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Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

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Taza Khabar Aye Hai Mr X Nay Pakistan ki Izzat bech Khai hai
Taza Khabar Aye Hai Yahoodi Hamaray Bhai Hain
Taza Khabar Aye Hai India hamara Bhai hai

The real PPP agenda.

Mr Kiyani wake up before its too late. or its already too late?
Taza Khabar Aye Hai Mr X Nay Pakistan ki Izzat bech Khai hai
Taza Khabar Aye Hai Yahoodi Hamaray Bhai Hain
Taza Khabar Aye Hai India hamara Bhai hai

The real PPP agenda.

Mr Kiyani wake up before its too late. or its already too late?

Ah hah, how about Pak elites know without :pakistan:, no matter how much money they have, they have nothing?
You doubt their allegiance to :pakistan:? At least they have to solute :pakistan: for themselves. :lol:
i dont know what everybodys problem is but i think that she is really putting in an effort to convince the people that the US is really trying to engage the people. i personally think that this is a great thing hope their is more understanding between pakistan and US. We need to understand that we have to connected to this world if we want to prosper we can be like iran and north korea. lets face facts pakistan needs trade and investment from the entire world.
Hillary Clinton calls on COAS
Updated at: 1255 PST, Friday, October 30, 2009

RAWALPINDI: US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton called on the Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani here on Thursday.

The visiting dignitary remained with the Chief of Army Staff for some time and both exchanged candid views on matters of mutual interest.

Issues relating to security situation in the region especially at Pak-Afghan border and Pakistan’s recent offensive against Taliban and al-Qaeda militants in South Waziristan agency were also discussed in the meeting, the sources added.

Hillary Clinton calls on COAS
Clinton doubts Pakistan on al-Qaeda

Clinton has attempted to challenge anti-Americanism during her three-day visit [AFP]

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has questioned Pakistan's commitment to the fight against al-Qaeda, saying she found it hard to believe that no-one in the government knows where senior figures are hiding.
"I find it hard to believe that nobody in your government knows where they are and couldn't get them if they really wanted to," she told a group of newspaper editors during a meeting in the city of Lahore on Thursday.

"Maybe that's the case. Maybe they're not gettable. I don't know."

Top al-Qaeda leaders are widely believed to be holed up in a remote mountainous region along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan.

"I find it hard to believe that nobody in your government knows where they are and couldn't get them if they really wanted to"

Hillary Clinton

Clinton said that al-Qaeda had enjoyed a "safe haven" in Pakistan since 2002.

Clinton is on a three-day visit to Pakistan, where one of her principle objectives is to tackle the anti-American sentiment which is said to be undermining its allies in the Pakistani government.

"I am more than willing to hear every complaint about the United States," Clinton said.

"But this is a two-way street. If we are going to have a mature partnership where we work together" then "there are issues that not just the United States but others have with your government and with your military security establishment."

Clinton was keen to hail the US relationship with Pakistan.

"What we have together is far greater than what divided us," she told students at Lahore University, referring to her relations with Barack Obama, the US president.

"And that is what I feel about the United States and Pakistan."

Military offensive

In video

Al Jazeera's Imran Khan reports from the frontline in South Waziristan

Washington has welcomed the Pakistani military offensives against Taliban groups in North West Frontier Province and, more recently, in South Waziristan.

But there seems to have been little progress over the years in capturing or killing senior figures from the al-Qaeda movement.

Anne Patterson, the US ambassador to Pakistan, said Clinton's remarks approximate what the US administration has told Pakistani officials in private.

"We often say, 'Yes, there needs to be more focus on finding these leaders,'" she said.

"The other thing is, they lost control of much of this territory in recent years and that's why they're in South Waziristan right now."

Patterson's predecessor, Wendy Chamberlin, told Al Jazeera that Clinton's comment reflected a widespread feeling among US officials over Pakistan's commitment to hunting down al-Qaeda

"I think there is a frustration that a lot of us have felt," she told Al Jazeera in Washington DC.

"Because we haven't been more effective since 2002, the extremism threat seems to have grown."

Clinton also faced questions from students, with many voicing doubts that the US could be a reliable and trusted partner for Pakistan.

One woman asked whether the US can be expected to commit long term in Afghanistan after abandoning the country after Russian occupiers retreated in 1989.

"What guarantee can Americans give Pakistan that we can now trust you - not you but, like, the Americans this time - of your sincerity and that you guys are not going to betray us like the Americans did in the past when they wanted to destabilise the Russians?" the woman asked.

Clinton responded that the question was a "fair criticism" and that the US did not follow through in the way it should have.

"It's difficult to go forward if we're always looking in the rear-view mirror," Clinton said.

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Clinton doubts Pakistan on al-Qaeda

Don't seem like they trust Pakistan yet. Especially where she differentiates between the Government and the "military security establishment".
Clinton doubts Pakistan on al-Qaeda

Clinton has attempted to challenge anti-Americanism during her three-day visit [AFP]

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has questioned Pakistan's commitment to the fight against al-Qaeda, saying she found it hard to believe that no-one in the government knows where senior figures are hiding.
"I find it hard to believe that nobody in your government knows where they are and couldn't get them if they really wanted to," she told a group of newspaper editors during a meeting in the city of Lahore on Thursday.


Hillary clinton! we find it hard to believe that u'r husband was having sex with White House staff right under u'r eyes andu didn't knew abt it.........:woot:
Hillary knows exactly where his CIA sponsored Arab Legion Head Osama bin Obama is, right under her desk in Washington.

Its obvious that when ever US needs to justify there devious deeds there trigger happy puppy Osama comes to there rescue by give speeches that give ample justification to US.

CIA's Arab Legion Al-Qaeeda is responsible for bringing death and destruction to millions of people all around the world.
Ghalib Iqbal looks like a psycho...just look at him checking out old Mrs Clinton's arse :rofl:

I'm still wondering about the real motivations behind this visit.

And the girls giving Clinton flowers should be slapped across the face by none other than our lady police officers. The US gave us a war to fight, look at these girl's giving them flowers. How pathetic! :tdown:
and not just a war---a pre planned war!checkout their statements and watch their movies when these talibans were fighting against Russia!what were they ah,MUJHAHIDS! and now against them,Terrorist!?. whom are they fooling?And our so called media shows nothing nowdays against U.S drone attacks!
I still dont blame U.S forour weakness,they are only getting sucess because our government is pathetic!why not they are attacking north korea or Iran???because they are not american phobic! our governments should shame and should resign!:hitwall:

i dont know what everybodys problem is but i think that she is really putting in an effort to convince the people that the US is really trying to engage the people. i personally think that this is a great thing hope their is more understanding between pakistan and US. We need to understand that we have to connected to this world if we want to prosper we can be like iran and north korea. lets face facts pakistan needs trade and investment from the entire world.
MAN why don't you see our problem???Hillary is only doing what is she told to!why don't you see the noble blood of our repectable soldiers and our civilians and these terrorist attacks due to their so called well planned war on terror???
WE don't need United States of America for our prosperity.We don't need money from them,neither we need them for our trade! The world does not end on America,there is a World beyond these united states which will definitely work with us if pak will become a war free,prosperous zone :hitwall:
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