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Hindu Priest beaten by Sikhs in india

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I think the Punjabis need to cull the bhaiyas before they take over Indian Punjab. @Arya Desa what is wrong with you guys? Why don't you nip the menace in the bud?

It's too late to stop the bhaiyyas as they are in majority and we Punjabis have forgotten how to have children.

Indian states ranking by fertility rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are below replacement level now :(:(

The bhaiyyas have defeat the Punjabis by sheer numbers and brute force. When they immigrate to our state they form colonies in villages first. Then when their numbers are large enough they start squating in people's house. Finally the village becomes theirs.
He is not Hanuman, He is Lord Shiva :-)
The Sikh guy also said that "Look at GOD even he wear cloths"

Perhaps you have never seen Jains and Hindus worship naked gods.


Mahavir Jain.


Gomateshwara bahubali.


Bhikshanta Shiva


Have you been to haridwar??

They are nothing but charsis who have no respect for women.
I've seen them harassing an 8 year old to 60 year old women.
It's kavad festival in north India. Please visit haridwar to find out the truth.

Your IQ is clearly not suited for this forum.
I have been to Haridwar,well actions done by a few Nana Babas don't represent the entire community.
But these sadhus don't kill Shias,ahmediyas. who r facing a terrible time in Pakistan
Your IQ is clearly not suited for this forum.
I have been to Haridwar,well actions done by a few Nana Babas don't represent the entire community.
But these sadhus don't kill Shias,ahmediyas. who r facing a terrible time in Pakistan
Yes this forum is suited for religiously blinded high IQ F@cktards.
Yes this forum is suited for religiously blinded high IQ F@cktards.

It certainly highlights the hypocrisies of low IQ modernists and rationalists who cannot counter an argument but run away calling people names.
This thread is in very bad taste. I don't know what point you are trying to make here. The sadhu was alone and that's why those guys beat him. If they found him objectionable, they could have just told him to cover up, no need for the violence.
What they did is wrong and if you have enjoyed watching it, I really feel sorry for you.
It's too late to stop the bhaiyyas as they are in majority and we Punjabis have forgotten how to have children.

We are below replacement level now :(:(

The bhaiyyas have defeat the Punjabis by sheer numbers and brute force. When they immigrate to our state they form colonies in villages first. Then when their numbers are large enough they start squating in people's house. Finally the village becomes theirs.


I blame @INDIC :sick: The guy have unhealthy obsession to associate himself with punjab, no self respect at all.
It's too late to stop the bhaiyyas as they are in majority and we Punjabis have forgotten how to have children.

Indian states ranking by fertility rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are below replacement level now :(:(

The bhaiyyas have defeat the Punjabis by sheer numbers and brute force. When they immigrate to our state they form colonies in villages first. Then when their numbers are large enough they start squating in people's house. Finally the village becomes theirs.

No way I find it hard to believe that they are a majority but I read somewhere you guys are running out of women and are importing bihari girls wtf lol.
No way I find it hard to believe that they are a majority but I read somewhere you guys are running out of women and are importing bihari girls wtf lol.

We don't import girls cause women aren't a commodity. That being said, we are now more tolerant to interstate marriages.

Bhiayyas are a majority in some areas and will be a majority in all of Punjab soon.
We don't import girls cause women aren't a commodity. That being said, we are now more tolerant to interstate marriages.

Bhiayyas are a majority in some areas and will be a majority in all of Punjab soon.

Lanat tum logon per :sarcastic: so the day will finally come when likes of @INDIC will actually call themselves punjabis :lol:
It's too late to stop the bhaiyyas as they are in majority and we Punjabis have forgotten how to have children.

Indian states ranking by fertility rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are below replacement level now :(:(

The bhaiyyas have defeat the Punjabis by sheer numbers and brute force. When they immigrate to our state they form colonies in villages first. Then when their numbers are large enough they start squating in people's house. Finally the village becomes theirs.

Bhaiyas rule the roost in Pakistan too :dirol:

Even the Pakistanis know that their nation is a gift of the Bhaiyas who conspired for a separate nation for Indian muslims sitting in Aligarh while those locals who live in today's Pakistan were too damn lazy for their own good. Even today the most successful and learned people in Pakistan are the Bhaiyas and its financial hub is controlled by them. Bhaiya language Urdu is their national language and they try their best to mimic the Lakhnavi culture.
Bhaiyas rule the roost in Pakistan too :dirol:

Even the Pakistanis know that their nation is a gift of the Bhaiyas who conspired for a separate nation for Indian muslims sitting in Aligarh while those locals who live in today's Pakistan were too damn lazy for their own good. Even today the most successful and learned people in Pakistan are the Bhaiyas and its financial hub is controlled by them. Bhaiya language Urdu is their national language and they try their best to mimic the Lakhnavi culture.

Akhand Bhaiyyadesh
Bhaiyas rule the roost in Pakistan too :dirol:

Even the Pakistanis know that their nation is a gift of the Bhaiyas who conspired for a separate nation for Indian muslims sitting in Aligarh while those locals who live in today's Pakistan were too damn lazy for their own good. Even today the most successful and learned people in Pakistan are the Bhaiyas and its financial hub is controlled by them. Bhaiya language Urdu is their national language and they try their best to mimic the Lakhnavi culture.

ab mein tum ko kiya batao jho Pakistan mein hai. ruling :rofl:
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