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Here’s which countries execute the most people

It's a shame that one of the only developed country who applies this law quite alot(20times) included in this list is the U.S. (I'm not including Japan, Taiwan and Singapore who combined applied this less than 9 times).
I can understand all the other countries present in this list since they are still developing countries , but the U.S being there is something that shouldn't have been the case. It's a shame for the U.S , the U.S should abolished it's death penalty law(even for the most violent criminals like all developed countries did decades ago) , it's unbefitting for a wealthy advanced developed country to still have such a law. Shameful.:hitwall:

Quite surprising this list.
- I'm surprised to see Iran exucutes far more people than KSA. I have heard that before but I didn't think it was true.
-Even more surprise to see Taiwan carried out death penalty (even though it's was carried out just once last year) and are not that common. Same with Japan. Didn't even know they had this law and applied it(though rarely). Interesting list. Thanks for posting this, at least I learned something new. :)

Why are you against death penalty? What should be the punishment for terrorists? What about rapists and murderers or Child Rapists?
This is hilarious!

Just add in all the blacks mowed down regularly by gung-ho-trigger-happy policemen and the U.S.A comes up on top easily.

Aparently black lives don't matter in the U.S.A so summary executions by police officers doesn't count.
Why are you against death penalty? What should be the punishment for terrorists? What about rapists and murderers or Child Rapists?
Ithink them spending the rest of their lives locked up is a harsher penalty then a quick execution.A child rapist and rapists are the lowest of the low inside. Spending the rest of their lives in prison worried about getting attacked is better then a quick death.
Ithink them spending the rest of their lives locked up is a harsher penalty then a quick execution.A child rapist and rapists are the lowest of the low inside. Spending the rest of their lives in prison worried about getting attacked is better then a quick death.
You want to spend tax payers money to feed them for rest of their lives?

And with terrorists there is additional risk of their compatriots doing a hijack or some otherr shit to get them free.

No thank you. I believe they deserve a one way ticket to hell
Why are you against death penalty? What should be the punishment for terrorists? What about rapists and murderers or Child Rapists?
Well. As much as I despise such criminals. I don't think they should be murdered as well. Yes, they are still human beings. Even ISIS , Al Qaeda and other Islamic extremists/ terrorists. They shouldn't be murdered when they have already been arrested and imprisoned. Else we aren't any different from them to be honest.
Well. As much as I despise such criminals. I don't think they should be murdered as well. Yes, they are still human beings. Even ISIS , Al Qaeda and other Islamic extremists/ terrorists. They shouldn't be murdered when they have already been arrested and imprisoned. Else we aren't any different from them to be honest.

That's how a sane Western may think and Indians tired to follow that too but guess what the Muslim fanatics don't think like you and me and the result was the below. India tried to save the lives of three Islamic terrorists and in the process it lost Hundreds of sane people who deserved to live.


Indian Airlines Flight 814 commonly known as IC 814 was an Indian Airlines Airbus A300 en route from Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal to Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, India on Friday, 24 December 1999, when it was hijacked. Harkat-ul-Mujahideen was accused of the hijacking.

The aircraft was hijacked by gunmen shortly after it entered Indian airspace at about 17:30 IST. Hijackers ordered the aircraft to be flown to several locations. After touching down in Amritsar, Lahore and Dubai, the hijackers finally forced the aircraft to land in Kandahar, Afghanistan, which at the time was controlled by the Taliban. The hijackers released 27 of 176 passengers in Dubai but fatally stabbed one and wounded several others.

At that time most of Afghanistan, including Kandahar where the plane landed, was under Taliban control, who resisted allowing the plane to land there. After eventually granting the plane landing rights, the Taliban still pressured the hijackers to release the hostages and give up on some of their demands. Taliban fighters surrounded the aircraft to prevent any Indian military intervention.

The motive for the hijacking appears to have been to secure the release of Islamist figures held in prison in India. The hostage crisis lasted for seven days and ended after India agreed to release three militants – Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and Maulana Masood Azhar. These militants have since been implicated in other terrorist actions, such as the kidnap and murder of Daniel Pearl and Mumbai terror attacks.
This is hilarious!

Just add in all the blacks mowed down regularly by gung-ho-trigger-happy policemen and the U.S.A comes up on top easily

LOL! If we add up everybody shot dead by police for all reasons in the US in 2016 it doesn't even add up to the 1000 minimum of China...never mind just black people. So try again! Instead of focusing on Black Lives Matter maybe you should focus on Chinese Lives Matter.
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death penalty is no solution... wonder how many of the executed were NOT guilty.
death penalty is no solution... wonder how many of the executed were NOT guilty.
What is the solution for terrorism according to you?

As for being "Not Guilty" here is a case


This man is Ajmal Kasab. He along with 9 other terrorists attacked Mumbai on 26/11/2008. this is a pic of him with an AK 47 attacking the Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus - a railway station in Mumbai.

The other 9 were killed by the security forces and he was captured alive. Even though there was clear cut evidence of his guilt including numerous CCTV fottages and eyewitness accounts he was given a fair trial where he was presumed innocent until proven guilty. After 4 years and various appeals right upto the president of India he was hanged on 21st November 2012

What according to you should have been the punishment for this terrorist?

If you say Life imprisonment I will give another example


This person is Maulana Masood Azhar. he was a terrorist incarcerated in an Indian Jail. His friends hicjacked an aircraft Indian Airlines IC-814. The Indian govt had to release him and 2 others in exchange for 180 pasengers and crew.

After that he has started his own terrorist organization called as Jaish-e-Mohammed. This organization is responsible for number of terrorist attacks in India leading to death of hundreds of innocent people.

Had he been hanged to death instead of serving a life sentence this catastrophe could have been avoided

What is the "Solution" according to you?

Either execute people through court system, or "execute" people on the street. Make your pick.
What is the solution for terrorism according to you?

the only solution against terrorism....


the higher the education the lower the chance that people follow radical movements no matter if political ideology or religously motivated extremism.

Education is the cure for almost any major problems in the world.

terror extremists
idiology extremists
political extremists
religously extremists
overpolulation (the higher the education the lower the birthrate)
enviromental protection
human rights
the only solution against terrorism....


the higher the education the lower the chance that people follow radical movements no matter if political ideology or religously motivated extremism.

Education is the cure for almost any major problems in the world.

terror extremists
idiology extremists
political extremists
religously extremists
overpolulation (the higher the education the lower the birthrate)
enviromental protection
human rights

Are you really so naive. Let me give you a reality check

Osama Bin Laden - Civil Engineer
Ahmad Omar Said Sheikh, who orchestrated the abduction and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, studied at the renowned London School of Economics.
Mohd Atta - 9/11 hijacker was Architect


This is hilarious!

Just add in all the blacks mowed down regularly by gung-ho-trigger-happy policemen and the U.S.A comes up on top easily.

Aparently black lives don't matter in the U.S.A so summary executions by police officers doesn't count.

the poor black folks in the hegemony demise regardless of reasons, a lot more per capita than the court-sanctioned executions in China
Haha just by doing a simple math anyone with a sound mind can tell what I'm talking about; and it is indeed hilarious that the american flagger has tried to troll China again and end up swallowing his own poison.

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