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Hillary Clinton gives clean chit to Pakistan

...Second, a hasty American withdrawal? I thought you guys hate Americans, what did you want them to stick around for, to build the Taliban base camps for you? Pakistan pursued her own agendas during the war and especially afterwards. Now they are back to help you and you want them to desert you. Cycle of confusion, please don't involve me in it.

We didn't hate Americans and we still don't. There is a difference between mistrust and hate. We didn't want them to just pack and leave the first time the US was here. All the hardware that was distributed to the Mujahideen should have been accounted for and destroyed.

The second time is heading down a similar road. They are not here to help us just like they weren't here for us the first time. They are here for their own reasons and purposes. And now that the job seems to near some level of completion, they plan on leaving Afghanistan before the job's fully done.

All we ask the US is to stop using Pakistan as a mere base for its purposes. If the US wants good-relations with us, they'll find a lot of takers. But another period of a solely task-oriented alliance won't work.
Destroy all US bases in the middle east, carpet bomb every single US soldier in Afghanistan with Depleted uranium and send Hilary back in a bodybag.
Someone should give simple answer to Miss. Clinton that this fire of Anti-Americanism is fueled by you.

It will not be wise to blame Pakistan in every step where US stepped up too with Pakistan.
Well, if they really want to reduce anti-Americanism then they have to start seriously changing dual policies for Pakistan, otherwise all her words are nothing but COLOURS AND BUBBLES.
The American agenda in the region, guided by their anti-China obsession, is diametrically opposed to Pakistan's national interests.

It's as simple as that.

Exactly. Allied with China on the long run is allied with the future. On the current is the most practical choice.
Plus, ask average people in both country, they favor each other. This is also affection bond. This is pearl in this interest driven world.

Average, grassroots Pakistani love China, and they hate America, Hillary please give an explanation before your @ss off this land.

We are not fool, misled by the US, and those Indian troll.
"absolutely no evidence that anyone at the highest level of the Pakistani government" knew where bin Laden was and said she would return to Washington "ever more committed" to the relationship.
So that leaves people below "the highest level" and the quasi-governmental organizations under their influence. And the statement leaves open the possibility that "the highest level" knew Pakistan was sheltering OBL but did not know, or bother to inquire, where he was.

It isn't a clean bill of health. There is simply too much experience (starting in 1998) with the U.S. telling Pakistan it was going after bin Laden, only to have him suddenly move before the bombs and missiles hit.
"America cannot and should not solve Pakistan's problems. That's up to Pakistan," she said.

Then it should not contribute to creating more problems for Pakistan.
Seconding covert CIA operatives.
Violation of sovereignty to score cheap publicity points
Arming India despite open offensive stance
Let India a free hand in Afghanistan.
Not holding back militant infiltration from Afghanistan into Pakistan.

These are all contributions to our rising problems due to America and it should rightfully take the blame.

On the lighter side, it looks like Hillary five days of montly PMS is over and she is back to being calm

It isn't a clean bill of health. There is simply too much experience (starting in 1998) with the U.S. telling Pakistan it was going after bin Laden, only to have him suddenly move before the bombs and missiles hit.
You mean American tomhawks failing to reach their target or was that an ISI hack into the US C&C center and divert the course of tomhawks.

Binladen was the instrumental agent of CIA created to erode Pakistan hold on Afghan Taliban post afghan-soviet war so the Talibans could then be sucessfully turned against Pakistan for its nuclear program.

Hint: Sanctions slapped on Pakistan at the end of afghan-soviet war due to nuclear programs..

Why would we be protecting our own enemy? Doesn't make sense.

Unless it was to put him under interrogation for exposing nasty CIA plans..the Americans figured this out after failing to achieve their mission in Afghanistan and garnering Taliban support for their invasion hence eliminating OBL as a capture agent became a goal or utmost importance.
Why is the US sending mopping up crews to hide Pakistani negligence? This is absolutely an insult to the fine men and women dying in Afghanistan as well as to the victims of September 11th, 2001.

What investigation did Hillary undertake to come to such conclusions anyways? **** this bogus two-faced business, once Canada's tenure is up, we're not coming back to this desolate region even if the entire US Eastern seaboard gets invaded by Osama's children.

.US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday told Pakistan that the country needed to understand that anti-Americanism and conspiracy theories will not end its problems.

"Pakistan should understand that anti-Americanism and conspiracy theories will not make the problem disappear," Clinton told a news conference following talks with Pakistan's military and civilian leaders.

Pakistan was left humiliated and angry after an American raid killed Osama bin Laden two hours' from the capital on May 2.

The unilateral operation has fuelled widespread anti-American sentiment in the country, which has long been high over a covert CIA drone war against militant commanders in the country's northwestern tribal belt.

The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, who accompanied Clinton in her meetings pleaded for greater co-operation between the two wary allies in the war against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

Clinton denied that the meetings, held under blanket security, were tense and said she had heard Pakistan commit to "some very specific action", saying the country deserved more credit for its efforts in the war on militants.

"I return to Washington ever more committed," to the relationship, she said.

Anti-Americanism will not help Pakistan: Clinton - Yahoo! News

Of course, anti-americanism will make the road ahead very difficult for Pakistan. However, hillery should ask herself if anti-Pakistanism would help america. Pakistan does not try to convince america that Iran is not her enemy but israel is. On the other hand, america is always telling the Pakistanis that india is not her enemy though history tells the opposite. And then, America has been using the WOT as an excuse to turn Pakistan against its traditional allies. Yet after all these, arrogant Americans like hillery expect that Pakistanis are going to hug them with open arms. What could be more illogical than this
We didn't hate Americans and we still don't. There is a difference between mistrust and hate. We didn't want them to just pack and leave the first time the US was here. All the hardware that was distributed to the Mujahideen should have been accounted for and destroyed.

The second time is heading down a similar road. They are not here to help us just like they weren't here for us the first time. They are here for their own reasons and purposes. And now that the job seems to near some level of completion, they plan on leaving Afghanistan before the job's fully done.

All we ask the US is to stop using Pakistan as a mere base for its purposes. If the US wants good-relations with us, they'll find a lot of takers. But another period of a solely task-oriented alliance won't work.

Most sensible post in this thread. Everything else is just filled with blind hatred conveniently forgetting the fact that it was Pakistan who supported the Taliban for her interest and Osama was found in Pakistan while government officials kept taking millions from the US. Can any Pakistani really honestly say that Pakistan is not a hot-bed for terrorism? At the end of the day, the people have to realize that it was your government that gave US an excuse to interfere in Pakistan.

Stop hating the US, start learning from your mistakes and work to rectify it. Insha-Allah, for the next election the people of Pakistan will vote for someone who will work for the interest and economical well being of Pakistan. It's about time war and hatred took a back seat.
she is Lying Lying Lying again and again . its shame for nation of Pakistan Americans come here talk like we are colony and go home our shameless puppet civil and army men just say to them YES SIR YES MAM YES SIR .damn who can we even allow them to come here? they attack us daily they bomb us daily they violate our sovereignty they make us a joke . i failed to understand whats level or BEGHATRI of our gov and army high command?.:hitwall:
Destroy all US bases in the middle east, carpet bomb every single US soldier in Afghanistan with Depleted uranium and send Hilary back in a bodybag.

Are you feeling ok?

What will murdering thousands of American going to achieve for Pakistani's apart from millions of deaths.

You can sit in the UK but many others will feel the brunt of your wishes in Pakistan.
Why is the US sending mopping up crews to hide Pakistani negligence? This is absolutely an insult to the fine men and women dying in Afghanistan as well as to the victims of September 11th, 2001.

What investigation did Hillary undertake to come to such conclusions anyways? **** this bogus two-faced business, once Canada's tenure is up, we're not coming back to this desolate region even if the entire US Eastern seaboard gets invaded by Osama's children.

thats very good coz they really don't want you there the sooner you get out the more of your own lives you will save.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday told Pakistan that the country needed to understand that anti-Americanism and conspiracy theories will not end its problems.

conspiracy theories ?

did she follow PDF !!
thats very good coz they really don't want you there the sooner you get out the more of your own lives you will save.

When it comes down to it, Canada was exceptionally open and sympathetic to what happened on Sept. 11, and the US showed us big tears and riled us all up for war to catch Osama and teach the Taliban a lesson. Well Osama was found sheltered near Pakistani military installations! The logical justifiable thing to do then would be to hold accountable the Pakistanis responsible for this! For everyone's benefit and good, even the Pakistani people!
Now about leaving, and saving lives : Canadians don't take orders from anyone (that's why we are missing from Iraq) and we still enjoy massacring Taliban, this I can assure you of. We'll stay till we want, and not act like children and stay where we are needed... but the US can go on wild goose chases without us in the future.
conspiracy theories ?

did she follow PDF !!

Probably, CENTCOM and her sit on the internet and they browse through this website, first they check the fashion thread, then they check the Funny & Stupid thread.

Finally they probably go around the other sections and the Pak members are yapping on about CIA agents, Jews, Hindu's India yada yada yada.

They think to themselves, 'these people be ******".
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