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Hindu Mahasava arranges "Cow Urine" drinking party to tackle coronavirus

The Sangh is not a cynical movement that exploits people's sentiments to stay in power. The Sangh really believes that Ancient India had internet and the ability to fly between planets.

There is the literate Sanghi and the illiterate Sanghi.
The literate ones are preying on the illiterate ones to stay in power and carry on their agenda.
They do the correct thing bros. Cow urine is the best antidote for corona virus.
They can drink it and protect themselves 24/7.
By this way the earth will get rid off this scum...
There you have it! Now it's clear to the whole world why these sanghis have supa pawa, ancient glory and vedic tech superiority wet dreams...!!
Too much cow colas and even throwing parties to get wet drunk on piss.....
Maybe not about drinking cow urine but I am sure quite a bit of the so-called Educated Youth do believe in "ancient glories of India" in things like nuclear weapons, in-vitro fertilization, the first instance of war reportage and so on.

I am sure that mythology books like "The immortals of Meluha" find good readership among the "Educated" youth, especially the Management and IT types.

The readers of such books are the types who speak against the so-called Urban Naxals, Khan Market gang and so on.
You remind of an excerpt I read from an old English report on the caste system, particularly within the Hindu communities which was written very early on before the British got entrenched.
In the report it pointed to a practice of the burning of the (still alive) widow of the dead husband, usually the next pyre beside the husbands dead body.
I found this strange as did this particular writer. When the British did start with their ‘influence’ this practice of burning alive of widows was frowned upon and ultimately not allowed.
( please correct me if I’m wrong ... I’m sure the report was genuine)
I’m sure no Hindu would want this practice back...?
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There is the literate Sanghi and the illiterate Sanghi.
The literate ones are preying on the illiterate ones to stay in power and carry on their agenda.

The literate ones vote for the illiterate ones and then sit comfortably for next five years watching illiterate ones burning down Muslim neighborhoods in pogroms
Maybe not about drinking cow urine but I am sure quite a bit of the so-called Educated Youth do believe in "ancient glories of India" in things like nuclear weapons, in-vitro fertilization, the first instance of war reportage and so on.

I am sure that mythology books like "The immortals of Meluha" find good readership among the "Educated" youth, especially the Management and IT types.

The readers of such books are the types who speak against the so-called Urban Naxals, Khan Market gang and so on.
Umm Immortals of Meluha is a totally fictitious book and the author himself states that. I have read it. It's not at all the kind of book that you think. In my opinion, it was okayish.

Well, people believe in God without evidence right? Unfortunately, sometimes people take things in ancient books too seriously. Just because it's ancient doesn't mean that it is full of wisdom. People have a herd mentality of believing in stupid things just because their parents, grandparents,etc believed in those things.

With regards to nuclear weapons, and war reportage in ancient times, yes there are references in the Mahabharata and other books about those things. But it doesn't mean that those things actually happened right?

Hindu philosophy talks about cycles of Creation, Destruction, Creation, Destruction,etc. People might use that as a standpoint to say that were civilizations with a different 'Science' than that we have today and were ultimately unknowingly destroyed.
You remind of an excerpt I read from an old English report on the caste system, particularly within the Hindu communities which was written very early on before the British got entrenched.
In the report it pointed to a practice of the burning of the (still alive) widow of the dead husband, usually the next pyre beside the husbands dead body.
I found this strange as dis this particular writer. When the British did start with their ‘influence’ this practice of burning alive of widows was frowned upon and ultimately not allowed.
( please correct me if I’m wrong ... I’m sure the report was genuine)
I’m sure no Hindu would want this practice back...?
It's more of a stupid patriarchal thing. No one practices it today and if they do, they might be 0.000000001% of population or less than that.
You remind of an excerpt I read from an old English report on the caste system, particularly within the Hindu communities which was written very early on before the British got entrenched.
In the report it pointed to a practice of the burning of the (still alive) widow of the dead husband, usually the next pyre beside the husbands dead body.
I found this strange as dis this particular writer. When the British did start with their ‘influence’ this practice of burning alive of widows was frowned upon and ultimately not allowed.
( please correct me if I’m wrong ... I’m sure the report was genuine)
I’m sure no Hindu would want this practice back...?

That practice was called Sati and the last known case was of an 18-year-old woman called Roop Kanwar, and her burning alive ( Sati ) was in the Northwest Indian state of Rajasthan in 1987.

Hindu philosophy talks about cycles of Creation, Destruction, Creation, Destruction,etc. People might use that as a standpoint to say that were civilizations with a different 'Science' than that we have today and were ultimately unknowingly destroyed.

But knowing that an ancient advanced civilization destroyed itself means that, we, the today's people know of some link to the ancients, in form of texts, buildings, sculpture, carvings etc.

That is not so, yes ??

I don't really believe that the Ancient Egyptians built spaceships just because we see carvings that seem similar to a spaceship. Or the theory that the Great Pyramids there are spaceships.

Things are more simple.
But knowing that an ancient advanced civilization destroyed itself means that, we, the today's people know of some link to the ancients, in form of texts, buildings, sculpture, carvings etc.

That is not so, yes ??

I don't really believe that the Ancient Egyptians built spaceships just because we see carvings that seem similar to a spaceship. Or the theory that the Great Pyramids there are spaceships.

Things are more simple.
No point arguing with me as I anyway don't fully believe in those things. I was talking from the point of view of how they think. For me, you can believe in anything as long as it doesn't harm the common people. So basically, these are harmless beliefs and we don't need to take them seriously.
Fantastic. The time is not so far when BJP is going to bring back the dark ages again in India!

Although bad for Indian Muslims and Kashmiris, BJP is the best
thing that has ever happened to BD and Pakistan!
They have trashed both the Indian economy and it's reputation, further harming the already fragile economy. In turn a less good economy will mean a weaker military.
Also BD will have more leverage with a weaker India.
Although bad for Indian Muslims and Kashmiris,
If you take a deep look it will benefit Indian Muslims in future if really India will be divided again. Not talking about single Muslim country, but if India will be divided in manageable pieces, the Sanghis can no longer Murder Muslims like they did in Delhi, that was state sponsored terrorism. And if any piece do so UN can take acttion. Many countries simply remain silent because of large market of India IMHO. If India will be divided into pieces, the problem will be solved.
BJP is the best
thing that has ever happened to BD and Pakistan!
They have trashed both the Indian economy and it's reputation, further harming the already fragile economy. In turn a less good economy will mean a weaker military.
Also BD will have more leverage with a weaker India.
Completely agree. Even if India will not be divided, still weaker India is really beneficial for Bangladesh and Pakistan. Specially for Bangladesh I think, because Pakistan has nuke to protest them, but we don't have it.

So Indians must have to learn that no one is coming from vedic age to fight for them if they keep voting BJP and screw their economy as well as military.

As regards Kashmiris and Indian Muslims, I meant for the short-term as in here and now.

Maybe Hasina likes Modi as she knows how much harm he is doing to India and in return makes BD more secure!

As regards Kashmiris and Indian Muslims, I meant for the short-term as in here and now.
OK understand now.
Maybe Hasina likes Modi as she knows how much harm he is doing to India and in return makes BD more secure!
Lol maybe. And after your boost I have also started to like Modi, may he be elected again and again and keep screwing Indian economy and military power .:lol:

And for Indian Muslims we can pray that may Allah save them.

And for Kashmiri Muslim brothers ( I don't consider them Indian as Kashmir was actually annexed by India by cheating) ,may Allah grant them an independent kashmir as they deserve it.
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That practice was called Sati and the last known case was of an 18-year-old woman called Roop Kanwar, and her burning alive ( Sati ) was in the Northwest Indian state of Rajasthan in 1987.

But knowing that an ancient advanced civilization destroyed itself means that, we, the today's people know of some link to the ancients, in form of texts, buildings, sculpture, carvings etc.

That is not so, yes ??

I don't really believe that the Ancient Egyptians built spaceships just because we see carvings that seem similar to a spaceship. Or the theory that the Great Pyramids there are spaceships.

Things are more simple.
1987 ? Damm ..poor woman..
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