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Hindu Muslim riots in India | 21 people killed

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Excuse me ! This is riots orchestrated by BJP MLAs and a former Congress MP.

Shame on BJP.

How Yadavs comes into picture of riots between Jats and Muslims ?
Yeah everything bad happens BJP comes into picture while sickulars come into picture of bharat nirmaan.Shut this hypocrisy!
Only people proud of their surname whose group is in power and that tooo RISING POWERS. upper caste has power too but that is not rising but sinking day by day . Day by day they are pushed out by new emerging castes like Yadavs,Jats or Gujjars in administration, politics and economy.

If my numbers are wrong why don't you tell your numbers ?

Plus you forgot there is also area called MIDDLE Uttar Pradesh and Southern Uttar Pradesh. Who dominate their ?

If people are proud of what they are they should say it.Irrespective of what others say,They all had their roles in history.
But people all hindus should do away with caste thing, People were chosen in past according to their abilities just like we nowadays write exams for doctor,engineer,businessman,army etc.So please keep away the caste thing, we are all hindus.We all have single Motherland BHARAT MATA.
Thank god for my mono-ethnic country!
@hinduguy so which state are you from and what caste are you??You don't eat beef,that I know...are you a vegi-eater??
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Our ancestors married some ASI womans, genetic proves this and we are proud of that. Now its your turn to be proud of your real ancestors instead of Vedic Aryans from Pakistan.

we have always been proud of our ancestors .they built ivc.its a well established fact tht they were displaced from their land to south india.tht is the reason u still have some ASI.i am proud of my ancestors and my username is a testament of it.
we have always been proud of our ancestors .they built ivc.its a well established fact tht they were displaced from their land to south india.tht is the reason u still have some ASI.i am proud of my ancestors and my username is a testament of it.

Dravid is a Sanskrit word. And, there is no evidence for a displacement theory. In fact, all cultural facets of IVC are very similar to present North Indian.
Thank the Lord for Pakistan, our history our culture, IVC all Pakistani, this is the booka, nanga, hindustan that I have seen in india, and I try to tell my brothers in Pakistan about.
Thank the Lord for Pakistan, our history our culture, IVC all Pakistani, this is the booka, nanga, hindustan that I have seen in india, and I try to tell my brothers in Pakistan about.

You have no history of your own...its all borrowed!
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Indus is not "your" river. The world did not start in 1947.

Pakistan ie the civilization around the Indus Valley has been largely separate from the ganges based "bharati" civilization - this Jatt knows his history son.
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Which our forces. The one who butchered your forefathers and reped your grand moms?
Actually you always got butchered , humiliated and then leaved as exiled , Later Mugghals came and invaded india and then ruled you and we stayed here in Pakistanis(Indus) region .
See this is not fair.If Muslims kill Hindu they are your brother, father, ancestors etc. If they are killed , they are our fellow Indian.

What will happen to Muslim Ummah, What about creating other Muslim state from India.
Ummah Exist without state , Its referred to muslim peoples , but you should understand that today people are known by their nations , your passport is based on your nation not empire not religion and its speaks that those whom you are killing are your own blood brothers.
Good to see Muslims kicking Indian @$$e$ in UP.
also good know Muslim kicking a$$$ of Muslim in Pakistan ,Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan,Syria...etc and also European and america f$$ing their *** in their land of pure
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