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High ranking serving military officer demands COAS General Bajwa's resignation: Major Adil (retired)

I dont have reply to all of this stupid bunch of lies ...

Head of state institutes rigging elections and conspiring for benefits of USA needs to be pit behind bar.

A slap on your face for all the lies is economic survey of Pakistan for the last 2 years ...
Stupid bunch of lies? you must be confusing my post full of facts with your youthia books of lies and BS! Or is your world really topsy turvy where lies are true and fact is fiction!

Starting from when? Since the IJI was formed or even earlier? What about the same institution which brought all the electable to PTI before the election? What about the institution which handed wins on platter to Imran Khan to ensure he had a big lead over rivals? What about the institute which gifted allies to PTI to ensure Imran Khan became the PM and which kept the allies (disgruntled at that), allies nonetheless and under control throughout the tenure till the institution decided to become neutral after which the allies ditched IK within days? So all that engineering is fine, everything is fine, every Damned sin is fine as long as your master IK is king of Pakistan!

I too have been looking for slaps on my face with economic wizardry of PTI; however, the slaps and curses and much more is returned on faces of people like you who have no shame defending 20,000 Billion in loans acquired by PTI, over 50% devaluation of PKR, gigantic raise in prices of electricity, gas, medicine and everything else!
Natural for some generals to have political leaning towards a charismatic leader who was wrongly removed. However discipline prevails in a disciplined force.
Natural for some generals to have political leaning towards a charismatic leader who was wrongly removed. However discipline prevails in a disciplined force.
Its not the disciplined prevails, its their antics continue. Holding future elections using EVM voting process is the only way to stop these generals games. As far as traitor Bajwa is concerned and his accomplices they need to be charged with the treason and after a show trial need to be put 6 ft under and no excuses.
The damage these incompetent and greedy generals have done to the country fabric is unforgiveable and there is no end to it.
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I had commented on role of traitor General Bajwa 2 years back in 27 feb skirmish but unfortunaelty my post was deleted .

General Bajwa was reluctant and resisted the idea of 27 Feb Operation ,it was Imran khan and PAF command who pushed for Swift retort . Its was that valiant hero Hassan who ignited the chain reaction and all hell break loose otherwise it would have been confined to Bomb droping .PAF had a back up plan for head on collsion but that was not primary mission .
Back then Bajwa had no say ? Now he has every say and steering country himself towards destruction?

Kisi eik pasay lag jayo. Atleast throw a conspiracy with legs.

He is a traitor because he is putting his own self interest over the country. If Mariyam has anything on Bajwa, don’t you think other intelligence agencies will have access to it as well.

Willing to throw the entire country under the bus to save his ***? That makes him a coward as well. If there is any truth to your blackmailing theory.
Can we have proofs please. Im still waiting for Bajwa to hand over Pakistani air bases to USA. I hope that happens before he retires so there is one proof out there.

Natural for some generals to have political leaning towards a charismatic leader who was wrongly removed. However discipline prevails in a disciplined force.
Internal turmoil in Army is hinted by forced retirements, quick post changes of top brass at every level, and court martial cases.
The damage these incompetent and greedy generals have done to the country fabric is unforgiveable and there is no end to it.
Can you outline in a list, the names of those Generals recently in service and the acts they did against Pakistan with proofs.

Start like this:

1. General XYZ.
Treason committed: Abc
Proof: Here

2. General PQR.
Treason committed: Abc
Proof: Here

and so on.
Can you outline in a list, the names of those Generals recently in service and the acts they did against Pakistan with proofs.

Start like this:

1. General XYZ.
Treason committed: Abc
Proof: Here

2. General PQR.
Treason committed: Abc
Proof: Here

and so on.
1.General Musharraf
Treason Committed: Allowing another sovereign to bomb its own land and people
Proof: Dead Pakistani men, women and children

Lets start here.
Can you outline in a list, the names of those Generals recently in service and the acts they did against Pakistan with proofs.

Start like this:

1. General XYZ.
Treason committed: Abc
Proof: Here

2. General PQR.
Treason committed: Abc
Proof: Here

and so on.
If selling your country is not treason for you then you need to go to the spec savers. 70 years of transgressions from the oaths they have taken and the roles they hired for is not a treason for you then you must be high on some sherbat.
Every country have got army one shape, form or the other and our is no different but they don't change their governments or stuff ballot boxes with their choice of politicians and that's not a serious criminal act is then Bajwa must be your missing cousin.
Our nation doesn't send their kids to schools, people don't have got clean water and still we afford our one of the largest army to safeguard the borders and pay for their salaries but they always love to conquer the Islamabad and that is treason.
If we had hanged Ayub for taking over the government, then Zia, Musharraf definitely would have respected the constitution. Try changing governments in any civilized country or even most of the the south Asian countries and find out which pole they are going to hang you with and how tall the pole is going to be.
When Bajwa opened his mouth in favour of the Ukraine in which capacity he was taking as IK was the chief executive and what was the official policy of the Pakistan on the Ukraine war is ??? Now compare the US commander opening his mouth on the approach to Afghan war what was the result Obama sacked him the next day.
Now regarding your general XYZ and PQR and their treason proofs how long is the piece of string? Proofs are written on the white wall with the white ink and you need to change the glasses from the current ones to read it..
1.General Musharraf
Treason Committed: Allowing another sovereign to bomb its own land and people
Proof: Dead Pakistani men, women and children

Lets start here.
Recently in service. Try to read before posting.
If selling your country is not treason for you then you need to go to the spec savers. 70 years of transgressions from the oaths they have taken and the roles they hired for is not a treason for you then you must be high on some sherbat.
Every country have got army one shape, form or the other and our is no different but they don't change their governments or stuff ballot boxes with their choice of politicians and that's not a serious criminal act is then Bajwa must be your missing cousin.
Our nation doesn't send their kids to schools, people don't have got clean water and still we afford our one of the largest army to safeguard the borders and pay for their salaries but they always love to conquer the Islamabad and that is treason.
If we had hanged Ayub for taking over the government, then Zia, Musharraf definitely would have respected the constitution. Try changing governments in any civilized country or even most of the the south Asian countries and find out which pole they are going to hang you with and how tall the pole is going to be.
When Bajwa opened his mouth in favour of the Ukraine in which capacity he was taking as IK was the chief executive and what was the official policy of the Pakistan on the Ukraine war is ??? Now compare the US commander opening his mouth on the approach to Afghan war what was the result Obama sacked him the next day.
Now regarding your general XYZ and PQR and their treason proofs how long is the piece of string? Proofs are written on the white wall with the white ink and you need to change the glasses from the current ones to read it..
As expected, nothing.
Recently in service. Try to read before posting.

As expected, nothing.
My bad will give you a more recent example after this current one leaves. Did not think Musharraf was not recent, given he was only 3 chiefs prior (Bajwa, Raheel and Kyani).

BTW do you think Musharraf committed treason against Pakistan by allowing a third country to bomb it own citizens? Or do you think that was just fine.
Do you think Kyani committed treason by allowing OBL raid?
Do you think Kyani committed treason by allowing "a special company" to setup IT comms infrastructure for GHQ - most likely resulting in the single largest cyber penetration in Pakistan Military history?
Stupid bunch of lies? you must be confusing my post full of facts with your youthia books of lies and BS! Or is your world really topsy turvy where lies are true and fact is fiction!

Starting from when? Since the IJI was formed or even earlier? What about the same institution which brought all the electable to PTI before the election? What about the institution which handed wins on platter to Imran Khan to ensure he had a big lead over rivals? What about the institute which gifted allies to PTI to ensure Imran Khan became the PM and which kept the allies (disgruntled at that), allies nonetheless and under control throughout the tenure till the institution decided to become neutral after which the allies ditched IK within days? So all that engineering is fine, everything is fine, every Damned sin is fine as long as your master IK is king of Pakistan!

I too have been looking for slaps on my face with economic wizardry of PTI; however, the slaps and curses and much more is returned on faces of people like you who have no shame defending 20,000 Billion in loans acquired by PTI, over 50% devaluation of PKR, gigantic raise in prices of electricity, gas, medicine and everything else!

In terms of inflation now it is clearly proven that it was international prices and IK was managing much better than your looters, so stop crying on inflation done by IK.

Rather devaluation ... Check Miftah statement of 2018 budgets he himself initiated the devaluation and condemn policy of ishaq dar if fixed exchange rate which resulted in current account deficit form 2 billion dollars in 2015 to 19 billion dollars in 2018. Our multiple factories included all of these facts. After adjustment of exchange rate local manufacturing restarted data available from economic survey resulted in increase in job creation, exports, current account support after decades ... So IK was doing the right thing ...

Last but not the least yes armed forces deceived people like me. In 2018 when they were favoring IK they provided the justification that pmln and ppp are corrupt and are selling Pakistan so they have no option but to bring an honest leader ... So people like me were ok with establishment but in 2022 there was no allegation of corruption on IK. Data proved and later it was double proved that IK was handling economy in a much better way but still he was removed. Had IK was removed for a better option then him my conclusion would have been same that army is doing it for the country but removing honest and competent man in favor of incompetent thug clearly proves that army do not want any politician to have control of Pakistani affairs even if it hurts Pakistan.

Most of us are not supporting IK as a person. Had any better option or similar option available we would have have left IK support but only stupid morons will justify bringing thugs in replacement of an honest and competent team and expect Pakistan to grow ...

Only patwari cant see this reality ... Vast majority of economists and intellectuals are condemning establishment ... However patwari are brainless people so they cant see anything ...

By your logic if we we support police in setting up a trap for thief then we should not critisize the police for facilitating the thief in robbery ? Hats off to your logic ...
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In terms of inflation now it is clearly proven that it was international prices and IK was managing much better than your looters, so stop crying on inflation done by IK.

Rather devaluation ... Check Miftah statement of 2018 budgets he himself initiated the devaluation and condemn policy of ishaq dar if fixed exchange rate which resulted in current account deficit form 2 billion dollars in 2015 to 19 billion dollars in 2018. Our multiple factories included all of these facts. After adjustment of exchange rate local manufacturing restarted data available from economic survey resulted in increase in job creation, exports, current account support after decades ... So IK was doing the right thing ...

Last but not the least yes armed forces deceived people like me. In 2018 when they were favoring IK they provided the justification that pmln and ppp are corrupt and are selling Pakistan so they have no option but to bring an honest leader ... So people like me were ok with establishment but in 2022 there was no allegation of corruption on IK. Data proved and later it was double proved that IK was handling economy in a much better way but still he was removed. Had IK was removed for a better option then him my conclusion would have been same that army is doing it for the country but removing honest and competent man in favor of incompetent thug clearly proves that army do not want any politician to have control of Pakistani affairs even if it hurts Pakistan.

Most of us are not supporting IK as a person. Had any better option or similar option available we would have have left IK support but only stupid morons will justify bringing thugs in replacement of an honest and competent team and expect Pakistan to grow ...

Only patwari cant see this reality ... Vast majority of economists and intellectuals are condemning establishment ... However patwari are brainless people so they cant see anything ...
I never targeted IK for inflation based on external factors, I have however always blamed him for the fact that PKR at 150-189 was IK's doing and the weaker rupee played havoc with all external procurements by compounding the effects of external inflation. Specifically, the current tsunami of inflation is a parting gift of Imran Khan and all those who deny it are shameless liars. It was Imran Khan who made commitments to the IMF on removal of subsidies on Petroleum products and Electricity to ensure that the program continued, after which the stalled program was continued and a USD 1 Billion tranche was subsequently released in February 2022. Read the link and the sub-links in the news article to come out of your coma.

Miftah's devaluation of PKR from 104 to 110-115 is comparable to that of IK, especially considering the destabilization caused by the Establishment for Imran Khan in 2017/18 v/s the all-out support to IK in the past 3.5 years???? Local manufacturing restarted because of devaluation or because of availability of uninterrupted power as opposed to 18 hours of load-shedding, generation of which is all thanks to PML Government???

IK was handling the economy in a much better way by adding Rs. 19,000 - 20,000 Billion debt in 3.5 years to the Rs. 24,000 Billion which we had acquired over 70 years making it a grand total of Rs. 43,000 - 44,000 Billion?? By devaluing the PKR by over 50% in 3.5 years??? By handing over reigns of the economy to a man who has run his own Bank into the ground??? Seriously??? So honest is he that he buys state gifts from Toshakhana at a fraction of their cost and sells them in the open market at a premium!!! So honest that he is called Mr. U-Turn because of his honesty!!! So honest that he is given lands worth Billions of Rupees by Malik Riaz against adjustment of NCA blocked funds into Bahria Town fines to SC!!! There are so many other instances of his honesty, integrity and ethics both in his personal and professional lives that a person is overwhelmed by this leader of Riyasat-e-Madina (Pre-Islamic period).

It is my opinion that IK has done damage to our economy in 3.5 years what the thugs were not able to do in 15-20 years and hence the economy is better in the hands of thugs than IK!
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