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Hinduism and Talibanism:Did hindus destroyed Buddhist& jain temples?

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This thread gonna go messier on Hinduism which you guys wont be able to take it.

Listen lady you are not the only one in a inter faith marriage. Am married to Muslim girl, I didn't ask her to convert for me neither do I expect her to go and proselytize about Hinduism on random internet forums!:lol:

So yeah make it messier, you ll find many like me to counter your bs. I am not even a practising Hindu but my dad is, so was my granddad and all my ancestors. So its my duty to defend these people and what they believe in. No amount of bs propoganda is going to deter us. Give us your best shot.
This thread gonna go messier on Hinduism which you guys wont be able to take it.

Fine bring it on!!..let see your bigotry out in open.Lets count skeleton in our closets.
If Brahmans didn't tell which job is better and which is not (am not sure if they actually did say something like that) people would have figured it out themselves.

Did Europe have Brahmans to telll them that Feudal Lords are the top dogs and then comes the serfs and peasants? Nah they didn't, they figured it out themselves. Just like in today's world people figure out that the Millionaires are the top dogs and a taxi driver the runt. That doctors and teachers and professors command more respect in society than say a peon.
You are comparing different things buddy....I think evolution of Caste system should be created as another thread....coz it was not as simple as that..the gradual change in status of these castes is a long topic.........you can't compare Europe with Indian subcontinent, philosophy and science of both regions where different.....
No i showed example of babari masjid against that those examples of budha at jehanabad,.

Ok, so for the example below what counter example can you show....

I think so. Even then, I have heard/seen other atrocities on dalits but not this.

I don't doubt that exist too, but what I had read it said muslims (didn't say common...but that it would happen)
This thread gonna go messier on Hinduism which you guys wont be able to take it.

Where did you run away.......to Pakistan.......LOL
Bring it on....we're waiting.....
Where did you run away.......to Pakistan.......LOL
Bring it on....we're waiting.....
She is gone buddy.....and it would be good if we keep the discussion on Hinduism...as there are many things even Hindus don't know about their religion....and ugly side of it that got introduced...
This thread gonna go messier on Hinduism which you guys wont be able to take it.

I think you don't have any idea about " ADVAITA " . No religion in this world can stand against this .....
Comeon ajtr we are waiting
give us your best shot
Idiot, my fore fathers fought against mofo invaders and that's the reason we are today what we were for centuries.. We didn't started licking the behinds of Arab Turk invaders like you (your forefather)..

Yea thats why you are today posting pictures of mandirs and crying about what Muslim invaders did centuries ago..If your fore fathers were brave enough then they would never be ruled for centuries ..admit thsi harsh reality

I believe may be if you internet warrior was there then they don't dare to commit any atrocities
Yea thats why you are today posting pictures of mandirs and crying about what Muslim invaders did centuries ago..If your fore fathers were brave enough then they would never be ruled for centuries ..admit thsi harsh reality

I believe may be if you internet warrior was there then they don't dare to commit any atrocities
You don't have to get to his level by using these statements...rather report him...stay cool like you mostly do....

Also edit your post too....it was a flame bait...to be honest...

You don't have to get to his level by using these statements...rather report him...stay cool like you mostly do....


Stick your nose out of the discussion that does not involve you.. You may like to hear bullshit about your forefathers not me..
She is gone buddy.....and it would be good if we keep the discussion on Hinduism...as there are many things even Hindus don't know about their religion....and ugly side of it that got introduced...

You are absolutely wrong.....
You think the decline of Buddhism is due to Hinduism as the OP claimed, which you're calling as the 'ugly side of Hinduism'

Even without considering the Islamic atrocities on Buddhists, from only Hindu perspective, there are two main reasons behind the so called 'decline' of Buddhism in India, its birth place.......

Firstly if you analyze carefully, you'll find that the countries where Buddhism as a religion gained immense popularity were religiously/spiritually 'vacant'......Buddhism wasn't supposed to be a religion, but they modified it according to their needs and made it into a religion...
Buddhism, like all other Dharmic religions stemmed from Hinduism....i.e India was already spiritually occupied when Buddhist philosophy arose....

Secondly, Hindus absorbed Buddhism, we worship Lord Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu....thus Buddhism became indistinguishable from Hinduism in India......

Thirdly, Buddhism has not been eradicated from India, despite of all the above facts, the present 'pure' Buddhist population of India is quite significant when compared to many Buddhist countries...
Why whatever now? You are essentially saying that "might is right" so don't whine about it and shut up. Has to be the worst justification. Hindus can go out and destroy all the Mosques and when the next generation of Muslims come we can just tell them hey why cry about it now your forefathers were weaklings so you should blame them..

Well you can go and try if you can afford another Hindu vs Muslim clash in India as we seen in Gujarat riots and well you can destroy another Babri mosque and would see the result. Might is right in the past and it is still in the present . Muslims don't cry why mongol destroyed Islamic caliphate and destroyed Baghdad but you guys have this habit of whining day and night about something happened centuries ago
Stick your nose out of the discussion that does not involve you.. You may like to hear bullshit about your forefathers not me..
Just don't want to see you in Pink....I hear worse....better don't give them the satisfaction by getting angry....I like your posts....and sorry if I offended you....
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