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Hindu extremism will hamper Indian economy: NYT

Why? Because NYT hasn't been scathing in its treatment of Pakistan over the past decade, or because Moody's gives a B3 rating to GoP bonds? Do you know that Moody's rated Lehman Brothers at "A" till the day before it collapsed?

The video shows a deluded man bragging about non-existent facts. Neeti Shastra and Artha Shastra do not mention Praveen Togadia. Where is the video of police along with Hindu extremists killing Muslims openly? I would like to see that.

You mean you suspect you will be banned again pretty soon?:D
Please have a look...
You mean they are not as dangerous as Christian Extremists ? :cheesy:

kind of. Christian extremists in the US bomb abortion clinics and want everybody to be Christian like them.

Hindu extremists never commit acts of terrors, but they have killed people before.

But Christian extremists are more dangerous in a sense.
You sent me link not replying for the videos....
We know there are some anti-elements which are doing these things.. Some are foreign funded and some are disbeliever of Islam...
We now are not talking to these elements but instead just killing them directly.. Target killers of Karachi, TTP or Lashker Jhangvi..
No where our government, police is involved in killing minorities just as like yours.
And please don't consider it as riots but massacre only...
kind of. Christian extremists in the US bomb abortion clinics and want everybody to be Christian like them.

Hindu extremists never commit acts of terrors, but they have killed people before.

But Christian extremists are more dangerous in a sense.

Can you provide any example of killing by "Hindu extremists" which is not part of a Riot ?
AmericansAmericans should worry about hate crimes, school shootings, and racial murders of blacks, did americans did a favour by imposing sanctions on india, america should tell its side kick england to stop assaulting Muslims.

Americans should worry about hate crimes, school shootings, and racial murders of blacks, did americans did a favour by imposing sanctions on india, america should tell its side kick england to stop assaulting Muslims, who preach non stop like pope to everyone

Americans should worry about hate crimes, school shootings, and racial murders of blacks, did americans did a favour by imposing sanctions on india, america should tell its side kick england to stop assaulting Muslims, who preach non stop like pope to everyone
i am happy that modi is elected by the indians in biggest democracy of the world ...he will lead india into extremism and intolerance ... yesss modi ji sarkar gooood goood keep up your extremism and spread saffron terror in india... :yay:
You sent me link not replying for the videos....

What is there to reply? Unlike in Pakistan, we allow our courts to decide these things.

We know there are some anti-elements which are doing these things.. Some are foreign funded and some are disbeliever of Islam...

Some anti-elements? Do you not realize that unlike you who has to come up with individual instances of violence in India, the corresponding figures for Pakistan are too many to be accounted for individually. We can only look at overall figures, which state that thousands die every year.

We now are not talking to these elements but instead just killing them directly.. Target killers of Karachi, TTP or Lashker Jhangvi..

But no action against Hafeez Saeed, right? Become he is the "good" extremist. And where is the outcry about human rights violations against these so-called terrorists? When Indian forces take action against terrorism in Kashmir, then it is human rights violation. But when Pakistan Army and Indus Rangers kill their own people in cold blood, it is awesome, right? Talk about double-standards.

No where our government, police is involved in killing minorities just as like yours.

Kindly read the articles on violence against minorities in Pakistan. In each such case, the law-and-order machinery watches silently while crowds gather and rip humans to shred. This happens especially regularly in the blasphemy witch hunts - thousands of people gather and lynch Christians while the police watches and enjoys the show.
We consider all elements who is participating for any violence against minorities as anti-elements and terrorist..
TTP, Laskere-jhanvi, BLA, BLF, MQM are the example...

What action have you taken against.. RSS, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Sri Ram Sena, VHP....
They all participate in masaccare of muslims in all over india whether it is 1964 masaccare, Bhagalpur masaccare, Mumbai masaccare, Gujarat masaccare, Mujaffarnagar masaccare...
And every year thousand of riots takes place in which only minorities communities are the victims..
Take the example of Muzaffarnagar.. Muslims people were forced out of there home and they were not even allowed to return back to their home resulting many death mainly infant
Muzaffarnagar riots: Another baby dies due to cold - The Hindu

Actually there is no accountability of these incident...
India government and police is mainly involved in all massacre..

Narendra Modi the main architecture of Gujarat riots is been awarded PM post...
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