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High ranking serving military officer demands COAS General Bajwa's resignation: Major Adil (retired)

i myself have baught two peeti of mango each one cost me 15$ damn this year mangoes are so expensive that they can not afford to put in other's cars
Normally those Aam ki paiti does not have Aam, mai tu apko bas warn ker raha tha, esa nai aap Zaya (Zia) ho jayen Laparwai mai :D

Malik sb,

IT IS STILL A MYSTERY as to Why Bajwa has not been arrested, court marshalled and put in jail for the rest of his miserable life !

Who will do the needful?

Oh was he part of the same coalition of forces who bravely bombed a madressa in Bajaur that killed 80 children...what a brave sole this general was...
US did that strike but pak army took the responsibility saying there were terrorists in there

Later on musharaf accepted it was US
It's a tricky affair, complex form of warfare.... Everyone is aware of it, but it's difficult to deal with it in a short time. It's a decades level game.
The current state of affair would make it seem we are losing. Weak economy and government that is being run by known corrupt individuals doesn’t put us in a strong position.

End of the day, we all want strong & sovereign Pakistan. Hopefully you and people in power understand where public frustration and anger is coming from. It’s not from a place of hate towards army but bewilderment how this could be allowed.
The current state of affair would make it seem we are losing. Weak economy and government that is being run by known corrupt individuals doesn’t put us in a strong position.

End of the day, we all want strong & sovereign Pakistan. Hopefully you and people in power understand where public frustration and anger is coming from. It’s not from a place of hate towards army but bewilderment how this could be allowed.
Agreed. No one can deny the facts which you have mentioned.
The current state of affair would make it seem we are losing. Weak economy and government that is being run by known corrupt individuals doesn’t put us in a strong position.

End of the day, we all want strong & sovereign Pakistan. Hopefully you and people in power understand where public frustration and anger is coming from. It’s not from a place of hate towards army but bewilderment how this could be allowed.
as simple as said above, if sane minds could ever realize.

people in this country absorbed so many blows over the decades assuming no ear for their voices if raised. may be this make habit turn into addiction for those who exercise plans.

it is people who have to change the course, get out of the comfort zone. even poor of the poorest are also in the comfort zone of their misery to take as an excuse not to raise a voice against suppression.

things are now slowly shaping up to create a change which is still not considerable.
we need to grow to be wise and it comes with the age which we are still away.
being 75 years of age we have a long way to go.
The current state of affair would make it seem we are losing. Weak economy and government that is being run by known corrupt individuals doesn’t put us in a strong position.

End of the day, we all want strong & sovereign Pakistan. Hopefully you and people in power understand where public frustration and anger is coming from. It’s not from a place of hate towards army but bewilderment how this could be allowed.
forget that strong sovereign pakistan sir that was a day dream
US did that strike but pak army took the responsibility saying there were terrorists in there

Later on musharaf accepted it was US
And they act like they sacrificed their lives in occupied Kashmir liberating the oppressed Kashmiris from the fascist hindutva hegemony when in fact they died from their own kith and kin after signing up as loyal sepoys of the american imperialism.
Don't get me wrong but I wanted to ask if there is any video/interview of Imran khan saying that army has supported PMLN ? I mean as far as I've heard/read he has only accused them of not supporting him against the VoNC, right? If it is not so please share link of such video. Thanks
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