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Hezbollah unveils Qassem Solemani Statue on border with Israel

Who are you fooling? You Iranians are in bed with US, Israel and India.

Rest assured Türkiye, Pakistan and Malaysia while lead the Islamic caliphates and its armies against these evil forces.

Turkey who is part of Western backed NATO and receives money from EU?

Turkey who houses US nuclear weapons?

Pakistan which buys US military weapons and received billions in military aid since 2000?

Lol what a joke your post is.

Btw to all those saying statues are against “Islam” that is a whabbai/IsIS Sunny thinking no where in Quran does it say you cannot have statues. All religions warn against worshiping idols or false idols.

But if Pakistan is really worried about staying true to Islam it would eliminate its nuclear stockpile as that is likely against teachings of Islam the weapons of mass production that kill innocent civilians.
But if Pakistan is really worried about staying true to Islam it would eliminate its nuclear stockpile as that is likely against teachings of Islam the weapons of mass production that kill innocent civilians.

If Iran had nuclear weapons, it would not be in this predicament. You can use all sorts of strange obtuse fatwas to justify your state's actions, but the end result is this: Israel has nukes and Iran does not.

Btw to all those saying statues are against “Islam” that is a whabbai/IsIS Sunny thinking no where in Quran does it say you cannot have statues. All religions warn against worshiping idols or false idols.

No, this is mainstream Islam from Quran and Sunnah. Not everyone who disagrees with you is Wahabbi, and even then those Wahabbis are as much Muslim as Shias to Sunnis.

Posters and graffiti is one thing, which all nation states use to promote their leaders.

Building statues to deify leaders though is a bit much. That is more like the actions of Christians and Hindus than Muslims.
Why is everyone here debating whether building statues is Haram??? When the statue is of Qassem Soleimani, the butcher of thousands of innocent Syrian civilians?? Isnt that what you guys should be debating? Like why is a mass murderer celebrated? This guy literally took thousands of Afghan and Pakistani shias, convinced them that killing children in Syria is “jihad against the sunnis” and then lead them to their death.

As a side note, cool statue:
Why is everyone here debating whether building statues is Haram??? When the statue is of Qassem Soleimani, the butcher of thousands of innocent Syrian civilians?? Isnt that what you guys should be debating? Like why is a mass murderer celebrated? This guy literally took thousands of Afghan and Pakistani shias, convinced them that killing children in Syria is “jihad against the sunnis” and then lead them to their death.

As a side note, cool statue:
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You seriously need to chill with the flame bating. We're not the ones running around chopping heads and buying oil from ISIS.
lol, ISIS supporters now want to talk about children!!!!

Syria War Report: US/Israel/Turkey-Backed « Moderate Rebels » Behead 11 Year Old Palestinian Kid.

They want to defend the Yemeni children too, but not the kind which you could imagine!

If you wonder, this is how Zionist/Wahhabi/Seculars justify themselves:
Iranian allies didn't let our terrorists to dominate them, so we had no choice to massacre their children, this is Iran's fault!
Please dont come to me with a link to an obscure website that claims one kid was killed by the rebels. I could drown you with sources reporting millions of Syrians suffering at the hands of the Regime with Russian and Iranian backing.

You seriously need to chill with the flame bating. We're not the ones running around chopping heads and buying oil from ISIS.
Are you sure?
Also you:
Please dont come to me with a link to an obscure website that claims one kid was killed by the rebels.

News is always debatable depending on source. However what is not debatable is tons of videos with your best friends head chopping! I challenge you to find ONE only ONE video with Hizbollah or Qods doing the same thing!
There is no such video because we don’t practice this procedure!
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Also you:

News is always debatable depending on source. However what is not debatable is tons of videos with your best friends head chopping! I challenge you to find ONE only ONE video with Hizbollah or Qods doing the same thing!
There is no such video because we don’t practice this procedure! As the saying goes, you need to STFU!
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It is not a vague source though, it is the fucking UN.

And no it is not debatable how many people suffered in the hands of Iran backed militia. Just because you choose to ignore the entire world calling you out for it doesnt make it any less credible.

Assad’s regime’s cruelties against humanity are very well documented no matter how you try to hide it.






I wanted to drown you in evidence so that you would open your eyes and force you to see it. Alas my connection is a bit slow at the moment so these will have to do. Unfortunately open eyes mean nothing if the brain is closed.
lol, US/Israel/Turkey-backed terrorists in Syria film themselves happily beheading a 11 years old child and their fans in this forum say it's Iranian claim!!!

then this terrorist supporter posts a link from MKO terrorist organization (mojahedin.org) whose savage history against Iranian civilians is nothing short of ISIS, just imagine Iran open an office and website for Bin-Laden or Abu-Bakhar Albaghdadi in Iran!!!
Apparently some members are too stupid to understand that Syrian Arab Army is MAJORITY Sunni.

If Assad is “butcher” of Sunni then how come the military (who is majority Sunni) supports him? How come Most of the country is under his power? How come there aren’t riots in cities under his power?

Syria has always been a secular country where Sunnis, Alawites, Druze, Jews, Christians, etc lived together peacefully.
If Assad is “butcher” of Sunni then how come the military (who is majority Sunni) supports him? How come Most of the country is under his power? How come there aren’t riots in cities under his power?

Ever heard of forceful conscription?
Why is everyone here debating whether building statues is Haram??? When the statue is of Qassem Soleimani, the butcher of thousands of innocent Syrian civilians?? Isnt that what you guys should be debating? Like why is a mass murderer celebrated? This guy literally took thousands of Afghan and Pakistani shias, convinced them that killing children in Syria is “jihad against the sunnis” and then lead them to their death.

As a side note, cool statue:
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