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High ranking serving military officer demands COAS General Bajwa's resignation: Major Adil (retired)

Not anti Army. Only bashing Bajwa, he is a traitor and he doesn’t represent the entire army. He leads it unfortunately and as Muslim/Pakistani we have right to express our disapproval. Stop twisting people’s sentiment.

Any individual in power can and should be criticized if they are putting their personal interest over the country.
Bajwa is just an excuse for these people to abuse the only functional institution of the country.

Even legitimate criticism of Army has lost all meaning due to these idiots spamming everywhere.

These are neither idiots nor mislead. They are purposeful and following a pre planned directives preached from UK.
I just want this episode to be over. It was funny at first but now every thread turns into Bajwa traitor hurrrr durrrr. Forum quality has tanked.

Secessionists who want to merge KPK with Afghanistan pay handsomely for social engineering of the project.
Don't get me wrong but I wanted to ask if there is any video/interview of Imran khan saying that army has supported PMLN ? I mean as far as I've heard/read he has only accused them of not supporting him against the VoNC, right? If it is not so please share link of such video. Thanks
Exactly, it appears that Imran wanted Army to bend all the rules to protect him, which is ironic because he never supported the army when they went commando on terror facilitators. It's all politics. I believe Imran has not very openly spoken against the Army, because he wants to use the pro-PTI sentiment within the army to his favor.For the first time, I have seen ex-army people breaking discipline like this,and speaking against the chief.I believe the command has taken strong exception to that.
Don't get me wrong but I wanted to ask if there is any video/interview of Imran khan saying that army has supported PMLN ? I mean as far as I've heard/read he has only accused them of not supporting him against the VoNC, right? If it is not so please share link of such video. Thanks
Army doesn't have favorites it uses whomever and whenever it wants, even perennially traitorous PPP and anti-state RAW/MI5 funded and trained MQM.

IK didn't mention PMLN, but everyone in Pakistan knows Army assembled a crew made up of all the crooks, traitors and thieves, be they PPP, PMLN, BAP or MQM, to oust him since Army's daddy in US told them to do so...
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Bajwa is just an excuse for these people to abuse the only functional institution of the country.

These are neither idiots nor mislead. They are purposeful and following a pre planned directives preached from UK.
Bajwa's father in law General Ijaz Amjad is also Qadiani, Diesel supporter

Secessionists who want to merge KPK with Afghanistan pay handsomely for social engineering of the project.
You are talking about PTM, Diesel supporter?

If this continues this forum will definitely get banned in Pakistan. Mods need to take action.
What are you talking about? Where is the proof / evidence of anything @El Sidd is saying? He said those attacking Bajwa are Qadianis and you without demanding a single proof jumped on his bandwagon. Do you know General Bajwa's father in law General Ijaz is Qadiani himself. So why would Qadianis attack Bajwa?
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They're really testing Army's patience. I'm concerned about what might happen in the future. Things will go down if Army comes out with sedition and mutiny related FIRs, forced disappearances and even treason charges can be brought forward. PTI has gone full retard it seems.
So army will go full retard against PTI / Imran Khan just because it cannot answer why it is backing imported PDM govt?
Elections results under bajwa regime will be like:
This is a load of crock. Simply looking at it, a current HIGH ranking officer will ask a retired MAJOR to ask QB to resign. Does it make sense to anyone except the most deluded??? Currently none of us are very appreciative of the army and QB is becoming controversial. I will however absolutely refuse to believe in this stupid sensational story. This is not the way the army works.
Bajwa is just an excuse for these people to abuse the only functional institution of the country.

These are neither idiots nor mislead. They are purposeful and following a pre planned directives preached from UK.
Functional is a very subjective term. They are doing a great job defending us, their primary job. Interference in politics and running business is what they are being bashed for.

I will assume you are a Muslim , as a Muslim you have to raise voice against injustice, doesn’t matter who that person maybe.
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