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Hindu extremism will hamper Indian economy: NYT

The concern for India's minorities from Pakistanis, who have collectively butchered all their minorities after independence and reduced them to less than 5 percent from the original 20 percent, is heartening.

The same mantra from Hindutva Bhakturds who fail to mention that Muslim population in the neighboring Indian states of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh also dropped from 40% before the independence to around to 1.5% today. The reason is that Muslims from these states migrated to Pakistan while the Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan migrated to India. These Lingamites seems to be low on logic and high on Gomutra !!
What can be expected when your leader(s) are grown up in Sakha instead of getting secular education and learning tolerance? They don't have any secular view of the world. BJP is not in power for developing India's economy. Rather, they are here this time for completing the unfulfilled dream of Hindu Rashtra. It's not about Modi alone; Ab ki Baar Hindu Rashtra is the motto of all those thousands of extremist Hindu organization working inside and abroad. The uneducated common men vote for this fascist party assuming they are going to guide the nation to a resurgence, while where they are leading to is, into anarchy. What ISIS will want is done by RSS in India. False flag attacks, creating religious tensions, riots so as to form RSS sakhas in even remote villages, taking over temples for brainwashing and amassing weapons, works like KKK to achieve their agenda of pure India devoid of Dalits(Aboriginals), Infidels(Muslims,Christians, Sikhs) and a pure aryan nation for the high castes Brahmana's at the expense of shudar slaves who fell for the RSS brainwashing. Caste System IS needed by Sanghparivar to prevent pollution, race-mixing although, 99% of coolie-sevaks are kept unaware of this.
RSS & Varna Caste System | Communist Party of India (Marxist)
:lol: NYT

These newspapers are still butthurt, just see their history:
Saurav Jha's Blog : Why the 'New York Times' does not get Narendra Modi's rise
New York Times and the unfounded Modi paranoia - Firstpost
India v. Hinduphobia: What Narendra Modi's Election as Prime Minister Really Means | Vamsee Juluri

Lots more, you should just check out their constant rants, retard editorials, even plain Modi Bashing quoting modified facts, which they corrected after a lot of people pointed out the "mistakes".
I like the word Hinduphobia.

Just like Islamophobia, it DOES NOT exist. :D

The same mantra from Hindutva Bhakturds who fail to mention that Muslim population in the neighboring Indian states of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh also dropped from 40% before the independence to around to 1.5% today. The reason is that Muslims from these states migrated to Pakistan while the Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan migrated to India. These Lingamites seems to be low on logic and high on Gomutra !!
By that logic, Pakistan would never have Muhajirs from UP. :omghaha:

Oh btw - post reported. :tup:
Hindu extremism is exaggerated opinion expressed by NYT
The same mantra from Hindutva Bhakturds who fail to mention that Muslim population in the neighboring Indian states of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh also dropped from 40% before the independence to around to 1.5% today. The reason is that Muslims from these states migrated to Pakistan while the Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan migrated to India. These Lingamites seems to be low on logic and high on Gomutra !!

Your patriotism would be better served by condemning your countries atrocious history on minority rights, instead of shedding crocodile tears about the problems faced by Indians. Your country is an ISLAMIC military dictatorship, meaning that anyone not Muslim is a second-class citizen. India is a SECULAR Republic.
anyone not Muslim is a second-class citizen. India is a SECULAR Republic.

Not really. Some positions are reserved for Muslims and all other positions are open. While in India 50% of seats in educational institutions and jobs are rederved for low caste Hindus. So may be 5% positions are reserved for Muslims in Pakistan while in India 50% are reserved for Hindus. There is a quota of 5% jobs for non-Muslims according to their share in population. Why dont India also reserve 15% for Muslims when they have 50% for Hindus.
I'm concerned with the concerns of the concerned.

Not really. Some positions are reserved for Muslims and all other positions are open. While in India 50% of seats in educational institutions and jobs are rederved for low caste Hindus. So may be 5% positions are reserved for Muslims in Pakistan while in India 50% are reserved for Hindus. There is a quota of 5% jobs for non-Muslims according to their share in population. Why dont India also reserve 15% for Muslims when they have 50% for Hindus.

Wrong. The OBC quota, which is the larger chunk of reservation is open to non hindus too.

Not to mention your malicious demand of equating lower class / caste reservations with religion. Quite cute. We roll differently in India, so don't put too much pressure on your Pakistani mindset, you will NOT understand it.
Not really. Some positions are reserved for Muslims and all other positions are open. While in India 50% of seats in educational institutions and jobs are rederved for low caste Hindus. So may be 5% positions are reserved for Muslims in Pakistan while in India 50% are reserved for Hindus. There is a quota of 5% jobs for non-Muslims according to their share in population. Why dont India also reserve 15% for Muslims when they have 50% for Hindus.

Isn't it true that until the last census in Pakistan when religious data was included, lower-caste Hindus were not even included in the Hindu population figures and were mentioned separately? This is how your country treats Hindus, by denying hem their religious identity. As for having reservations for Muslims, since the reservation policy is based on caste, how can it be given to Muslims? Isn't it the universal claim that Islam doesn't have a caste system? Isn't that the basis for half the mudslinging on India on PDF?

Caste system among Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Othman: The Muslim caste system is worse than that of the Hindus. Surprised? :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes
Being Muslim in India means Syeds spit on Julahas in an 'egalitarian community' - The Times of India
Islamic caste | Indian society | Britannica.com
The concern for India's minorities from Pakistanis, who have collectively butchered all their minorities after independence and reduced them to less than 5 percent from the original 20 percent, is heartening. Pakistan has been consistently been ranked as one of the worst places for minorities anywhere in the world. So it is good to see Pakistanis getting into the concerns of the civilized world for a change.

Mind you, Indian Muslims, from Asasuddin Owaisi to MJ Akbar, have made it clear time and again that they do not wish for Pakistani concern, but the unsolicited concern is nonetheless duly noted.

It is also nice to see that Pakistanis treat NY Times editorial board articles seriously. Just the other Sunday, this same board had written that Pakistan's nuclear weapons pose a threat to the entire world. At that time, all Pakistani members on PDF had reached the unanimous conclusion that NYT is a piece of s**t and should be ignored. But that was two weeks back...
Who says you that... Give some reference...
Don't go by pew..same forum says that europe will in minority and muslims will be majority within 50 years..
Pravin Togadia is saying the genocide happened in india..
Bhagalpur riots..
1992 riots..
Gujarat Riots..
Sikh Riots 1984..
Assam Riots 1984 riots..
these genocide was not noticed by the world..
Still every year there are 100 of riots incident took place in india..
Actually these are genocides of minorities..
Truth is truth..
Don't go by pew..same forum says that europe will in minority and muslims will be majority within 50 years..
Pravin Togadia is saying the genocide happened in india..
Bhagalpur riots..
1992 riots..
Gujarat Riots..
Sikh Riots 1984..
Assam Riots 1984 riots..
these genocide was not noticed by the world..
Still every year there are 100 of riots incident took place in india..
Actually these are genocides of minorities..
Truth is truth..

Riots are riots. People kill each other. Massacres are where one community murders another, like it happens in Pakistan. There is a principle difference.
Modi is definitely a Hindu extremist. It's becoming clear for everyone. He is from the RSS, which is the Hindu equivalent to Wahabis.
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