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Hezbollah unveils Qassem Solemani Statue on border with Israel

it is.....abt Idol worshipping, all the 11 Imams of Islam have agreed that building symbols is haram! not just idols, even Imam Khumaini has a Fatwa about it.

Thats what I said, idol worshiping is haram. Building statues are not. Just don't worship the statue and there is no problem. Is taking portrait pictures haram too? Is filming someone haram? Then all movies are haram right?
Thats what I said, idol worshiping is haram. Building statues are not. Just don't worship the statue and there is no problem. Is taking portrait pictures haram too? Is filming someone haram? Then all movies are haram right?
read my post again, at what all 11 Imams have agreed together, that building even symbolic statues/idols is haram, even Imam Khumaini has a fatwa against building Status, even symbolic.

Bro, take practical steps to punish israel, rather then mere symbolic acts. These status are never gonna hurt Israeli State and their interests. Attacking them and avenging General's death WILL!!!!!
I hope you are being sarcastic

Don't worry about some folks you keep making the statues he is your country's hero
celebrate him as you wish

  • Pictures
  • Statues
  • Shrine
  • Missiles
  • Frigate name after him
  • Nuclear tip missile
  • Tactical nuke

100% normal that is how nations celebrate their warriors

You are a free nation , not enslaved
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Don't worry about some folks you keep making the statues he is your country's hero
celebrate him as you wish

  • Pictures
  • Statues
  • Shrine
  • Missiles
  • Frigate name after him

100% normal that is how nations celebrate their warriors
dont write silly comments!

If they want to make his soul at peace they must take practical steps to avenge his death! making just symbolic move will make them look bad, attacking israel and avenging his death WILL!!!!!!

read my post#22
A point can be made with a statue

Don't see what the fuss is about anyone wants a closer look they should fly near it
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As Muslims we need to be destroying statues not build them. Else there would be no difference between Muslims and Christians.
Do difference to you only come in form of destroying Art. We're it come in Islam to destroy art to be a good Muslim ? Don't you have any fear of God when attributing something to islam which is not part of it?

If you enjoy statues and pics being insulted, degraded and trashed then go ahead and make more.
Well the shame is not on me it's on the ones who have wrong interpretation of religion and want to force that wrong on all others .
Do difference to you only come in form of destroying Art. We're it come in Islam to destroy art to be a good Muslim ? Don't you have any fear of God when attributing something to islam which is not part of it?

Well the shame is not on me it's on the ones who have wrong interpretation of religion and want to force that wrong on all others .

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