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Hindu reporter forced to drink from separate glass at workplace in Karachi

As they say to cover-up a lie you have to lie another 1000 times.

Pakistanis have time and again lied that the reason for conversion from dharmic religions to Islam is casteism.

But truth always prevails in the end.

The fact is Pakistanis converted to Islam not due to deficiencies of dharmic religions but due to the fear (convert or get killed by the Islamic sword) and favor (covert to avoid financial penalties for being a non-believer) from Islamic invaders.
Please take us (IVC FOLKS) back into the folds of ganga and jamna------we are dying to be converted back to dharma---its only our karma that we deserve to be with MR. Sharma
KOE SHARAM HOTI HAIN HAYAA HOTI HAIN why the mozlem invaders chose us and left you....were you a member of NSG at that time kuch b ant shan't post krty rehty ho----folks in my region wrote Vedas and transferred to your ancestors----@Tergon18 sir requesting for CAS :D
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Does it matter what is written in the scriptures? What matters is the reality on the ground.

One hand Pakistanis claim that they gave up dharmic religions as they practiced casteism but continue to practice the same after embracing Islam. How ironic
Now you are saying what i said earlier,
1 - It has less to do with religion and more to do with Mentality
2 - People who believe cateism exists only in Hindu religion have no idea about the type of similar problem we have in Pakistan.
what the caste system has to do with Pakistan ? I think it is applicable only to born hindus in India!
I humbly disagree and believe it as bullsh!t in a sense because in my office it happens otherwise with me. While eating together as I am a muslim a coleague of mine who happens to be a hindu eat with us but I had no idea that he is a hindu. But in either case makes no difference for me and all other colleagues. Any ways one day while having lunch I eat from a plate where he put his maash ki daal which is my favourite so I took a few bites like 3 to 4 and I saw a colleague has a hidden smile at his face later I come to know that he left the office.
I fealt that the reason was actually me as hes a superior cast one and I remember dislikeness at his face while my last bite.
Now what u call it ??? V
I never complained and we all eat together whether I am at uni or any where. I believe isolated incidents happens and even in my case if I would have known that he didnt like to be taken from his plate then I would have never done it.
In some parts of rural India, yes.
"Some" really some part. Dude recently a lower caste person had to dig a will himself so that people of his cast could drink water. This system is very prevalent in india and in pakistan. It used to happen in the U.S as well until the late 60s.
It is also said when we die we return to those extraterrestrial territories.

It is getting interesting. I want to die lol.

Very true.

Please take us (IVC FOLKS) back into the folds of ganga and jamna------we are dying to be converted back to dharma---its only our karma that we deserve to be with MR. Sharma
KOE SHARAM HOTI HAIN HAYAA HOTI HAIN why the mozlem invaders chose us and left you....were you a member of NSG at that time kuch b ant shan't post krty rehty ho----folks in my region wrote Vedas and transferred to your ancestors----@Tergon18 sir requesting for CAS :D


I humbly disagree and believe it as bullsh!t in a sense because in my office it happens otherwise with me. While eating together as I am a muslim a coleague of mine who happens to be a hindu eat with us but I had no idea that he is a hindu. But in either case makes no difference for me and all other colleagues. Any ways one day while having lunch I eat from a plate where he put his maash ki daal which is my favourite so I took a few bites like 3 to 4 and I saw a colleague has a hidden smile at his face later I come to know that he left the office.
I fealt that the reason was actually me as hes a superior cast one and I remember dislikeness at his face while my last bite.
Now what u call it ??? V
I never complained and we all eat together whether I am at uni or any where. I believe isolated incidents happens and even in my case if I would have known that he didnt like to be taken from his plate then I would have never done it.

Did you wash your hand before taking a bite from his plate? :D

what the caste system has to do with Pakistan ? I think it is applicable only to born hindus in India!

Casteism exists only in evil Hinduism. :D

"Some" really some part. Dude recently a lower caste person had to dig a will himself so that people of his cast could drink water. This system is very prevalent in india and in pakistan. It used to happen in the U.S as well until the late 60s.

There are multiple things at play

Most of these incidents are related to feudalistic mindset than related to cleanliness.
As long as he is not being stopped from drinking water it's OK.
Let me take this thing in a different way, think of India before partition and the way Indian's were treated then. You can always travel in trains using lower class but can not enter higher class compartments. Was it okay as you can travel by trains.
Bring your own glass and drink water, that's not something to make a big drama, as thus Hindu guy is making.
It is not about making a big deal or drama, it is about what is right and what is wrong. This is the basic level from where discrimination starts.
"Some" really some part. Dude recently a lower caste person had to dig a will himself so that people of his cast could drink water. This system is very prevalent in india and in pakistan. It used to happen in the U.S as well until the late 60s.

The problem is prevalent only in some northern states, other parts of India by and large got rid of it.

Even in the problematic states, the issue is not so much about 'untouchability' literally (barring maybe in some rural pockets), but of overall social discrimination.

The reservation system in schools, colleges, jobs, have placed many lower caste individuals in high positions, that's technically a reverse discrimination, but it helped to reduce the acute discrimination that was prevalent some decades ago.

The problem is prevalent only in some northern states, other parts of India by and large got rid of it.

Even in the problematic states, the issue is not so much about 'untouchability' literally (barring maybe in some rural pockets), but of overall social discrimination.

The reservation system in schools, colleges, jobs, have placed many lower caste individuals in high positions, that's technically a reverse discrimination, but it helped to reduce the acute discrimination that was prevalent some decades ago.


Does the education system address the issue?...as in actively teach it is wrong?...Or does it purposefully ignore mentioning caste so that future generation will forget about it.(Here in the US these are the two approaches different people propose..one side says lets educate people that it is wrong...others(like Morgan Freeman) usually avoid talking about race as a way to fight racism.)
And another question does the religious community(as in the priests) still promote the idea of caste?(If so do they preach direct superiority or just preach they are different)
Hindus did not eat or drink from each others plates even in the same family. This had nothing to do with caste or religion. This was basic hygiene practice from thousands of years ago. It had nothing to do with being rich or poor either. It was only the seculars who were in love with spit exchanging Muslims and Christians who got horrified by Hindu behavior and noted it as discrimination.

Even today much of India does not put its lip to a glass of water and prefers to drink it by pouring it down their throat or drinking out of their hands.

Watch from 19:44 mins on wards. Even dirt poor gypsies followed it.

Does the education system address the issue?...as in actively teach it is wrong?...Or does it purposefully ignore mentioning caste so that future generation will forget about it.(Here in the US these are the two approaches different people propose..one side says lets educate people that it is wrong...others(like Morgan Freeman) usually avoid talking about race as a way to fight racism.)
And another question does the religious community(as in the priests) still promote the idea of caste?(If so do they preach direct superiority or just preach they are different)

Our education system mostly avoid this issue and mildly touches upon the topic of 'Varnashram', but government and NGOs spread social awareness and education against it, mostly targeting the adults. It is strongly discouraged in any institution and is a punishable offence.

In Hinduism priests don't get to preach much, they do not have the kind of influence that Imams and Maulavis enjoy over general population. In Hindu society priests literally means 'purohits' whose job is transactional, take your 'pranami' (fees) and do the 'puja upachar'. There is another section who are religious leaders (guru) with followers who take 'diksha' (followership) under them and regularly visit them, the religious leaders do preach among their followers, but they do not have much say among the general population. I am not associated with any guru, but I believe (from what I have heard) that they are mostly benign and have followers from different castes (though there are fakes among them also, but it would be risky for the fakes also to speak nonsense in the age of mobile cameras).
The problem is prevalent only in some northern states, other parts of India by and large got rid of it.

Even in the problematic states, the issue is not so much about 'untouchability' literally (barring maybe in some rural pockets), but of overall social discrimination.

The reservation system in schools, colleges, jobs, have placed many lower caste individuals in high positions, that's technically a reverse discrimination, but it helped to reduce the acute discrimination that was prevalent some decades ago.

Finally a sane post Mr rain casteism exists only in India. we don't have a quota system for casts instead for provinces
@dadeechi :D
Hindu reporter forced to drink from separate glass at workplace in Karachi
By Hafeez Tunio
Published: June 27, 2016



KARACHI: A Hindu reporter was forced to drink water from a separate glass at his workplace since his colleagues found out that he belongs to the scheduled caste.

Sahib Khan Oad works as a senior reporter with government news agency, Associated Press of Pakistan (APP), where he has been barred from drinking water in the same glass and sharing utensils with other Muslim staff.

Oad hails from Dadu district and has completed his Master’s from Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad. He is now pursuing MPhil in mass communication from Sindh University. He was initially appointed as a reporter in APP Islamabad and was transferred to Hyderabad and then Karachi in April this year.

The discriminatory attitude started soon after his younger son, Raj Kumar, visited his office and everyone found out that he was Hindu. “Actually my name contains the word ‘Khan’ so everyone in the office initially thought I was Muslim,” he explained. “The bureau chief asked me to separate my drinking water glass in the office because some colleagues had reservations.”

Since Ramazan started, Oad’s work environment worsened. He is not allowed to sit at the same dining table at the time of Iftar and senior colleagues have suggested he bring his own plates and glasses if he wants to eat in the office. “I have now bought a separate glass and plate for the office,” he said.

APP Karachi bureau chief Parvez Aslam denied making any such request. “He was suffering from flu so we suggested he arrange a separate glass,” he said. Aslam pointed out that he supported Oad when he was transferred from Hyderabad and called the discrimination charges ‘total propaganda’. “You can come to my office and see how he eats Iftar with us,” he said.

Meanwhile, APP managing director Masood Malik said that they have started inquiry into the matter.

Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research (Piler), an organisation that works for labour rights, has written a letter to federal information minister Pervaiz Rashid against the discriminatory attitude.

“We are really shocked to know that a bureau chief of a government news agency has pressurised a reporter to drink in a separate glass because he is Hindu,” wrote Piler executive director Karmat Ali.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 28th, 2016.




Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today... Aha-ah...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

- John Lennon

Title is misleading, Forced?? What is the big deal? its a personal choice to share or not share...

Muslims pray 5 times and make wadu which confirms their hygiene, not sure about the others hence they are more comfortable to share among each other. Most Hindus/Non Muslims drink alcohol which we avoid, eat Haram Pork etc.
Who knows if they coming after wa*king or just had un-hygenic an*l... and without washing their hands/mouth.
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Finally a sane post Mr rain casteism exists only in India. we don't have a quota system for casts instead for provinces
@dadeechi :D

That's the problem with 'sane posts' in this forum, some opportunists will jump into mudslinging and silly point scoring.

No, social discrimination on the basis of both caste and religion very much exist in Pakistan also.

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