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Here’s which countries execute the most people

the only solution against terrorism....


the higher the education the lower the chance that people follow radical movements no matter if political ideology or religously motivated extremism.

Education is the cure for almost any major problems in the world.

terror extremists
idiology extremists
political extremists
religously extremists
overpolulation (the higher the education the lower the birthrate)
enviromental protection
human rights

Here is a short movie trailer, based on a true incident called the bombay attack of 26/11.

Its a depiction of ACTUAL EVENTS.

Watch it and let me know what you think and what the punishment for the men should be.

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the only solution against terrorism....


the higher the education the lower the chance that people follow radical movements no matter if political ideology or religously motivated extremism.

Education is the cure for almost any major problems in the world.

terror extremists
idiology extremists
political extremists
religously extremists
overpolulation (the higher the education the lower the birthrate)
enviromental protection
human rights
Stability with an iron hand is the answer
What is the solution for terrorism according to you?

As for being "Not Guilty" here is a case


This man is Ajmal Kasab. He along with 9 other terrorists attacked Mumbai on 26/11/2008. this is a pic of him with an AK 47 attacking the Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus - a railway station in Mumbai.

The other 9 were killed by the security forces and he was captured alive. Even though there was clear cut evidence of his guilt including numerous CCTV fottages and eyewitness accounts he was given a fair trial where he was presumed innocent until proven guilty. After 4 years and various appeals right upto the president of India he was hanged on 21st November 2012

What according to you should have been the punishment for this terrorist?

If you say Life imprisonment I will give another example


This person is Maulana Masood Azhar. he was a terrorist incarcerated in an Indian Jail. His friends hicjacked an aircraft Indian Airlines IC-814. The Indian govt had to release him and 2 others in exchange for 180 pasengers and crew.

After that he has started his own terrorist organization called as Jaish-e-Mohammed. This organization is responsible for number of terrorist attacks in India leading to death of hundreds of innocent people.

Had he been hanged to death instead of serving a life sentence this catastrophe could have been avoided

What is the "Solution" according to you?
You should not try bringing sense to Europeans. They are too far gone on their moralistic ride and now are on the side of evil. They will strive and protect every terrorist, every rapist, every pedophile because victims no longer matter. The only humans in the eyes of Europeans are what rest of humanity would describe as scums.
You should not try bringing sense to Europeans. They are too far gone on their moralistic ride and now are on the side of evil. They will strive and protect every terrorist, every rapist, every pedophile because victims no longer matter. The only humans in the eyes of Europeans are what rest of humanity would describe as scums.

th surprising thing is that they themselves are experiencing terrorist attacks. Why this sympathy for the terrorist?
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