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Here’s which countries execute the most people

What you quote has nothing to do with the number of transplant in China. Therefore your statement that he retract is Incorrect!

And what you quoted,

An official in charge of overhauling China’s organ transplant programme has said the country may still be using organs from executed prisoners in some cases, even though there is technically zero tolerance for the practice.
is an obvious distorted way of misrepresent what Huang said. And it is this - quoted also from the same Guardian article,

“There is zero tolerance. However, China is a big country with a 1.3 billion population so I am sure, definitely, there is some violation of the law,” he told reporters at a conference in Rome.
He is being truthful that there could be illegal cases happening because China is so big and populace. It is definitely not a retraction on China's policy.

You know why Chinese official do not like to argue with western about issue? Because your media has no shame!! It is useless arguing, it would be distorted anyway.

Rather China just present her case on her own timing. The smart westerner would figure out the truth, and the rest would just stay ignorant.

Okay..let's buy into your argument. Only people who give permission to use their organs are officially recognized as legal by the government. Fine sounds great.. Which before March of 2017 was 66,000 people.

So um where are these tens of thousands of organs coming from? Are people illegally being grabbed off the street and hacked up? Are there illegal private jails in China where organs are harvested from executed people. Sounds like a nightmare scenario!

Of course it could always be a simple situation, Families selling the organs of dead loved one's without their consent for a big handful of cash.. Or maybe morgues get around that by simply dissecting people unbeknownst to families.
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We buy organs from 3rd world poor Indians.

Don't need to get things from executed one
Scores of Chinese billionaires and CEOs have disappeared in ‘state-sanctioned abductions’
FEBRUARY 6, 20178:25AM

Canadian-Chinese billionaire Xia Jianhua is the latest businessman to disappear in bizarre circumstances. Picture: Next Magazine/AP


Marnie O’Neillnews.com.au@marnieoneill7

DOZENS of China’s billionaires, millionaires and business executives have disappeared in “state-sanctioned abductions” — only to reappear days or weeks later without explanation — in the past 12 months.

In the latest incident, Chinese-born Canadian tycoon Xiao Jianhua was kidnapped from his luxury apartment in Hong Kong’s Four Seasons Hotel by mainland security agents on January 27.

Hong Kong Police investigating the alleged abduction have seized CCTV footage from the hotel which reportedly shows the businessman being escorted from the hotel without a struggle.

The probe is going ahead against the wishes of Mr Xiao’s family who fear any intervention may compromise his safety.

According to the South China Morning Post, Mr Xiao’s wife fled to Japan after reporting his kidnap to Hong Kong and then retracting it.

Mr Xiao is the most high-profile of a long list of moguls and executives from at least 34 Chinese companies to be seized in bizarre circumstances over the past year alone.

Their disappearances are believed to be linked to China’s ongoing anti-corruption campaign, which some critics believe is being used to target President Xi Jinping’s political opponents.

Mr Xiao’s Beijing-based financial services firm Tommorrow Group posted two comments on its WeChat social media account which were later deleted.

“Regarding the reports on me in recent days, I have to say that I, Xiao Jianhua, have been recovering from an illness outside the country,” one of the posts read.

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Benjamin Haas


Advert on front page of Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao prints statement claiming to be from Xiao Jianhua, was deleted from company's WeChat

10:46 PM - 31 Jan 2017
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The Beijing headquarters of Mr Xiao’s Tommorrow Group. Picture: AFP/ Fred DufourSource:AFP

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Mr Xiao’s alleged kidnap from his luxury apartment at Hong Kong’s Four Seasons Hotel has shaken the former British colony.Source:Supplied

The mystery deepened when a front-page advertisement purportedly written by Mr Xiao was published on the front page of the Ming Pao newspaper on Saturday.

“Let there be no misunderstanding!” it said, “it’s not true that I’ve been abducted and taken back to the mainland.”

“I’m a patriotic Overseas Chinese and I’ve always loved the (ruling Communist) party and the country.”

It remains unclear why Mr Xiao was detained but the case bears chilling similarities to that of Hong Kong bookseller and British passport holder Lee Bo, who vanished in January last year only to turn up in mainland China three months later.

Mr Lee was one of five booksellers who vanished between December 2015 and January 2016, triggering international condemnation and local protests. He later insisted he had crossed the border “voluntarily”.

The five were believed to have been kidnapped by Chinese security forces over plans to publish a series of books critical of the government, including one about the love life of President Xi before he came into power.


Guo Guangchang, the billionaire chairman of chairman of Fosun International Ltd vanished for several days in December. Picture: Kevin Lee/BloombergSource:Supplied

Mr Xiao recently denied allegations he fled to Hong Kong in 2014 in a bid to escape the corruption crackdown. The billionaire, nicknamed the Warren Buffett of China, is said to have acted as a broker for President Xi and his family.

Chinese-language news site Bowen Press speculated Mr Xiao could have been connected to an “anti-Xi coalition”.

Hong Kong’s security bureau said the government “will not allow non-Hong Kong law enforcement officers to take law enforcement actions in Hong Kong”.

But Democratic Party’s James To said there was a “credible suspicion” Hong Kong’s “one country, two systems” deal had been breached.

“After the Lee Bo fiasco people are very concerned about whether Hong Kong residents or people lawfully staying in Hong Kong will be protected,” Mr To told AFP.

The South China Morning Post reported that Mr Xiao was currently in mainland China, not receiving medical treatment, and was only in contact with his family.

He had wanted to move some of his businesses to Japan after feeling unsafe in Hong Kong, the Post said.


The alleged kidnap of Hong Kong bookseller and British passport holder Lee Bo by Chinese security forces sparked international condemnation and local protestsSource:Supplied

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Missing Chinese billionaire Xiao Jianhua ‘last seen at HK’s Four Seasons Hotel’ before entering mainland http://buff.ly/2kM4Rod

11:41 AM - 31 Jan 2017
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Michael Ron Bowling @mrbcyber

Wife of 'abducted' billionaire Xiao Jianhua reportedly flees to Japan https://www.hongkongfp.com/2017/02/02/wife-of-abducted-billionaire-xiao-jianhua-reportedly-flees-to-japan-as-police-deny-involvement-in-disappearance/ … via @hongkongfp

11:44 PM - 1 Feb 2017

Wife of 'abducted' billionaire Xiao Jianhua reportedly flees to Japan as police deny involvement in...
Reports have emerged that the wife of Chinese-Canadian billionaire Xiao Jianhua – reportedly abducted from Hong Kong to mainland China – has fled to Japan. The Hong Kong police have also denied any...


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Stocks linked to missing Chinese tycoon Xiao Jianhua plunge as mystery deepens http://buff.ly/2knpeIq

10:21 PM - 2 Feb 2017
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The Canadian consulate said it was aware of the reports and its officials were “in contact” with authorities.

In 2015, Mr Xiao was made “ambassador-at-large” for Antigua and Barbuda, according to news site Caribbean360, which pictured Mr Xiao at the time with the country’s prime minister Gaston Browne.

Hong Kong-based analyst Willy Lam said Mr Xiao may have been targeted because he knew “potentially embarrassing details” about financial actions involving major Chinese political clans.

Prominent local lawyer Jean-Francois Harvey said the disappearance of Mr Xiao and other businessmen was highly unsettling.

“People will be questioning whether Hong Kong is a safe haven,” he told the AP. “I think the answer to that question is very, very clear now, sadly.”

China’s anti-corruption drive was launched after President Xi took power in 2012 and has brought down government officials and corporate executives.

Billionaire Guo Guangchang, the chairman of one of the country’s biggest private-sector conglomerates Fosun, which acquired resort franchise Club Med last year, went missing for several days in December.

When he resurfaced, his company issued a statement saying he had been “assisting in certain investigations carried out by judicial authorities.”

On January 7, retail billionaire Zhou Chengjian also disappeared. His company issued a statement saying it was looking into reports that he had been picked up by the police.

He returned to work 10 days later amid speculation he had been caught up in the anti-corruption campaign.

With AFP


Maybe some parts of these billionaires live on? - in other "Party approved" billionaires?
The death penalty is a symptom of a culture of violence, not a solution to it.

by the very concept The Death Penalty Is a Human Rights Abuse
Terrorists dont have human rights. Anyone convicted of terrorism related crime should have automatic death penalty. Last few years India has excuted only terrorists - Afzal Guru, Ajmal Kasab and Yakub menon.

Apart from terrorists anyone convicted of Rape and murder or child rape should have automatic death penalty
Okay..let's buy into your argument. Only people who give permission to use their organs are officially recognized as legal by the government. Fine sounds great.. Which before March of 2017 was 66,000 people.

So um where are these tens of thousands of organs coming from? Are people illegally being grabbed off the street and hacked up? Are there illegal private jails in China where organs are harvested from executed people. Sounds like a nightmare scenario!

Of course it could always be a simple situation, Families selling the organs of dead loved one's without their consent for a big handful of cash.. Or maybe morgues get around that by simply dissecting people unbeknownst to families.
You are assuming more transplant happening, therefore you need more organ. Huang is saying that the transplant drugs which is recorded and traceable from western companies show that only limited possible transplant took place in China based on the amount of drug imported.

Western attitude seem to be like "the commie must be evil". Like your mentioning of "illegal grab off street", "private jail organ harvest", "morgue took organ without relative knowing". You just throw out accusations anyhow you feel like. It seem to be like you are more interested in smearing in a irresponsible way, looking for excuses to throw more mud on China.

Some of China's richest and most powerful men have mysteriously vanished

View attachment 406129
The logo of the Anbang Insurance Group is seen on the company's offices in Beijing on June 14, 2017. (Mark Schiefelbein / Associated Press)

Ann M. SimmonsContact Reporter
So there are business people that are being called in for questioning by authority, and during investigation they are not allowed to talk to media.

That would be normal for any country. But when it happen in China, western media would call it "mysterious vanished" or "state-sanctioned abductions".

And by posting it in this thread, are you attempting to imply that they are abducted and executed? Possibly for their organ?

Smearing China in anyway possible?
You are assuming more transplant happening, therefore you need more organ. Huang is saying that the transplant drugs which is recorded and traceable from western companies show that only limited possible transplant took place in China based on the amount of drug imported.

This is a joke right? The land that proudly revels in the ability of copying and reverse engineering (and science leadership) is claiming the best proof things are on the level is to simply look at the quantity of drugs you HAVE TO PURCHASE from Western companies. Apparently these drugs are far beyond your abilities to replicate.

This is a joke right? The land that proudly revels in the ability of copying and reverse engineering (and science leadership) is claiming the best proof things are on the level is to simply look at the quantity of drugs you HAVE TO PURCHASE from Western companies. Apparently these drugs are far beyond your abilities to replicate.

One more accusation that you just pull out of a hat?

Apparently it is impossible to prove a negative. Therefore since you made the accusation, the burden of proof is on you.
@waz @Horus @ahojunk @Shotgunner51 @Slav Defence
Please check out how the OP posting a thread about the the number of people being executed in the world end up with the purpose of China bashing with off topic "Organs Harvesting" without proper source to back up
And the whole thread is pin pointing at China only with all kind if insults and false accusations mainly by the thread starter to flame baiting Chinese members
We buy organs from 3rd world poor Indians.

Don't need to get things from executed one
50 cents and a chicken has been added to your account. Thank you for your service
China has 1.4 billion people and strict laws. With that many people, there could be a higher occurrence of rape, murder and other mischievous acts that warrant the death penalty. That could be the reason why executions are so high.

If China softened its laws regarding the death penalty, the executions would be less.
china and Pakistan has a lot to lean about human rights , i'm however surprised to see India isn't even in the top 20 , being the the 2nd most populous nation they aren't even in the top 10

Great to see that UK look at India with envy and want to learn something from India. So after 50 years, UK will become another India, just smaller scale, perhaps.
It's a shame that one of the only developed country who applies this law quite alot(20times) included in this list is the U.S. (I'm not including Japan, Taiwan and Singapore who combined applied this less than 9 times).
I can understand all the other countries present in this list since they are still developing countries , but the U.S being there is something that shouldn't have been the case. It's a shame for the U.S , the U.S should abolished it's death penalty law(even for the most violent criminals like all developed countries did decades ago) , it's unbefitting for a wealthy advanced developed country to still have such a law. Shameful.:hitwall:


At least 1,032 people were executed in 2016, according to a new Amnesty Internationalreport published this month.

The report, which has the most available stats on executions around the world, found that the number of executions was an estimated 37% lower than in 2015. However, that number doesn't include thousands of undocumented deaths - mostly carried out in China.

Because not every country releases information on their government's use of the death penalty, the figures in this map are the minimum numbers, but are most likely to be higher.

To accommodate this, a "+" is added to countries that probably have more executions than the base number Amnesty International was able to confirm. You can read more about the research here.

Quite surprising this list.
- I'm surprised to see Iran exucutes far more people than KSA. I have heard that before but I didn't think it was true.
-Even more surprise to see Taiwan carried out death penalty (even though it's was carried out just once last year) and are not that common. Same with Japan. Didn't even know they had this law and applied it(though rarely). Interesting list. Thanks for posting this, at least I learned something new. :)
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