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Hindu Mahasava arranges "Cow Urine" drinking party to tackle coronavirus

The obsession with cows have gone to such length that some of the educated Hindu persons are also consuming urine and feces of Cows ! If these Hindus truly loved a woman they would also consume her urine and feces !

Bold part: Please do not say extreme things.
Ya but i was talking about western media representatives for south asia are mostly indian. So they intentionally dont report embarrassing news. And neither pak or bd has the proper mechanism to publish the news. If you observe carefully india love to show western world hindus are peaceful...its Bollywood...yuga and vegetarian food shit like that. They are harmless and good for humanity. But if one muslim from pak or bd are terrorists or anything negative with islam its always headline news.

that is why I said its our job to not let any opportunity go to tell the reality about India and Hindus
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