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Hijacking faith: How an extremist Deobandi ideology rules the Barelvi major

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those who question are labelled Kafirs and fitnah gar and what not, threatened and killed as the institution of taqleed snubs reforms, the certain Islam ki thekedar class holds monopoly over interpretation and what to be made public, solely depend on the mullahs-in-command..

sir salafis have already done that I was born hanafi but now I am a salafi because I follow Quran and sunnah not a specific imam
sir salafis have already done that I was born hanafi but now I am a salafi because I follow Quran and sunnah not a specific imam

and salafis r off spring pupils of Maliki school of thought.

secondly Muhammad wasnt a Salafi or Sunni or Shia or whatever... He was a plain Muslim like his forefather Ibrahim.
Hell with All Sects, first follow basic Islam.

Aqeedah + Principles + Fardh... First correct your Islam, then I am sure you will not try to discuss anyone else's Islam, whether Hazrat Ameer Mawiya (RA) was good or bad what was the fate of Yazeed, is clearly we don't know, neither we have to care. As per Hadith, if you have doubt on something then leave it. And it isn't that important thing that you will be disallowed to go to Jannah to having faith on someone's else faith.

So keep someone else faith aside and concentrate on your own deeds. Finish...
Agreed that generally Bralvis also use (RA) with Hazrat Ameer Muavia. But the point is that of Yazeed. Traditional Sunnis (Brelvis) don't use RA with Yazeed or neither call him Hazrat Yazeed. I don't know about the reflections of deubandis on this but Ahle-Hadith use RA with Yazeed.

Brelvi-Ahl-e-Hadith ,Brelvi-Deubandi and Brelvi-Shia ideological conflicts have always been existing but even to date hardly any killings (except a few which too on individual levels) have taken place between the brelvis and other sects. In fact brlvis also took the wrath as the Melad procession in Nishtar park claimed 57 lives.

Deobandis do not use RA with yazeed................

Deoband was a movement to cleanse islam in subcontinent from bidah like milad, mazar-parasti, pir-parasti etc.......those who insisted on retaining traditional version of islam in india, started calling themselves bareilvis and later ahl-sunnat.......

Concept of sufism in deoband school of thought is not different from bareilvis but deobandis consider it a subject of khawas while bareilvis has made it a discussion of awaam.....

barelvis worship hazrat mohammad p.b.u.h and consider him noor not bashar, has made him a God-like entity.....this is against islam
and salafis r off spring pupils of Maliki school of thought.

secondly Muhammad wasnt a Salafi or Sunni or Shia or whatever... He was a plain Muslim like his forefather Ibrahim.
you Mr really need to study Islam specially fiqh salafis are more close to hanbali and shafi fiqh and fish was introduced by hazrat Muhammad saw and he himself people to go to some specific sahabas to learn fiqh issues
you Mr really need to study Islam specially fiqh salafis are more close to hanbali and shafi fiqh and fish was introduced by hazrat Muhammad saw and he himself people to go to some specific sahabas to learn fiqh issues

behold Muhammad declared a Salafi !!

you guys always amaze us with your in depth knowledge... !
@Leader these terms were not their but fiqh was read life off hazrat Muhammad saw and his sahabas and history off fiqh you will know it these 4 imams just interpreted what hazrat Muhammad saw and sahabas said or did
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@Leader these terms were not their but fiqh was read life off hazrat Muhammad saw and his sahabas and history off fiqh you will know it these 4 imams just interpreted what hazrat Muhammad saw and sahabas said or did

All human work, fully pron to mistakes, hence open to reinterpret and improvement !
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All human work, fully pron to mistakes, hence open to reinterpret and improvement !

yes as Muslims we only have what Quran and sunnat says about isuues what fish does is makes it easy to understanding the orders off Quran and sunnat
yes as Muslims we only have what Quran and sunnat says about isuues what fish does is makes it easy to understanding the orders off Quran and sunnat

so did you search out how many quranic verses and precepts of Prophet are there that make up the law rules and how much law is made up on precepts by the imams using Qiyas and other principles?

you will be surprised to know the Truth which this mullah class hides, their sole existence depend on hiding this truth !!
so did you search out how many quranic verses and precepts of Prophet are there that make up the law rules and how much law is made up on precepts by the imams using Qiyas and other principles?

you will be surprised to know the Truth which this mullah class hides, their sole existence depend on hiding this truth !!

sir most have I have done research the imam which gets as many hadees they could they translated it for people but Muslims when got all the hadees they have to study Quran and hadees
Alternately, if we can have 4 scchools of law, why not 5?

Wouldn't building a fifth school not only increase the existing conflicts, but be addition to faith? The school you wish to build will have a slightly tweaked belief, which ofcourse is something new created today, which wasn't a part of Islam during creation.

This is why I do not believe in, or support, sects.
Hazrat Ameer Muavia was suhaba e Rasool- how can you call your self Nuslim when you have nothing but contempt for a Suhaba?-

Do you think Allahs Rasol Muhammad SAW was short sighted not to recognize an evil anong him and warn us about it?-

And i know what ghalazat you guys vent out against another Sahaba e Rasool Hazrat Umer RA- the same Suhaba for which our holy Prophet specially prayed for to enter the circle of Islam-

We have zero respect for a guy that fought the great Imam Ali - who bought the dirt of monarchy into the Islamic system of govt, who's mother ate the liver of the great Hamza. For us all who hurt the family of the prophet are worthy of criticism.

muavia was an usurper and tried to undermine Hazrat Ali's Imamship. We consider him a great evil.
Wouldn't building a fifth school not only increase the existing conflicts, but be addition to faith? The school you wish to build will have a slightly tweaked belief, which ofcourse is something new created today, which wasn't a part of Islam during creation.

This is why I do not believe in, or support, sects.

Excellent -- if 4 schools are not adding to the faith, how are 5 adding to the faith? Problem here is that some of us think that Islam has no meaning - What? Yes, Islam for some has no meaning, that's why they treat it like it was some museum relic, they have no relationship of ownership with it, they do not relate to it as a living thing, as organic, as meaningful - that's why they are so dead set against the idea of change -- see, since they have no relationship other than totemic, with Islam, they no longer seek solutions to their problems in Islam.
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