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High ranking serving military officer demands COAS General Bajwa's resignation: Major Adil (retired)

After a long time we found an honest and hard working leader who actually belief in institution autonomy, merit and justice ... Had he continued for a decade or two Pakistan could have become malaysia or south africa ... But rather they toppled him ...
  • A leader who instigates attacks on state institutions,
  • who criticizes every decision by institutions against him as anti-Pakistan and hails & accepts decisions only when they are in his favour,
  • who threatens disintegration of Pakistan if he is not returned to power,
  • who is knows as Mr. U-Turn aka Munafiq-e-Aala because of his frequent reneging on his word and commitments,
  • a person who stoops as low as buying items gifted to the State of Pakistan from Tosha Khana at throwaway prices and then sells them in the open market at a premium,
  • a person who gets illegalities of his own house at Bani Gala regularized in the first year of his coming into power and allows destruction and demolition of homes of the common man on minor transgressions,
  • a man whose sister became a billionaire by selling stitching machines who was later let off even by the FBR with a minor fine,
  • a man who accepted favours worth Billions of rupees from politicians to whom he then returned favours through Ministries and memberships of Parliament, Senate, National Assembly, projects etc.,
  • a man under whom the apartment complex in Islamabad in which he has personal interest, and which was declared illegal by the Islamabad Chief Justice Athar Minalla but was regularized when he became PM,
  • a man who received a plot worth Billions of rupees from Malik Riaz under the garb and guise of charity but where no charitable activity ever took place and after which Malik Riaz's laundered money confiscated by NCA (UK) for Pakistan was returned to Malik Riaz by adjusting the money against Bahria Town penalty,
  • a man who undermined many Governments, especially the previous Government which he attempted to cripple at every turn starting with his dharna and holding Islamabad hostage with the help of Tahir-ul-Qadri where Chinese, Russian and Turkish premiers were not allowed to visit Islamabad,
  • a man who promised to commit suicide rather then to go to IMF but then went to IMF,
  • a man who refused to accept his own daughter whose mother had to approach the court to resolve the matter,
  • has been a playboy all his life having lived a life of immorality and speaks of Riyasat-e-Madhine (pre-Islam as per his actions),
  • a person who himself had offshore company for tax evasion in UK but calls all others with offshore companies chor and dakoo,
  • a person who appointed Usman Buzdar, a person whom he would not have appointed the chairperson of SKMH, as the CM of the biggest province just at someone's behest,
  • a person who lies about foreign conspiracy and makes every attempt to damage Pakistan's relations with the Superpower of the world and her allies,
  • a person who called for civil disobedience because of rising utility bills and himself rose utility rates, prices of commodities, medicine etc., to unprecedented levels,
  • a person who used to claim the leadership corrupt and thief whenever PKR was devalued but who devalued PKR a phenomenal 50% or more.
  • a person who regularly lies about leaving USD 22 Billion in reserves whereas net reserves of GoP was just 5 Billion USD (11 Billion with SBP out of which 3 Billion parked by SBP and 1.5 Billion by UAE & China each),
  • a person who flagrantly uses the Helicopter of his provincial Government for personal use and evidently the ride cost just about Rs. 55/km, all the while teaching us how PM's of other countries ride bikes to office.
  • a person who is fine using terrorists (MQM), Qatils (PML-Q), and people not worthy of becoming peons posted to post of Interior Minister (Sh. Rasheed) etc., all for his own personal cause,
  • a man who rode the establishments lap all the way to the top and who gave extension to the incumbent Army Chief and whose path was paved by the same Army Chief at every turn to ensure that Imran was elevated to the position of PM only to then bite the same hand which fed and nurtured him throughout his attempt to become the PM,
  • a man who would give extension to anyone so long as the person being granted the favor continues to do his work in return and would start calling the same person Mir Jaffer and Mir Sadiq the moment that person becomes neutral.
  • A person who would rather have instability and chaos in the country and who would encourage deaths of his followers just for his own political milage.
The list goes on and on but I hope you get the gist of morals and qualities of your beloved Imran Khan!


Malik sb,

IT IS STILL A MYSTERY as to Why Bajwa has not been arrested, court marshalled and put in jail for the rest of his miserable life !

Who will do the needful?

Imran's Tigers ......
It's a tricky affair, complex form of warfare.... Everyone is aware of it, but it's difficult to deal with it in a short time. It's a decades level game.

agree, took us nearly 25+ years to reach this point through multiple channels, i still have my hopes that sanity shall prevail else KKK is a reality as well :)
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murdered in Upper Dir on his way back from visiting troops on afghan border by "confirmed janatis" the talis.
I have always maintained the General Sanaullah was targetted specifically on American behest.He was very vocal and had made scathing attacks on American duplicity and refusal to blunt the Taliban escape into Afghanistan, even though they had troops in place, they were withdrawn to allow Talibs a free pass.
okay, riddle me this, why did Mir Bajwa allow the biggest crooks in history of Pakistan to take the gov? I could understand him getting rid of IK because they couldn't work together...but installing these pieces of shits? Mir Bajwa is working on some agenda to bankrupt Pakistan and destroy it, nothing else makes sense why he would allow them to come back.
According to a trust-me-bro type of source, Bajwa's entire family was issued an American passport last year and will move by the end of this year, only time will tell, but given the history and about 200 Generals acquiring Canadian citizenship, everything is possible.
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so lets ask this differently, given the recent fifth generation propaganda against Pakistan, it's institutions and specially it's nuclear assets, what is the general atmosphere within the ranks of army
Recent? No, the war only became after PM Imran Khan was ousted in NCM vote on US marching orders

US did that strike but pak army took the responsibility saying there were terrorists in there

Later on musharaf accepted it was US
So that brave general Musharraf was no less chicken than current General Bajwa

At ensuring that the army remains disciplined
Disciplined and loyal to their weak COAS who became neutral on US orders
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A person who would rather have instability and chaos in the country and who would encourage deaths of his followers just for his own political milage.
Imran Khan called of long march on 25 May because there was real danger of deaths if a clash between police and protestors happened. So I am not going to answer rest of your Bughaz Imran lies from Maryam Nawaz media cell
So that brave general Musharraf was no less chicken than current General Bajwa

Disciplined and loyal to their weak COAS who became neutral on US orders
Or brave, depending on your perspective, in the face of the rag tag pesky Talibs and the poor populace of FATA and their potential backlash...
It's a tricky affair, complex form of warfare.... Everyone is aware of it, but it's difficult to deal with it in a short time. It's a decades level game.
How does army plan on regaining public support? It’s no secret that army’s popularity amongst public is probably at the lowest ever. Even a 27 Feb type skirmish might not be enough now to restore that lost public support.
Bajwa is just an excuse for these people to abuse the only functional institution of the country.

Bajwa has given even the most adherent supporters of the armed forces enough reason to curse the institution....

How does army plan on regaining public support? It’s no secret that army’s popularity amongst public is probably at the lowest ever. Even a 27 Feb type skirmish might not be enough now to restore that lost public support.

I think people may join the other side if another Feb 27 occurs. . or at least be completely indifferent.... That's the level of demoralization the treasonous COAS ISI ISPR American slaves have created in Pakistan.
Thats my point.....good people and bad people are everywhere, thats how any society or an organization is. Lets not make a blanket allegation on ALL or EVERYONE.

Dear Panzer, to elaborate "Exception" means OUT OF THE ORDINARY. Meaning out of hundreds, there may be ONE who is different. So in a nutshell, out of hundreds of BAD EGGS, we can only find a handful of good eggs. THIS IS NOTHING TO BE PROUD OF.
I think people may join the other side if another Feb 27 occurs. . or at least be completely indifferent.... That's the level of demoralization the treasonous COAS ISI ISPR American slaves have created in Pakistan.
That’s unforgivable treason if anyone sided with india
I rather be ruled by cia slaves like bajra then india and modi
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