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Hina Rabbani shuts up an Afghan

Wow ! Looks like people are coming out of the closet today !
easy now. I loathe the guy . you got it all wrong. I meant to hurt him bad for all the anguish he gives me whenever I come across his program. a self note is never watch this channel which is simply a fox news with Arabic name.

Cringed when she started shouting. The whole interview made me want to slug her in the face.
what about the host?
It's the host's job to be aggressive and to make the person being interviewed feel cornered. Good on him for making Khar look like a fool.

just for the sake of clarification. I will tell you why I said what I said.

I have no problem or issue with the subject matter. former ISI chief Durrani an interview with hard talk lady in channel 4.
it was full blooded , no nonsense interview but done with grace. but when same guest appeared on Al Jazera.. this host was taunting him and making mocking remarks which more suited a stand up comedian in a locla bar rather than a program host of an international mainstream news channel.

there is a difference between being an arse and a forceful and effective host (I have seen few of his programs , now I quickly switch whenever I see him).

watch Jeremy Paxman, David dimbleby, Larry King or even our very own Talat Hussain... they are not pests, they dont interrupt even before the the other person started to answer. they force their point .

this guy on the other hand has to finish a given quota of words in 30 seconds like a radio commercial. I am indifferent towards the guests or this guest for that matter. difference of opinion is fine, cornering is also fine but there are people I quoted that do it with class and style. he is just a glorified troll and loves the sound of his own voice.

all this is my own opinion. I am sure even if I get to listen to him something I completely endorse and agree .. he will make me cringe and switch the channel. :)
Cringed when she started shouting. The whole interview made me want to slug her in the face.
That is the really best part of the interview in which she gave a straight shut up call to the idiot Afghani reporter and only an Afghan refugee, living in Pakistan along with 3 million other Afghanis for the past 3 decades, will cringe on it
That is the really best part of the interview in which she gave a straight shut up call to the idiot Afghani reporter and only an Afghan refugee, living in Pakistan along with 3 million other Afghanis for the past 3 decades, will cringe on it

I honestly didn't see what was so good about it. That kind of child-like shrieking is reserved for social media and forums, not for public discussions and debates.
just for the sake of clarification. I will tell you why I said what I said.

I have no problem or issue with the subject matter. former ISI chief Durrani an interview with hard talk lady in channel 4.
it was full blooded , no nonsense interview but done with grace. but when same guest appeared on Al Jazera.. this host was taunting him and making mocking remarks which more suited a stand up comedian in a locla bar rather than a program host of an international mainstream news channel.

there is a difference between being an arse and a forceful and effective host (I have seen few of his programs , now I quickly switch whenever I see him).

watch Jeremy Paxman, David dimbleby, Larry King or even our very own Talat Hussain... they are not pests, they dont interrupt even before the the other person started to answer. they force their point .

this guy on the other hand has to finish a given quota of words in 30 seconds like a radio commercial. I am indifferent towards the guests or this guest for that matter. difference of opinion is fine, cornering is also fine but there are people I quoted that do it with class and style. he is just a glorified troll and loves the sound of his own voice.

all this is my own opinion. I am sure even if I get to listen to him something I completely endorse and agree .. he will make me cringe and switch the channel. :)

I never looked at it from that lens. I'll have a look at the Durrani Channel 4 interview and I'll get back to you.
A good host will extract more info and still be classy and respectful to his guest. But the guests should also use their discretion in saying yes or no to that program or host. However this guy is really a fool as host; he was a debater in the past and debating is all about words, loudness and ferocity while hosting requires patience, facts, talking but more importantly listening and discerning to come up with punchy question while debater has to deliver a pre-written speech at the top of his/her voice in a short time and that what this host is doing.
AT around 41:40

"Stop Blaming us for whatever happens in your country"

Overall she was excellent

PHEW.....damn, she defended very well. Where are ALL the "only patriot Pakistanis from the military"? Who think the military is the ONLY loyal institute in Pakistan. This woman tackled so many different issues in a short amount of time, compared to any general I've seen talking to the media. This is the kind of people a country needs to go forward with. Yes, I know Zardari was corrupt as hell, but the woman didn't bash Pakistan as the image you'd get from the military on civilians. She defended and went on offense a few times for her country!!
This woman tackled so many different issues in a short amount of time, compared to any general I've seen talking to the media. This is the kind of people a country needs to go forward with. Yes, I know Zardari was corrupt as hell, but the woman didn't bash Pakistan as the image you'd get from the military on civilians. She defended and went on offense a few times for her country!!

That is why we need democracy. She and other qualified women were elected when Musharraf made the university degree compulsory for the assembly seats. It was first law that Zardari cancelled when he became President. Now all the illitrate feudals are in the assembly.
That is why we need democracy. She and other qualified women were elected when Musharraf made the university degree compulsory for the assembly seats. It was first law that Zardari cancelled when he became President. Now all the illitrate feudals are in the assembly.

Are you sure that law was cancelled? There were plenty of people who couldn't even run due to not having degrees......

The problem with Pakistan is that everyone creates their own version of the story based on their own personal and political interest. No one really cares about the country!!
Oh god she is so beautiful:smitten:

Sultry is the word, I believe...:D

That is why we need democracy. She and other qualified women were elected when Musharraf made the university degree compulsory for the assembly seats. It was first law that Zardari cancelled when he became President. Now all the illitrate feudals are in the assembly.

There should be a similar qualification norm for PDF as well!:lol:
There are loads of undocumented Afghans in Pakistan, who do get treatment in Pakistani hospitals and make a living in the country.
Do you have any proof for your assertions about state guests or is it a figment of your imagination?
Mulah mansoor is appointed by pak army.
He heads quetta shurra.
There are dozens article from nytimes, guardian in last 6 month on his close contacts with your govt
That is a blatant lie. Its like blaming the victim for the crime.

India is a living examples that even when the politicians are corrupt and bad, the Military knows its job and follows the Constitution and the rules.

Take our politicians and give them charge of Indian Government or let them teach how to do corruption to your politicians, your military will automatically learn how to impose Marshall law / take over Government. :D
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