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Not only were Sikhs gurus born Hindus, but till late 1800's (before Akali fanaticism),Sikhs considered themselves to be a sect of Hindus.If you could read old Punjabi, you would find that poem of your gurus were not as anti-idolatrous originally and this component was intentionally forged by tat khalsa translator to make a break from Hinduism.Tat khalsa were just a group of sikhs educated in christian convents who considered polytheism inferior and went to purge sikhism completely of it. I am merely repeating what mc leod said.

Sanatan Sikhi - The Sanatan Sikhs

567 Hew McLeod, The Tat Khalsa and Sikh historiography

Proofs for this:

1. In guru granth sahib, the sikh god is called lakshmi narayan

We see the mural paintings of lakshmi and vishnu in the ancient ferozpur gurudwara

We are not talking of just names here. Hari is not just a name in guru granth sahib. He is every inch the Hari of the Hindus. the similarities starts from the point of being born to devaki.Both kabir and nanak occasionally took saguna stands. Infact, they called their god chaturbhuj (four armed), shyam sundar(blue skinned) and jadim rai(kings of Yadavas).

Sri Granth: Shabad/Paurhi/Salok SGGS Page 988

Sri Granth: Amrit Keertan SGGS Page 1082

Here guru granth sahib describing god as four armed.

Sri Granth: Amrit Keertan SGGS Page 1082

Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

2.Bhai gurdas, the foremost disciple of sikh gurus, the man who complied Guru granth sahib and who is regarded as next to the gurus themselves had the following to say about Ramayana

Vaaran Bhai Gurdas:- Vaar31-Pauri18-ਰਾਮ ਅਤੇ ਰਾਵਣ-Ram and Ravanਵਾਰਾਂ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ :-SearchGurbani.com

3. Guru granth included the sayings of Namdeva, Ramananada, Paramananda,Kabir, Sain, Pipa,sadhna, trilochan, Jaydeva, Surdas, meerabai etc..,.

Now all of them have one thing in common. They are all vaishnavites. You can see that not one shaivite sant is included. Vaishnavas are praised in guru granth.It is said in guru granth that the dog of vaishnava is better than a non vaishnavite. Even sikh gurus called themselves 'parama vaishnavas' in guru granth sahib

4.. Guru Arjan dev himself confessed that he worshiped shaligram (vishnu idol). Infact, he was the one who installed the idol of vishnu in harmandir sahib, which stood there until 1923 before it was thrown out by akali sikhs.

Vaaran Bhai Gurdas:- Vaar1-Pauri49-ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਮੰਤ੍ਰ-Waheguru mantarਵਾਰਾਂ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ :-SearchGurbani.com

5. Nanak praying to Vishnu in 1800's Sikh painting.


6. The word Waheguru does not occur AT ALL in the bani of gurus! Not even once.When Nanak composed Japji sahib he had not even heard of waheguru.

It was first used by bhatts. Bhatts were just family poets in later day sikhism. They did not initally use the word waheguru as god.Waheguru was used in the sense of "wahiguru"-meaning 'praise to th

Later, Bhai Gurdas, the person who compiled the gurbani, first wrote about Waheguru. But waheguru only meant VISHNU. That's right. Waheguru meant vishnu in early sikhism.This can be seen in the works of bhai gurdas and santokh singh

Vaaran Bhai Gurdas:- Vaar1-Pauri49-ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਮੰਤ੍ਰ-Waheguru mantarਵਾਰਾਂ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ :-SearchGurbani.com

7.Nirmalayas and sewapathis were sent by Guru Gobind himself to varanasi to learn vedic scriptures and become religious scholars. Nirmalayas and sewapathis are sanatan sikhs

Udasis existed from the time of Nanak and they also trace a line from Nanak's brothers.The udasis are mentioned in the chronicles of Jahangir and are the oldest sikh sect.Udasis are sanatan sikh as well

Infact, Tat khalsa sikhs do not have any history and came up only in 1880's.

8. The Sanatani sikhs such as udasis belonged to the family of gurus and completely managed the religious affairs. Nihangs managed military affairs. Sikhisn was entirely sanatan. Even today, rural sikhs frequent hindu temples. Naina devi temple has double the turnout of sikhs as does hindus. Tat khalsa were just a group of sikhs educated in christian convents who considered polytheism inferior and went to purge sikhism completely of it. I am merely repeating what mc leod said.

9. The mother goddess durga appears right in Guru granth sahib. And she appears in japji sahib, the most sacred prayer of sikhs. And she appears as the ONE greatest mother of all the gods including brahma(creator) vishnu(sustainer) and shiva(destroyer)

Sri Granth: Sri Guru Granth Sahib

10. Prem sumarag, an old scripture of sikhs, asks sikh kings to keep listening to vedas.

Prem Sumarag: The Testimony of a Sanatan Sikh

11. In sikh scripture Dasam Granth written by guru Gobind singh, goddess Durga is called 'parabrahman'-The one and only greatest goddess. She is also called the creator and destroyer. She is called the cause of all causes.She is eternal. There is nobody above her. Even the supreme god waheguru gets his power from Durga. In contrast, waheguru does NOT appear at all in Dasam Granth. His name is found only at Index

Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Dasam granth, the scripture written by him is full of tantric themes and veneration of goddess durga

Here is one such sample-

12. The Guru Gobind actually tried to sacrifice his sons to Hindu goddess Durga.

No, Hindus are not saying this. This was narrated in Sikh scripture Gurbilas itself. It was also recorded by Indologists of 1800's

Infact, Sir monier williams, considered the father of Indology, himself confirms that Guru gobind tried to sacrifice his son to goddess Durga and only backed off when his wife vehemently opposed it.Instead, he sacrified his disciples(panj pyare) to Durga.


Brahmanism and Hinduism. Sir monier williams-page 166


13. Sikhs fo those age did NOT consider themselves to be a distinct religion from Hinduism .The khalsa sikhs had goddess Durga and Hanuman on their flag.

View attachment 216341 View attachment 216342

14. The sikhs who fought jihadis such as nihangs are hindu even today.They along with udasis and nirmalayas call themselves sanatan sikhs. The majority khalsa sikhs were just laymen householders who blinded followed tat khalsa singh sabha.The nihangs fought the war .39 nihangs under akali phula nihang singh defeated afghans in a battle.

15. Only two crimes which carried death penalty in Sikh empire was 1. Cow slaughter 2. Adhan.

When Muslims defiled Golden Temple, they used cow carcass for a reason.

I think I have made my case pretty well. Before Tat Khalsa cause schism between Sikhism and Hinduism in 1870's, Sikhs were practically a sect of Hinduism rather than a separate religion..

@Bishnoo loves Beef , I do expect a reply from you.

@uparyupari @SarthakGanguly , You people may also be interested in this nugget of history.

Bhai, great posts !!! As far as sikhs worshipping hindu gods is concerned.. can't speak of punjabi sikhs but in hyd sikhs are very close to hindus.. a large no. of them attend sri ram shoba yatra, hanuman divas and ganesh nimarjan rallies.. moreover I visited a gurudwara in hyd which had idols of hindu gods and godess like shiva, durga and ganesh on its walls ( If anyone thinks I am bluffing abt it, can visit the gurudwara near brand factory, abids and see it for themselves )

This is their hobby, raping women.

No where near what pak army did in Bangladesh...
No Christian would youse satanic symbols but that poster is an idiot so he wouldn't know that.He's to busy being outraged.He'll probably rape a nun to vent out.

Holywood christian..

But now all of my postings are complete. Any neutral observer could attest that I have presented genuine proof for all of my assertions ,and have countered all of charges that a moron Khalistani has leveled on me.

Some Khalistani Sikhs does not know history of their religion, and most of them have never consulted their holy books.Only Sikhish they know is "TaT Akali" Sikhism.

Are you a Sikh ?

But now all of my postings are complete. Any neutral observer could attest that I have presented genuine proof for all of my assertions ,and have countered all of charges that a moron Khalistani has leveled on me.

Some Khalistani Sikhs does not know history of their religion, and most of them have never consulted their holy books.Only Sikhish they know is "TaT Akali" Sikhism.

Until 1900's all gurudwaras were taken care of by Brahmins. Even in late 1970s pictures of Hindu gods in gurudwara's were common.
Romania was ravaged by the turkes you were the people who were impaled on the spikes so you know hell fire well,we don't believe in your concept, now tell me does Adam has a naval or not?
and you Christians robbed our swastika and created mayhem, we know the atrocities done by the christian missionaries and we know how romania was converted to christianity so dont preach, we have seen christian and muslim barbarianism and we have been defending our religion fro 5000 years.

Stop being an idiot,you idiot.The population of the territories on what today is Romania was converted by missionarism not the sword.At least do a check before embarassing yourself you tool !

Better abstain yourself and your littly filthy mouth about religiuos concepts,i didn't make any on your religion.
Until 1900's all gurudwaras were taken care of by Brahmins. Even in late 1970s pictures of Hindu gods in gurudwara's were common.

Similar is case with Bodh Gaya.

It was Hindu Brahmins who use be priests in Body Gaya till 1960's. It was neo-Buddhists ,who with egging from Christian missionaries, attacked and expelled Brahmins from Bodh Gaya.

Today, Church in preaching that High Caste Hindus were Aryans and Dalits were Dravidians, and Hindus attacked India and imposed their Aryan religion on Low Caste, and that Dalits should emancipate themselve from Hinduism and come to Religion of Love.

Christian missionaries are fanning flames of Dalit and Dravidian secessionism. They are lowest subhumans possible on this planet.Even IS terrorists have more moral fortitude than Christian missionaries. They would break/try to break perfectly well working civilizations so that they may harvest some souls, and would try to seed racist feeling in societies where there were none.
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Similar is case with Bodh Gaya.

It was Hindu Brahmins who use be priests in Body Gaya till 1960's. It was neo-Buddhists ,who with egging from Christian missionaries, attacked and expelled Brahmins from Bodh Gaya.

Today, Church in preaching that High Caste Hindus were Aryans and Dalits were Dravidians, and Hindus attacked India and imposed their Aryan religion on Low Caste, and that Dalits should emancipate themselve from Hinduism and come to Religion of Love.

Christian missionaries are fanning flames of Dalit and Dravidian secessionism. Christian missionaries are lowest subhumans possible on this planet.Even IS terrorists has more moral fortitude than Christian missionaries. They would break/try to break perfectly well working civilizations so that they may harvest some souls.They would try to seed racist feeling in societies where there were none.

I know. Have read extensively about their work. It is not just missionaries. All other denominations too are equally covered in filth.
It is our holiest temple. This is basically our Mecca. Can you imagine if some country's army marched their soldiers into Mecca and their tank blew off a part of the Kaaba? Then these guys try to justify. We have yet to be given an apology.
Nothing to justify here, at least not when a holy place is stuffed with semi automatic and automatic guns by its devotees.
I know. Have read extensively about their work. It is not just missionaries. All other denominations too are equally covered in filth.

Missionary means a Christian who is on mission to convert all heathens to Christianity.It subsume within itself all denominations who proselytise aggressively.

Denominations which does not look to proselytise aggressively are pretty well behaved. They may be bigots in real life, but you would never hear them try to incite a civil war just to get some converts. I think Orthodox and Anglicians would qualify in this category.
Missionary means a Christian who is on mission to convert all heathens to Christianity.It subsume within itself all denominations who proselytise aggressively.

Denominations which does not look to proselytise aggressively are pretty well behaved. They may be bigots in real life, but you would never hear them try to incite a civil war just to get some converts. I think Orthodox and Anglicians would qualify in this category.

I do not think there is any Christian denomination which does not proselytize. It is one of the major requirements of being a Christian. Just google Orthodox missionaries and Anglican missionaries and even that piece of illusion will be shattered.
I do not think there is any Christian denomination which does not proselytize. It is one of the major requirements of being a Christian. Just google Orthodox missionaries and Anglican missionaries and even that piece of illusion will be shattered.

They are not active in our part of world. Our problem mainly stems from Evangelists (biggest culprit), Pentecostal, Baptist (they support Christian terrorism), and Catholics in that order.
All other denominations too are equally covered in filth.
Says an ignorant blind sanghi..There are many Christian sects especially in Kerala like Orthodox,Jacobite,Knanaya,who had nothing to do with any conversion..Better get your facts right or crawl out from the cave,where you are living...
They are not active in our part of world. Our problem mainly stems from Evangelists (biggest culprit), Pentecostal, Baptist (they support Christian terrorism), and Catholics in that order.

That is true, they are not overtly active in our part of the world, but does not mean they are not supporters of proselytization.

Says an ignorant blind sanghi..There are many Christian sects especially in Kerala like Orthodox,Jacobite,Knanaya,who had nothing to do with any conversion..Better get your facts right or crawl out from the cave,where you are living...

2 million converts in Kerala itself. Certainly, there were not converted only due to evangelicals.

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