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Hezbollah's Drone Could Penetrate into Israel Longer than Acknowledged by..

So you are saying that it flew over Bedouin and Arab areas and because of this the Israeli army didn't care as much?
Shooting down over populated area is dangerous.

Also if we did film something important we surely wouldn't release it to the world.
You could release at lease some footages, but you could not show anything. This thing is too small and does not have satellite uplink and too far from radio link. And I am sure that google earth provides far better images that this thing possibly could do.

Minimum speed of f16 is roughly equal to what you said but that thing have a speed nearly twice as what you said .
No, max speed of that thing is around 180 km/h. But cruising speed is much lower and close to 100 km/h.

that's what we expect from Israeli pilots, they are used to kill civilians. by stress of seeing an enemy drone in their air space,he has probably wet his pants.:lol:
Israeli air force shot down over 600 enemy warplanes and has record kill/loss ratio our of all air forces in the world.

Whatever number of km Israel claims, the drone reached into their airspace, you should multiply that number by at least 10. And then you have an accurate actual km number.
Yo can check google maps. It came flew over Gaza then couple Israli kibbutzim (agricultural settlements) then Israeli Bedouin town Rahat and then shot down over desert, some 40 km from Dimona.

:disagree: dear 500 ! you lose ... we have your scene ... :lol:
Thank you dear Soheil.
Shooting down over populated area is dangerous.
also over Mediterranean sea,NATO and Israel fleet.:omghaha:

Israeli air force shot down over 600 enemy warplanes and has record kill/loss ratio our of all air forces in the world.
US has always supported you with latest tech, so what? you think targeting mig 21 with F15 has some thing to do with skills.
anyway Your history of manipulating numbers returns to WW2.
also over Mediterranean sea,NATO and Israel fleet.:omghaha:
Mediterranean sea is international space. We cant send planes everytime see some toy flying there.

US has always supported you with latest tech, so what? you think targeting mig 21 with F15 has some thing to do with skills.
Most of our air kills were done by Mirages.

anyway Your history of manipulating numbers returns to WW2.
Victories speak for themselves.
you are so generous, contribute occupied land the same way and all problems is solved.:kiss3:

Another point is that israel have killed humanitarian aid workers in international water because the US controlled UN don't say anything.
And now they r afraid of destroying a "toy flying" in the same international water.

Indeed who can argue with this brain washed person?
Shooting down over populated area is dangerous.

You could release at lease some footages, but you could not show anything. This thing is too small and does not have satellite uplink and too far from radio link. And I am sure that google earth provides far better images that this thing possibly could do.

No, max speed of that thing is around 180 km/h. But cruising speed is much lower and close to 100 km/h.

Israeli air force shot down over 600 enemy warplanes and has record kill/loss ratio our of all air forces in the world.

Yo can check google maps. It came flew over Gaza then couple Israli kibbutzim (agricultural settlements) then Israeli Bedouin town Rahat and then shot down over desert, some 40 km from Dimona.

Thank you dear Soheil.

Your desperate attempts at damage control are quite hilarious.
Sure... i wonder where are the images of so called sensitive sites?

Hajizadeh said Hezbollah deliberately directed the drone towards Israeli balloons to be noticed by its cameras, and added that the move was carried out for specific objectives.

they are willing to expose the drone but not the images taken by it :omghaha:

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