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Hezbollah unveils Qassem Solemani Statue on border with Israel

Looks like Statue of Liberty from the Palestinian perspective

Mr. Qassem I believe (based on international media reports) was an honourable member or Iranian Forces , involved in Diplomatic peace initiative at the time of his untimely murder, According to Iranian sources

No international inquiry has proven that the Gentleman was on any negative mission in fact source state that he was an invited guest of Iraqi Government

Of Course, some folks in USA have a difference of interpretation

No one would actually know about the statue if you had not posted this here in a way you actually promoted Iranian prerogative

But if you wanted us to know about this statue I think you have succeeded

  • May be USA should inquire India about their Chabahar port :coffee: heard statue was transported from Chabahar to Hisbolla

Oh wait yes yes .... the waiver .... yep the waiver

Unilateral actions have unilateral consequences

a) May be if the Iranian General was not Murdered
b) May be the Chabahar port india was sanctioned

There would be no messy situation but USA likes to do Unilateral stuff and waivers
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says who?
even though i understand why u have build it as well as there was intention to go against Islam, it was rather a symbolic move. But its still illegal in Islam to build these symbolics statues as well.......

I would rather suggest that instead of these symbolic gestures, find a proper solution to the israeli problem itself!
U understand what iam saying?
There are two different aspects

a) Statue manufacturing (Mannequins for store, displays etc, or Statue of liberty, Palestine Liberation statue)
b) Statue worshipping

Now worshipping is a not allowed but manufacturing the Statue can be considered 50-50% thing

Looks great the way it is pointing towards Palestine

"Palestine Chalo" a very strong message

Hope that some brave Israeli fighter Jet pilots will be flying over soon to look closely at the statue

Or they can just chill out and ignore it
There are two different aspects

a) Statue manufacturing (Mannequins for store, displays etc, or Statue of liberty, Palestine Liberation statue)
b) Statue worshipping

Now worshipping is a not allowed but manufacturing the Statue can be considered 50-50% thing

There is no mention in the Quran that statue manufacturing is haram.
By your logic, taking pictures should also be haram
Have you seen

There is no mention in the Quran that statue manufacturing is haram.
By your logic, taking pictures should also be haram

Well I am not against any statue creation if you wish to make 10 more statues of your General
Why not go for it

Don't really see a major issue from my end

It would be great to have a statue , which has a active SAM battery in in both it's hands would be kinda impressive


If you can imagine a giant statue with 2 SAM operational batteries on each hand
There is no mention in the Quran that statue manufacturing is haram.
By your logic, taking pictures should also be haram
it is.....abt Idol worshipping, all the 11 Imams of Islam have agreed that building symbols is haram! not just idols, even Imam Khumaini has a Fatwa about it.

Anyways what i have said concentrate on that, its the right step to take, take revenge from israel itself!

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