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High ranking serving military officer demands COAS General Bajwa's resignation: Major Adil (retired)

Thats my point.....good people and bad people are everywhere, thats how any society or an organization is. Lets not make a blanket allegation on ALL or EVERYONE.
there is something decidedly fishy about you if you do not understand that the reason less officers than enlisted men are killed is because there is NOT an equal ratio of enlisted men to officers. for example for around 200 men there is one Major. it gets even higher the rank is
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there is something decidedly fishy about you if you do not understand that the reason less officers than enlisted men are killed is because there is NOT an equal ratio of enlisted men to officers. for eg. for around 200 men there is one Major. it get even more higher the rank is
for a 150 man company, there are five officers including a major. What you are saying has to do more with the pattern the troops are deployed on ground. 5 men here, 10 men there......

On the other hand, if these 200 men were deployed together in one area.....one good artillery shell will take out the bulk of them....neutralize all.
sawal gandham, jawab chana, as always!

to please PDFers we should post 1 general 1 major 1 of every other rank with every 10 man squad so that ratio becomes 10:10
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sawal ghadham, jawab chana, as always!
Rather it seems the other way around. It is a satisfactory answer to whatever you asked for. Or you can re-phrase your question. Or you can keep on asking for gandum (ghadham in your case).
Bajwa and Faiz should be tried under article 6 for conspiring with a foreign country to topple an elected government and impose an imported and corrupt gang as Pm of Pakistan. Bajwa and Faiz should be hanged publicly for creating chaos by interfering in political matters against the elected government by encouraging Diesel to stage a sit-in. It's time to put corrupt army generals in their place.
Generals Sanaullah, Eftikhar, Abrar, Tajammal, Hamid, Bokhari, S R Alam, P D Khan, Afzaal, Haroon.....the list goes on.....
Sorry my friend ... Bajwa, nadeem, kiyani, musharaf, yahya and the list goes on ... We have both good and bad people in army like any other institution but recent history teaches us that army as an institution is responsible for most of the problem of Pakistan as for them their superiority and control over Pakistan is much important then Pakistan ...

After a long time we found an honest and hard working leader who actually belief in institution autonomy, merit and justice ... Had he continued for a decade or two Pakistan could have become malaysia or south africa ... But rather they toppled him ...

So our army should stop encashing blood of our shahuda ... We love our shahuda and are in debt to them but the generals at the top involved in politics dont deserve that respect ... Infact they need be tried under article 6 and should be punished accordingly ...
Politics have always been my weak point. I like to participate in military related topics.

I'm simply not qualified to participate in political threads.

That is years old video.

so lets ask this differently, given the recent fifth generation propaganda against Pakistan, it's institutions and specially it's nuclear assets, what is the general atmosphere within the ranks of army
so lets ask this differently, given the recent fifth generation propaganda against Pakistan, it's institutions and specially it's nuclear assets, what is the general atmosphere within the ranks of army
It's a tricky affair, complex form of warfare.... Everyone is aware of it, but it's difficult to deal with it in a short time. It's a decades level game.
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