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Hindu terrorism neglected by Obama

so u r saying International lives are more precious than Indian lives

Stop living in denial and accept that there are some radical elements in organizations like RSS,VHP etc which do not have best interests of secular India at heart..

The topic at hand is.....

Obama neglects Hindu Terrorism.....

My reply suggests.....the problem is ours....why should it feature in Obama's criteria list?

I provide my POV on why it shouldnt be an "international concern" as opposed to the OPs suggestion....simple!

Im assuming you're reading out of context...

Anyways...my views are hardline in many instances....NEVER when it comes to religious bigotry!
Hindu Terrorism is still terrorism. Hindu Tamil suicide bombers trained by the RAW did a lot of terrorism in Sri Lanka, but Indians are saying they always do hindu terrorism in India.
Tamil tigers were not a hindu terror organisation they were fighting for ethnic tamils and had muslims and christians in their cadre also.
Tamil tigers were not a hindu terror organisation they were fighting for ethnic tamils and had muslims and christians in their cadre also.

96% Tamils are Hindus and please do not try to hide the suicide bombings of the LTTE and the Hindu Terrorism in Sri Lanka.

---------- Post added at 06:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 AM ----------

Killing of christians by hindu terror

Last edited by a moderator:
oops i never meant to thank you lol your case does not stand up because Tamils are fighting for an ethnic homeland for tamils not a hindu religious war etc

88% Hindu, 6% Christian, 5.5% Muslim (for Tamil Nadu alone) and your numbers are wrong.
Hindu Terrorism is still terrorism. Hindu Tamil suicide bombers trained by the RAW did a lot of terrorism in Sri Lanka, but Indians are saying they always do hindu terrorism in India.

Stop your idiocy.. Then you'll call maoist as hindu terrorists too? Why do you bring religion into everything? Ugh
96% Tamils are Hindus and please do not try to hide the suicide bombings of the LTTE and the Hindu Terrorism in Sri Lanka.

---------- Post added at 06:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 AM ----------

Killing of christians by hindu terror

YouTube - killing of christians by hindu terror

The Sri Lankan conflict has nothing to do with religion, please get your facts straight. Dont try to be too smart with words and a couple of youtube videos.
The Sri Lankan conflict has nothing to do with religion, please get your facts straight. Dont try to be too smart with words and a couple of youtube videos.

Indian funded and trained LTTE Hindu suicide bombers had created enough havoc in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanks is a friendly country and requested Pakistan to assist with the final assault. Pakistani Al-Khalid tanks, Pakistani made APCs, Pakistan Multi-Launch Rocket Systems, artillery and Pakistani officers and pilot assisted in the final phase of assualt to defeat the Indian backed insurgency.


---------- Post added at 07:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 AM ----------

Pakistan joins other foreigners in Sri Lanka's war
[TamilNet, Saturday, 14 June 1997, 23:59 GMT]
The Tamil Tigers say they have independent confirmation that Pakistani officers are involved in planning the current Sri Lankan army offensive in the Vanni. The Pakistanis join several other foreign elements involved in Sri Lanka's war in the Tamil homelands.

South AsiaIn a statement, the LTTE said that "Pakistani officials converged at Sri Lanka's Anuradhapura army headquarters immediately prior to the launch of the military offensive, which has now run into difficulties following Tuesday's LTTE strike at Thandikulam."

Both Sri Lanka and Pakistan have, denied the charge, citing different reasons: Pakistan said the war was an 'internal matter' in which Pakistan would not involve itself and the Sri Lankans said they did not need any foreign assistance.

Neither reason is borne out by recent developments in the region. Pakistan has been repeatedly accused by India of involvement in the Kashmiri conflict. Pakistan is also known to be involved in the Afghanistan's conflict, backing the fundamentalist Taleban militia. The Sri Lankan government has solicited support from the United States and Indian military and several East European mercenaries are active on the island.

The Pakistani officials denied the LTTE claim at a press briefing in Islamabad. In Colombo, a spokesman from the Pakistani High Commission also told the Reuters agency ``We totally deny it. The conflict is an internal affair of Sri Lanka. Pakistan does not interfere in the internal matter of any country".

However, it is an open secret the Islamabad has been instrumental in providing weapons, funds and training to the Taleban militia in Afghanistan. A correspondent for the (London) Times has seen Pakistani intelligence personnel (distinctive in their suits) within Afghanistan.

The India government has also repeatedly accused the Pakistani's of backing the Kashmiri insurgency, and the area has seen sporadic artillery fire exchanges between the two countries.

Pakistan also considers Sri Lanka an ally, and the two countries have assisted each other in the past. The spokesman also told Reuters ``We would be the last country to interfere in the internal affairs of a friendly country like Sri Lanka,''

Pakistani jets are believed to have refueled in Colombo during bombing missions into India in the last Indo-Pakistan war. Pakistan has rushed ammunition and other equipment to Sri Lanka during previous offensives against the LTTE. Many Sri Lankan officers are trained in Pakistan (ironically as well as in India).

The Sri Lankans said they did not need outside assistance in the war. The Sri Lankan military spokesman told the AFP news agency "We are quite capable of sorting things out on our own militarily as far as the LTTE is concerned".

However, several foreign elements are assisting the Sri Lankan military. The US embassy in Colombo recently confirmed that several US officers, had been involved in training the Sri Lankan army. In 1991, Sri Lanka formed a close alliance with China, and several naval craft and aircraft have been delivered, along with support personnel.

In addition, Western defense analysts say that Israeli and Ukrainian personnel are maintaining the Sri Lankan Air Force's aircraft. Recent attempts to hand over to Sinhalese technicians have contributed to a drop in standards and the loss of several aircraft.

A US company, Lioncorp, is flying cargo in SLAF An-24 transports from Colombo to Palali, as the Sri Lankans are desperately short of pilots. Ukrainian and Russian pilots are also flying other Sri Lankan aircraft in combat. At least one air crash has been attributed to 'language difficulties' between Sri Lankan and foreign pilots.

An Mi-24 gunship recently shot down by the LTTE was being flown by two Russian mercenaries. The SLAF has been also been attempting to recruit foreign nationals who are seeking to build up flying hours to qualify for advanced pilot's licenses.

In February 1996, the Indian navy tracked an LTTE supply ship and were in attendance when Sri Lankan aircraft and gunboats sank it. The Indians previously intercepted another LTTE supply ship (which was scuttled) in defiance of international shipping law: an Indian court recently ruled that the interception was illegal.

In the mid-Eighties, the Sri Lankan government hired several hundred British and South African mercenaries to fight the Tigers. The South Africans arranged the supply of armored vehicles and other equipment from the Apartheid regime. However, following repeated atrocities by the undisciplined Sri Lankan army, the mercenaries resigned en masse.

Sri Lanka fends off international concern about the high intensity conflict and offers of mediation with the dismissive claim that the island war is an 'internal' matter. However, the range of nationalities of the foreigners serving with the Sri Lankan military makes the conflict a truly international one.

TamilNet: 14.06.97 Pakistan joins other foreigners in Sri Lanka's war
Lanka Defeats LTTE With Pakistan's Help

President Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka celebrated victory Tuesday after defeating the LTTE's 25-year long and bloody insurgency against the Lankan government. LTTE terrorists' main contribution to the world of terror is their invention of the dreaded explosives belt that unleashed the scourge of world-wide suicide bombings.

Initially trained and supported by Raw, the Indian intelligence agency, in the 1980s, the Tamil Tigers met their bloody end at the hands of Lankan military using arms ma nufactured and supplied by Pakistan.

Alarmed by reports of Pakistani arms supplies to Sri Lanka in 2008, India said it wanted Sri Lanka to treat Tamils with dignity and also voiced concern that Colombo’s arms purchases may upset New Delhi’s “pre-eminent position” in South Asia. “We are facing a situation where the ceasefire (in Sri Lanka) could collapse. This could lead to a flashpoint,” National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan said while delivering the 25th Air Chief Marshal P.C. Lal memorial lecture.

India refused to supply what it considered "offensive weapons" to Sri Lanka and opposed any military solution of the "ethnic conflict" while urging Colombo to devolve autonomy to the minorities.

According the News quoting reliable sources in Pakistan, military cooperation between Sri Lanka and Pakistan has grown significantly in recent years as Islamabad, unlike New Delhi, has had no problems supplying Sri Lanka's army state-of-the-art weaponry to accelerate its counter-insurgency operations against the LTTE which finally ended with the killing of the most wanted Tamil guerrilla fighter Vellupillai Prabhakaran. The sources say it was exactly a year ago in the first week of May 2008 that Sri Lankan Army Chief General Fonseka came to Pakistan with his shopping list of high tech arms for the Lankan armed forces, who were engaged in an intense battle with the Tamil Tiger rebels at the time.

After Fonseca's visit, Pakistan sold 22 Al-Khalid tanks to Sri Lanka in a deal worth over US$100 million. Sri Lanka also purchased Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher System (MBRLS), cluster bombs, deep penetration bombs and rockets and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) from Pakistan, according to various reports. In fact, Sri Lanka, along with some Middle Eastern nations, has now become one of the largest buyers of Pakistani arms in the last few years.

In a July 2008 interview with Pakistan's Dawn newspaper, Major General Mohammad Farooq, Director General of the Defense Export Promotion Organization, indicated that collaboration with the United States had increased in manufacturing armored personnel carriers "with transfer of technology". There have been unconfirmed reports that Pakistan is manufacturing Humvees for the US military in Afghanistan. General Farooq also claimed that Pakistan's defense exports have tripled to around $300 million because of the quality of its ammunition, anti-tank guided missiles, rocket launchers and shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles. He said exports to South Asian, Middle Eastern and African countries had increased significantly.

On Jan 19, 2009, in a meeting between Pakistani Defense Secretary Lt-Gen (retd) Syed Athar Ali and his visiting Lankan counterpart Gotabhaya Rajapakse, the brother of Sri Lankan president, in Rawalpindi, an agreement was reached to enhance cooperation in military training, exercises and intelligence sharing regarding terrorism. The agreement came amidst Sri Lankan media reports that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) pilots had participated in several successful air strikes against LTTE military bases in August 2008. These reports further claimed that a highly trained group of the Pakistani armed forces officers is posted in Colombo to guide the Sri Lankan security forces in their counter-insurgency operations against the Tamil Tigers.

Back in 2000, when LTTE offensive code-named "Operation Ceaseless Waves" overran Sri Lankan military positions in the north and captured the Elephant Pass Base and entered Jaffna, the Sri Lankans received Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher System (MBRLS) and other high tech weaponry from Pakistan on short notice.

The MBRLS and weapons and ammunition, including artillery shells and multi-barrel rocket launchers, were airlifted in an emergency operation from Karachi to Colombo in May 2000. Later, in 2006, the Sri Lankan authorities had again sought Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher System (MBRLS) and other advanced weapons from Pakistan when Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa visited Pakistan in March 2006 along with an 80-member delegation that included some high ranking military officials. During his talks with the Pakistani leaders, the Sri Lankan President had sought military help from Islamabad to effectively put an end to the LTTE separatist movement.

Indian analyst and former RAW chief B. Raman recently summed up India's geopolitical stance toward Sri Lamka in the following words: "India's interest in the island is partly emotional and partly strategic.The emotional interest arises from the fact that India has a large Tamil population in Tamil Nadu, a southern province, who have ethnically and linguistically much in common with the Tamils of Sri Lanka. Any policies of the Government of Sri Lanka, which affect the Sri Lankan Tamils, have an echo in Tamil Nadu. Hence, the close Indian interest in the problems and the well-being of the Sri Lankan Tamils. Strategically, the Sri Lankan Government has been cultivating China and Pakistan to keep India in check. It has good political and economic relations with China. It has invited China to construct a modern port in Hambantota in southern Sri Lanka. It has invited the Chinese to help it in gas exploration in areas which are close to India. Similarly, there is a growing military-military relationship between Sri Lanka and Pakistan, which worries India."

What has happened in Sri Lanka this week is India's moment of truth, as B.Raman puts it. Sri Lanka has triumphed over LTTE terrorists in spite of India, not because of it. Pakistan, along with China, has clearly played a key role as Sri Lanka's main arms supplier and trainer in ensuring LTTE's defeat, and India is clearly not happy with how the events played out leading to Sri Lanka's win. This new reality highlights the importance of Pakistan as a regional player in South Asia and upsets what India's national security adviser called New Delhi's "pre-eminent Position" in the region.

Chowk: Politics: Lanka Defeats LTTE With Pakistan\'s Help

And Indian terrorism in Sri Lanka comes to an end after Pakistani Forces and Sri Lankan Army broke LTTE back, butt and neck.


India Christians protest Hindu attacks: Will Obama say
something during his visit to India in November?

"The matter of concern for human rights organizations is that Indian authorities, instead of giving rights to minorities, have put their leaderships behind bars. ... When he visits India next month, will the president of the lone superpower ask India to end Hindu extremist terrorism, or will he give preference to making economic gains at the expense of the murder of people in his own religious community?"

U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle will visit India in early November. Obama conveyed the news to Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna at a reception at the Museum of Natural History in New York. Obama added that his wife Michelle is excited about the trip. For obvious reasons, India's leadership waits anxiously to welcome the global power's president. But victims of the Hindu’s holocaust are waiting to see if the global power's head of state has the courage to ask Indian leadership to end Hindutve terror [Hindu nationalist terror]. Obama's curiosity has its own reasons: it's his wife’s first visit to the so-called secular state. Responsible American staff should arrange factual briefings for them, so as to reflect the genuine Indian face.

The U.S. couple must be told that so far, Indian troops have killed over 3.2 to 3.4 million Sikhs; more than 120,000 Muslims of the occupied "Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir"; more than 500,000 Muslims; more than 312,500 Christians; over 15,000 Tamils; more than 15,000 civilians of the Seven Sisters of Assam; hundreds of thousand Dalits [equivalent to the lowest cast in India]; hundreds thousand of Adivasis or Moolnivasis. These Sikhs, Muslims, non-Hindus and non-Brahmins minorities were killed because they were neither Brahmin nor Hindus. Since August 15, 1947, the Brahmin-Hindu politician/lawmakers and the armed forces have needed one another to protect their own skins,.

The matter of concern for human rights monitoring organizations is that Indian authorities, instead of giving rights to minorities, have put their leaderships behind bars. A Maoist’s leader, with the promise of anonymity, e-mailed me to say that he's been in jail for years and is thrashed and tortured on a regular basis. September 2010 was the first time he had ever had access to the Internet. He hasn't been allowed to end or receive text messages for three months. He went on to say that just like all Kashmiries, his phone has been barred from this type of contact.

Parties like the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh [National Patriotism Organization] and Shiv Sena [Army of Shivaji], under the leadership Hindu radicals like Ball Thakara have always motivated and supported extremist Hindus against Christians, Sikhs and Muslims.

It's worth mentioning here that for a number of years, the Indian government, with the help of Hindu terrorists, have been deliberately attempting the diminishing of minority populations in Karnataka, Kashmir, Gujarat, Amritsar, Manipur and Orissa states. On October 13, Compass Direct News mentioned that Chintamani in the Kolar district of Karnataka state, which is known for turning on Christians, police suspect two alleged Hindu nationalists beat four pastors and struck one of their wives in the stomach, killing her unborn child. The report suggests that the suspects were indirectly supported by local authorities and police. According to the Global Council of Indian Christians, the attack took place at a gathering at a private Christian school to celebrate the birth of Mahatma Gandhi on Oct. 2.

During the concluding prayer, about 40 people barged into New Public School and began selectively beating pastors and Kejiya Fernandes, the wife of Pastor Fernandes. The attack continued despite the arrival of Chintamani police. When it ended at noon, instead of arresting the attackers, police took custody of the Christians. On top of all this, the poor Christians were denied medical attention. The injured Christians were released at 7:30 pm - and only after Kejiya Fernandes began to bleed profusely. According to Global Council of Indian Christians, she and her husband later obtained hospital treatment, where she lost her fourth-moth old fetus.

The attack was reportedly carried out to avenge an alleged insult said to have been made to the Hindu gods at the Christian gathering. According to Father Cedric Prakash, who visited the area and the Christian victims this week, the accused Hindus filed their own police complaint. But the complaint against the Christians was for “deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feeling or any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs.” (Section 295-a), and strangely, Section 324 for, “voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means,” among other charges. The Christians weren't arrested and a court granted them bail.

According to the report, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was friendly with Christian missionaries during British rule and taught religious tolerance. The acclaimed Hindu, India’s greatest political and spiritual leader, was killed in 1948 by Nathuram Godse, who was allegedly influenced by the extremist Hindu ideology of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. It's rather alarming that for the last three years, Karnataka has been regarded as the hub of Christian persecution in India. Of the over 152 attacks on India Christians in 2009, 86 were reported in Karnataka, according to the Evangelical Fellowship of India. This year as well, Karnataka is forecast to have the most anti-Christian attacks. According to the Global Council of Indian Christians, at least 47 attacks on Christians have been reported in the state as of Sept. 26. Persecution of Christians in Karnataka sharply rose after anti-Christian mayhem in eastern Orissa state in August 2008, when Maoists killed a leader of the Hindu group Vishwa Hindu Parishad, which Hindu extremists wrongly blamed on local Christians.

Attacks in Orissa’s Kandhamal District killed over 100 people and left 4,640 houses, 252 churches and 13 educational institutions burned to the ground. While Hindu nationalists had targeted Karnataka for close to two decades, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party became India's governing party for the first time in history in May 2008. Prior to that, for 20 months, the BJP had ruled in coalition with a local secular party, the Janata Dal.

It's believed that the BJP victory led to the violence in Orissa, which is now ruled by a coalition that includes the BJP, a party comprised of emboldened Hindu extremists who now enjoy greater impunity due to its incumbency. Despite the high incidence of persecution of minorities in Karnataka, BJP leaders deny it, alleging that complaints are a result of a political conspiracy mounted by opposition parties. There are a little over a million Christians in Karnataka, where the total population is more than 52 million, mostly Hindus.

Thus, in this connection, we can say that the worries of minorities are rising by the day and continuing gross violation of human rights in wider India is further aggravating the situation. Interestingly, during the administration of the British Empire in the19th to 20th centuries, no Sikh and/or Muslim Lieutenant-Generals were ever court marshaled. This is a reflection that only the "Brahmins-Hindus" in the Indian armed forces are corrupt and criminal. The state of minorities in India is so pathetic that they aren't even allowed to openly perform their religious obligations. Local news channels have been banned in Kashmir and surrounding affected areas. The overall situation in Maoist, Nagaland, Orissa and Kashmir are similarly dreadful.

Indian Chief of Army Staff, General V.K. Singh, has failed to hinder his troops to stop the brutality being committed against minorities. He's too busy threatening and interfering in the internal affairs of neighboring countries. In this regard, on October 15, 2010, he said that China and Pakistan are major irritants to India's security and he discussed the possibility of a nuclear war scenario, saying that both nations are "jingoistic" and "unwise." While rejecting the comments, Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said in a statement: "The government of Pakistan takes serious exception to the reported statement of the Indian Army chief and his perception of a threat from Pakistan. War under a nuclear scenario is uncalled for. These are gratuitous comments about Pakistan's internal affairs."

In fact, General Singh's sprinkling venom around about China and Pakistan is by design, due to the upcoming Obama visit. He is also trying to divert international attention, particularly on the part of the Americans, from the brutality of Hindu extremists against Christians. He is probably aware that Global Council of Indian Christians and others minorities plan to protest Indian brutality on President Obama's arrival.

The Global Council of Indian Christians is also asking the Obama Administration to pressure India to halt Hindu extremism against Christians. But the question arises: will the president of the lone superpower ask India to end Hindutva Terror, or will he give preference to making economic gains at the expense of the murder of people in his own religious community?

[Editor's Note: In regard to India, the U.S. State Department 2009 Human Rights Report says in part: Several human rights and religious freedom NGOs continued to express concern about sporadic anti-Christian violence in some states governed by the BJP and claimed some attackers had affiliations with the Hindu extremist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Muslims in some Hindu-dominated areas continued to experience discrimination and reported poor government response to their concerns, which limited their access to work, residency, and education.]

The intelligence officers investigating the bomb blasts in the Indian city of Ajmair Sharif have said that Hindu extremist organization Rashtriya Sevak Singh was (RSS) responsible for the bomb blasts at Jamia Mosque Delhi and Samjhota Express.

The anti-terrorism squad has issued a charge sheet of 806 pages accusing the leader of RSSS, Andresh Kumar. While the RSS and the Bharatiya Jannata Party (BJP) have said that the ruling party Indian National Congress has actually conspired against the leader of RSS.

The charge sheet says that in order to conduct attacks on religious places, others are to work under some religious organization so that they are not suspected, stated the leader of the RSS Hindu extremist organizations.

For the first time Indian investigators have confessed that extremist Hindus were involved in the bombings in Ajmair Sharif, Malaygaoon, and mosque in Hyderabad. It was also revealed that the Jamia Mosque of Delhi and the Samjhota Express were on the hit list of the terrorists.

It is noteworthy that 60 Pakistanis were killed in an attack on the Samjhota Express on February 19, 2007. 13 people were injured in a bomb blast outside the Jamia mosque in Delhi.

At a time when the world is battling Islamic extremism attention has to be paid to the rising Hindu terrorism in India. Extremists in India have been involved in demolishing mosques and sparking communal riots resulting in massacre of Muslims.

The dilemma is that in India these extremists have been in the power. One example is of the BJP that came in power twice. Its deputy Prime Minster L K Advani was the main character who incited people to attack the historic Babri Mosque.

The chief minister of the state of Gujrat Nirindra Moodi was also accused of facilitating the killing of Muslims in the worst communal riots in Ahmadabad.

AFTER 44 months of dilly dallying, India has officially admitted that the Hindutva brigade of the extremist group Abhinav Bharat, of which Indian Army’s serving officer, Lieutenant Colonel Shrikant Prasad Purohit was an active member, was responsible for the bombings on board the Pakistan bound Samjhota Express and the Jamia Masjid in New Delhi. Over 60 Pakistanis died in the Samjhota Express blast on February 19, 2007, while 13 people were wounded in the blasts inside the Jamia Masjid on April 14, 2006. The official Indian admission comes through the report investigated and compiled by the Rajasthan Anti-Terrorism Squad (RATS)’ 806-page charge-sheet which confirms that these two were on the hit list of Hindutva terrorists involved in Ajmer Sharif, Malegaon and the Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad. The five targets were apparently chosen at a marathon meeting in Gujarat by the group comprising Sadhvi Pragya Thakur, Swami Asimanand, Ramji Kalsangre, Sandeep Dange and Sunil Joshi, the charge sheet says. Lieutenant Colonel Purohit was allegedly the leader of this group although RATS is deliberately shrouding his name. From February 11 to 13 in 2006, Swami Asimanand organized a Shabri Kumbh at his Shabri Dham in Gujarat. All the hard line Hindu activists like Sadhvi Pragya Thakur, Sunil Joshi, Ramji Kalsangre, Lokesh Sharma and Sandeep Dange took part in the meeting and discussed avenging the terror attacks at the Akshardham temple in Gujarat in 2002 and other Hindu religious shrines. They drew up a list of five targets — Samjhota Express, Mecca Masjid, Malegaon, Ajmer Sharif and Jamia Masjid. A source said Lokesh Sharma, the man who did a recce of Ajmer Sharif, confirmed this meeting after his arrest. The bombs used in the Samjhota Express are believed to have been assembled in Indore. But the suspected bomber, Sunil Joshi, was found mysteriously murdered in Dewas, Madhya Pradesh, on December 27, 2007. RATS has also named a senior RSS leader in the charge-sheet in connection with the 2007 Ajmer blast in Rajasthan, a development that could have far-reaching ramifications. According to the 806-page charge-sheet Indresh Kumar, the RSS leader, was present at a secret meeting, along with six other functionaries of the saffron outfit, at a Gujarati guest house in Jaipur on October 31, 2005.

The RATS report is a vindication of the Daily Mail’s findings, which had concluded the complicity of the Hindu extremist group Abhinav Bharat, Indian Army officers of the ilk of Lieutenant Colonel Purohit, who actually supplied the explosive material, military-grade explosive RDX, and other Hindu radicals, who had plotted and executed the heinous crimes against humanity as part of their campaign of ethnic cleansing of Muslims. Purohit and retired army Major Samir Kulkarniand also helped train the alleged bombers. India has been officially denying any link of Hindu extremists with the mayhem, death and carnage resulting from the blasts and instead tried to palm off the culpability of the heinous crime on the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). In November 2008, when the Anti Terrorist Squad of Mumbai had arrested Lieutenant Colonel Purohit for his responsibility in the bombings, the BJP denounced the ATS as traitors. The BJP had suggested that, under pressure from the government, it was targeting Hindu holy people and other Hindus, demanded that it immediately provide proof against the accused or let them go, and trumpeted claims by Purohit and his associates that the police have tortured them. Bal Thackeray, the supremo of the Shiv Sena, a longtime ally of the BJP, had forthrightly accused the ATS of framing the Malegaon bombing accused. But he also said that if they did orchestrate the bombings, they should be defended because such murderous attacks on Muslims are justified. BJP Chief Minister a.k.a as “The Butcher of Gujarat”, Narendra Modi, accused the Indian Congress of maligning the military by imputing that it is involved in terrorist activities. “What Pakistan was not able to do in the last 20 years,” declared Modi, “the Manmohan Singh government has achieved in just 20 days. They have succeeded in branding our soldiers as terrorists.” That is another story that Haimant Karkare, the head of the Mumbai ATS had been assassinated by Indian commandos in the garb of fighting terrorists during the November 26, 2008 Mumbai attacks and blamed on Pakistan.
^^ Unlike Pakistan, which sees itself as the thekedar of Islam, US doesn't see itself as a thekedar of Christianity. Is that so difficult to comprehend?
RSS leader guided Ajmer blast terrorists: Dhariwal

Jaipur, Ovct 28: After claiming that few more RSS leaders' names might come in the Ajmer blast case, Rajasthan home ministry stated that charge-sheeted leader of the Hindu wing, Indresh Kumar guided the terrorists before the blast for carrying out the explosion.

"He (Indresh Kumar) had given the guidelines.Who will do it? Who will make the bomb, who will trigger it, who will provide the money and mobile and who will handle the media," stated state home minister Shanti Dhariwal on Oct 27.

While Dhariwal was questioned whether the Rajasthan ATS has enough evidence against the RSS leader, he claimed, "ATS has strong evidence against him (Indresh Kumar)."

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