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Hinduism and Talibanism:Did hindus destroyed Buddhist& jain temples?

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Hey Vedas were apparently written by the Brahmans too, so who is to say who manipulated what? Its not exactly God's words is it?

Religion can't be stagnant, it needs to evolve with time, you can call it manipulation if you like.
Actually I had talk with a hard core Bhrahmin, very learned guy, the way bhrahmins are projected in Vedas were not actually in the original work, but as only bhrahmin knew those vedas, they made changes....do you remember Varna system, where all varna have different jobs...but soon the distinction was made to consider who is better who is not...
ok now you do one thing..like pakistan change the books and feed historic lies to your children

Uh yeah right because the leftist jholawadis haven't already? There are many reasons for the decline of Buddhism in India, well documented and researched, I don't get two shytes about what someone publishes in Milli Gazette!:rofl:

so there were only 5 temples in India after the death of last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar ?

I am talking about old temples, grand ones.
Here is what my limited understanding is -

These are the major religions which existed during in the 1st millennium in South India - Saivism, Vaisnavism, Jainism, Buddhism.(Islam was there in the coastal areas of now Kerala but was not prominent enough).

The reason why Buddhism got eradicated was because of the interference of the monks in the politics and tried to be king makers. The reason why Jainism was gotten rid of was due to the tantric practices by Jain monks which scared the kings and people alike. Even among saivism, the South Indian kings got rid of a sect called Kabalika (the Agoris are an offshoot of this sect) due to the human sacrifice practices by this sect.
If so why hinduism didnot get eliminated?brahmans to used to interfere in politics.your premise falls flat on this interference theory.
This shows they are heroes, saviors and thekedars of Islam.. Idols, statues have no place and respect in the land of purest of the pure..

You are right and i also don't know why they still keeping the sites of Indus valley civilisation . Why they don't give them in your thekedaris Mullah jbhond?
ok now you do one thing..like pakistan change the books and feed historic lies to your children

So you agree that Pakistanis feed historic lies to their children.....
Indians started throwing the stones first in Auranzaib thread now when you are getting big rocks thrown on you in reply you suddenly came to remember the glass house......:rolleyes:

I doubt you or your countrymen posses a rock, that we Indians can't handle. As far as communal bigotry is concerned, we can't even start competing with you. You clearly take the cake with plunders,rapists, mass murders such as Taimur the lame, Ghauri , Ghazni and ilk. You are not only proud of the death and destruction they caused but literally hero worship them, for their acts.
^^^^actually they are at the receiving end of it....
Actually I had talk with a hard core Bhrahmin, very learned guy, the way bhrahmins are projected in Vedas were not actually in the original work, but as only bhrahmin knew those vedas, they made changes....do you remember Varna system, where all varna have different jobs...but soon the distinction was made to consider who is better who is not...

Thats over simplification. So Brahmans said you are inferior and everyone went yeah ok cool. :rolleyes:

Class divide existed in every society, region. India isn't alone. Read about feudalism in Europe and Japan.
You are right and i also don't know why they still keeping the sites of Indus valley civilisation . Why they don't give them in your thekedaris Mullah jbhond?

Destroy IVC sites for all I care as there mere presence will take the shine of purest of the pure go dull.. don't insult people with the derogatory words like "Mullah".. It's a Islamic thing so better keep it in your fold..

(Ruins of Krishna Temple, Vijayanagara - victim of Islamic vandalism)
So you agree that Pakistanis feed historic lies to their children.....

they are not lies and its called perceptions of history which is hardly objective. Just like history of partition perceived by British is not same as perceived by peoples of sub continent . Your hero bhagat singh was their villain and your traitor was their hero :)
PDF forum quality is fucked up..and i am surprised Zakii did not close this thread but rather deleted some posts.
When it come to hindus you cry foul and shout in unison "close the thread"....otherwise you people go bashing Islam in every thread.

This thread is not a hindu bashing thread its objectivity is derived from Auranzeb's thread.

(Ruins of Somnath Temple, Gujarat - victim of Islamic vandalism)
If so why hinduism didnot get eliminated?brahmans to used to interfere in politics.your premise falls flat on this interference theory.
Actually you forget to note the following words "they tried to be king makers". Bhrahmins always played smart with Kshatriyas, the ruling class so its clear to understand they survived....also the belief of Khatriyas on our scriptures and importance of Bhrahmins mentioned in those works and in the culture, made them pretty secure.
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