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Hinduism and Talibanism:Did hindus destroyed Buddhist& jain temples?

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^^^What excuse did the Pakistanis have?


And as of now,

This shows they are heroes, saviors and thekedars of Islam.. Idols, statues have no place and respect in the land of purest of the pure..
Ohh cut out the self righteous Bull..IF an account of the atrocities committed by Islamic invaders through the history just in the subcontinent itself is presented, you will find difficult to show your face.

People living in glass houses, should not throw stones at others!!
Indians started throwing the stones first in Auranzaib thread now when you are getting big rocks thrown on you in reply you suddenly came to remember the glass house......:rolleyes:
Regardless of whoever did it first, its not justified, and indeed it is something that was very common in the medieval ages where the conqueror would loot, rape, and pillage the conquered, however there are many examples in the past where the conqueror showed mercy to the conquered like Salahudin Ayubi who allowed all the Christians of the holy land as well as the Crusaders to take their wealth, their slaves, and their women with them safely under the guard of his army despite 100 years prior to that Crusaders butchered every Muslim man, woman, and child in the Holy Land to an extent that the blood reached ankles of their horses (as documented by a Christian Priest).

And not so long ago did the conquerors loot, rape, and pillage the conquered, as was in the case of Allied/Communist occupation of Germany after WW2 where you had Russian soldiers raping more than 2 million German women, where 1.9 million German POW's were starved to their deaths by General Eisenhower weeks after the war was over, where German civilians were being kicked out of their homes, their property looted by allied soldiers as was documented by General George S. Patton himself in the Patton Papers.

The thing is, the Taliban have their side of the story, they have their reason as to why they demolished the Buddha Statues.

People fail to note that the Taliban came into power in Afghanistan in 1996, the Bamiyan Statues were demolished in 2001, why didn't the Taliban destroy the statues in the previous 5-6 years of their rule in Afghanistan if indeed the motive was a religious one?

Moreover, prior to the Taliban there were Islamic Empires that ruled that land, why didn't they demolish those statues? Why didn't those Islamic invaders who plundered indian cities demolish those statues in Afghanistan?

People just love to jump on to the Islam bashing bandwagon and use it to hide the misdeeds of their own.

I'm no fan of the Taliban, because it wasn't me who equated Jalaludin Haqqani (the current most wanted Taliban commander by the US) to America's founding fathers, it was Ronald Reagan who did, and so did so many Americans who supported Haqqani and Mullah Omar in their holy war against the Godless Commie's. But now Jallaludin Haqqani is a terrorist and Taliban (who are composed of former Muj from the 1980's) are Islamic extremists who destroyed statues because it was "against Islam".

Now, i'm sure the world isn't blind to what's going on in Libya and now Syria. Islamist fundamentalists backed by the West and its Arab allies to overthrow secular governments. The same was the case with the Taliban, they were pawns and now they are terrorists extremist islamists. Are Americans worried about the Syrian Christians and other non-Muslims of Syria who will suffer under the regime of the extremists they and their allies are so ardently supporting?

Al-qaeda was actively involved in Libya and now they are pouring into Syria with the weapons NATO helped them capture in Libya.

well how many old temples are there in India these days and why they were left spare for Offbeat by cruel invaders ?

Peoples always look at one side of the story and get emotional. Most of them have generalized views about the things which they have been taught in books and told by elders. Mughal empires were not strong internally. This applies on almost every Mughal Emperor from Babur to Aurangzeb and their internal integrity was too weak and continued through the centuries and they could not not focus on welfare of their people because they were constantly threatened by insurgencies in their empires. Most of the times they even fought among themselves for throne. When west was busy in development in science and technology, east was busy in settling old and creating new disputes and rivalries among themselves.
People fail to note that the Taliban came into power in Afghanistan in 1996, the Bamiyan Statues were demolished in 2001, why didn't the Taliban destroy the statues in the previous 5-6 years of their rule in Afghanistan if indeed the motive was a religious one?

They would have destroyed the statues sooner or later....as they are religious extremists and the statues were against their religious beliefs....
why they chose that particular date, is unknown....probably, according to Muslim calender, it was an 'auspicious' date for 'good' deeds....LOL
No matter what conspiracy theories you believe in....the Taliban themselves declared that they were destroying the statues as they were against Islam..

Moreover, prior to the Taliban there were Islamic Empires that ruled that land, why didn't they demolish those statues? Why didn't those Islamic invaders who plundered indian cities demolish those statues in Afghanistan?

Those statues were too big(literally) and strong to be destroyed by any means available then....
The OP has some serious issues here She is too obsessed with Hinduism, I see a lot of hate for the religion in her for which I see a few reasons.
1. She has a lot of regret About her Conversion from Hinduism to Islam that she is spewing hate to convince herself that she has done the right thing.
2. Insecurity/jealousy
3. Encountered with the wrong set of people from the religion.
4. Madrasa's changed her mind.

What ever it is she requires therapy.
My choices my personal matter.Atleast i know the teachings from two religions.much better than you.

Now when i show you the other side of the coin and showed you the mirror you suddenly start abusing...so good of being hindu..:rolleyes:

I must say people like you only bring bad name to the hinduism.
Here's whats left of the 7th Century Martand Surya(Sun) Temple in Kashmir.


The temple was completely destroyed by Sikandar Butshikan in early 15th century. It took one year for Sikander Butshikan to fully damage and destroy this Martand temple.
My choices my personal matter.Atleast i know the teachings from two religions.much better than you.

Now when i show you the other side of the coin and showed you the mirror you suddenly start abusing...so good of being hindu..:rolleyes:

I must say people like you only bring bad name to the hinduism.

You are a perfect example of what kind of effect a particular religious preaching can have on a normal human being!!
Utter bull. Are the Muslims trying to argue that Hindus are iconoclast...and destroyed the Bhuddas in Afghan?
Muslims are trying to argue that hindus are not so doodh ka dhula when it comes to destroying places of worship.

Perhaps the difference b/w us and you is that you hero worship those Islamic plunderers and murders and are proud of them infact so much that you name your weapon systems after them.

Where as we do not even want to be linked to intolerant Hindus, those who might have carried out such acts, that is why we do not advertise them.
We are neither proud what they might/might not have done, nor do we look up to them.
Oh sure you do the hero worshi of shivaji,maharana prtap, and prathvi raj chauhan.
This is just one point of view, doesn't make it the truth. These leftist historians are known for manipulating the history to peddle their bs.
ok now you do one thing..like pakistan change the books and feed historic lies to your children
PDF forum quality is fucked up..and i am surprised Zakii did not close this thread but rather deleted some posts.
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