region. India isn't alone. Read about feudalism in Europe and Japan.
You didn't get my point. The discrimination started very slowly....remember Ram eating Shabri ke ber.....the point of Shabri's existence was the existence of lower class and the benevolence of the upper caste.

Its not that they said you are inferior and you are superior in one day and everyone went to their homes.

Look at how few practices were modified by Rishis...like having fast....it was based on science that not eating one day is good for health, but common man can easily be influenced if its added to religious practice.

Same with artificial rain making yagyas, many yagyas which were performed were based on science....but presented differently.
^^^What excuse did the Pakistanis have?


And as of now,

Oh come on you cant be selective let me show you something 20 yrs back what hindus did.

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So today that Hindus are in the driving seat, should we go and destroy all the mosques? :rolleyes:

whatever but my point was no use of crying over split milk and to be honest no one can invade and rule with love and kindness because you get peoples who oppose your invasion and you have to take stand against them
I doubt you or your countrymen posses a rock, that we Indians can't handle. As far as communal bigotry is concerned, we can't even start competing with you. You clearly take the cake with plunders,rapists, mass murders such as Taimur the lame, Ghauri , Ghazni and ilk. You are not only proud of the death and destruction they caused but literally hero worship them, for their acts.
Babari masjid was before the bamyan buddha.
If so why hinduism didnot get eliminated?brahmans to used to interfere in politics.your premise falls flat on this interference theory.

You tend to equate Saivism and Vaisnavism with Brahmin domination. Atleast in Tamilnadu, the revival of Saivism/Vaisavism in the late part of the first millenium which was also one more reason for decline of jainism and buddhism in Tamilnadu was brought by the 75 apostles(63 Nayamars and 12 Alwars) and they came from different castes including untouchable castes.

For example, Appar, a famous Nayanar was originally a jain. He converted to Saivism later and also converted the famous Pallava king, Mahendra varma. Likewise, Siruthondar, another Nayanar is a famous general of Mamalla varma, his son, after whom the port city of Mamallapuram was built and is famous for its 7th/8th century temples.

And the Nayanars influenced the Chola kings, who in turn influenced the South East Asia with Hinduism (the sanskriti names in Indonesia is due to this reason).
What you(your forefathers) were doing when these rulers were invading and destroying these temples? Why blame others for your weakness? There is no point of blaming them now after they all went in their graves. You should have fight with them when they were alive

Idiot, my fore fathers fought against mofo invaders and that's the reason we are today what we were for centuries.. We didn't started licking the behinds of Arab Turk invaders like you (your forefather)..
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