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Hina Rabbani shuts up an Afghan

Hinna Rabbani has unusually deep voice for a female. Deep voice is associated with higher level of testosterone.
I say she has a lovely commanding authoritative voice, and she definitely put the Afghan lady in her place.kudos
This Indian always have few token Afghans to ask stupid questions when ever he host some Pakistani.
She should first put the Pakistan Army in place by not interefering in Pakistan's Foreign Affairs and stick to crushing ISI created militancy in Pakistan.
But how can Pakistan army not interfere in Foreign affairs , we are living in a tough neighbourhood, everything has to be seen through the prism of security, and who are best at this, the folks at GHQ.
But how can Pakistan army not interfere in Foreign affairs , we are living in a tough neighbourhood, everything has to be seen through the prism of security, and who are best at this, the folks at GHQ.

Their strategy of creating security actually created insecurity !! The weaponization of militants and sectarians occured on their watch and they did not do anything until now. Defense is best offense and they failed to crush militants even 15 years ago when it was in its infancy. They utterly failed to protect Pakistan's civil society.
Their strategy of creating security actually created insecurity !! The weaponization of militants and sectarians occured on their watch and they did not do anything until now. Defense is best offense and they failed to crush militants even 15 years ago when it was in its infancy. They utterly failed to protect Pakistan's civil society.
Mistakes were made however no one has the benefit of hindsight, under the current chief those are being rectified, besides I have far more confidence in the folks at GHQ than some half literate politician in the National Assembly.
Mistakes were made however no one has the benefit of hindsight, under the current chief those are being rectified, besides I have far more confidence in the folks at GHQ than some half literate politician in the National Assembly.

I understand the frustration with uneducated politicians. politicians reflect your society at large. when an army jawan sheds blood it is for the uneducated politicians
I understand the frustration with uneducated politicians. politicians reflect your society at large. when an army jawan sheds blood it is for the uneducated politicians
No he sheds it for his country, his army and the man besides him.kudos
better have that kind of problems than ones where u strap on a belt and go KABOOM :D:D:D

Again I reiterate..Pakistanis are great, No1 in the world ;)

thanks we already know that we are the best. and we like our cows cooked well done.
She admits that Pakistan has suffered greatly due to Pakistan's military interference in governance.

But the Pak politicians don't have the balls to stand up and be counted!
Pakistan may have suffered due to her military but it has only survived because of it, there are two sides of every story. The Pakistan army allegedly as interventionist as it may be is the sole continually dependant and responsible institution in the country

I understand the frustration with uneducated politicians. politicians reflect your society at large. when an army jawan sheds blood it is for the uneducated politicians
To hell with the politicians the only thing a Pakistani soldier sheds his blood for is God, Country and Duty, they fight not for any who is in power but for the idea that Pakistan is their nation and its defence is incumbent on him no matter what the cost.
the uneducated politician & scum of society living in the country benefit too
All political decisions that may lead to actual combat are taken by the military alone as they are the best ones qualified to make analytical judgements on security matters, not some dim wit like Nawaz.
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