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Here's What Iran Wants From Sanctions Relief

Well sorry to disappoint you but plain and simple no. I dont know what hannuka means.

For me, israel is a country like Lebanon and Egypt. A player in the eastern med region which we have good relations with.

I personal dont care about Zionism. What i know is that its a stable country we can make deals with. Palestine on other hand is radical crazy and corrupt and as christian i could not even visit Jerusalem, anymore. So i prefer the status quo, as does my government and the entire EU

Not knowing what Hanukkah is, as a Greek with an apparent interest in that country's ancient history as well as adamant individual involvement against ancient adversaries of Greek polities, to the point of coming to visit the Iranian sub-section of a Pakistani defence forum in order to open related threads and challenge Iranian users, seems somewhat peculiar, and quite hard to believe to be honest.

The topic of Hanukkah is a significant one in Greek history. Perhaps could it be a source of inspiration for comparable ventures among Isra"el"i online communities, asking them why - according to Jewish scholars - Jewish subjects of the Seleucid empire did not assimilate contrary to other peoples, thereby being considered a threat to the authority of the emperor, which in turn led to Judaism becoming practically the only religion subjected to persecution by the Seleucids... Is that not, in view of the contemporary geopolitics of the Mediterranean and of West Asia, equally interesting as the Greco-Persian wars?

Your selective approach displayed in this regard is representative of a political bias. Bias which you happened to confirm in the above quote by declaring preference for zionist colonialist occupiers against downtrodden Palestinian (Muslim and Christian) natives of the land. As a Christian, one would also want to worry about the hostility of radical zionists against local Christians, who moreover are subject to repressive actions by the Tel Aviv regime itself... Just some token examples among others:

Coptic monks beaten by Israeli police at Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre
25 October 2018 12:12 UTC


Once again the Beit Jamal Catholic cemetery desecrated
Thursday, 18 October 2018


Israel doing nothing to stop attacks on churches and mosques
29 September 2017


Beit Jimal Salesian monastery cemetery desecrated
01/09/2016, 00.00

Bishop Marcuzzo’s pain and sorrow for act of vandalism against the Church of the Transfiguration
10/25/2016, 18.58


Israel to pay damages for arson attack on Tabgha church of. Positive developments also for Catholic schools
09/22/2015, 00.00


Papal Visit to Israel Takes Place Amid Increasing Violence Against Christians
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, August 2014, Pages 20-21


A nun walks by Jewish extremists protesting at the Cenacle, or Upper Room, on Mount Zion, against Christian pilgrims praying there for Pentecost, June 9, 2014. (AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES)

And chances are that this preference for the Isra"el"i regime is connected to the grudge seemingly held against Iran, as well as the way in which Iran is being looked down upon.
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Not knowing what Hannukah is, as a Greek with an apparent interest in that country's ancient history as well as adamant individual involvement against ancient adversaries of Greek polities, to the point of coming to visit the Iranian sub-section of a Pakistani defence forum in order to open related threads and challenge Iranian users, seems somewhat peculiar, and quite hard to believe to be honest.

The topic of Hannukah is a significant one in Greek history. Perhaps could it be a source of inspiration for comparable ventures among Isra"el"i online communities, asking them why - according to Jewish scholars - Jewish subjects of the Seleucid empire, as opposed to other peoples, did not assimilate, thereby being considered a threat to the authority of the emperor, which in turn led to Judaism becoming practically the only religion subjected to persecution by the Seleucids... Is that not, in view of the contemporary geopolitics of the Mediterranean and of West Asia, equally interesting as the Greco-Persian wars?

Your selective approach displayed in this regard is representative of a political bias. Bias which you happened to confirm openly in the above quote by declaring preference for zionist colonialist occupiers against downtrodden Palestinian (Muslim and Christian) natives of the land. As a Christian (and especially as an Orthodox one), one would probably also have to worry about the hostility of radical zionists against local Christians, who are also subject to repressive actions by the regime in Tel Aviv... Just token examples among others:

Coptic monks beaten by Israeli police at Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre
25 October 2018 12:12 UTC | Last update: 2 years 11 months ago






View attachment 782664
A nun walks by Jewish extremists protesting at the Cenacle, or Upper Room, on Mount Zion, against Christian pilgrims praying there for Pentecost, June 9, 2014. (AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES)

And chances are that this preference for zionism is connected to the grudge seemingly held against Iran, as well as the way in which Iran is being looked down upon. Something for Iranian users to note.

Nope, its far easier than that. Persia tried to conquer our homeland. Its a very big part of our history and big factor in our identity. We did not only crush that attempt, we later did strike back and destroyed the persian empire.

That what you brought up was an obscure little revolt far from mainland greece, i even had to google what hanukah means. I know not much about other religions. I'm 19 years old, you think im expert in jewish and islam? I know they have ramadan in islam and i know no holiday that the jews celebrate. That doesnt mean im stupid, im simply not that much interested in other religion.

In school we learn evrything about the persian wars, its a big part in history.

I dont care whats going on in Israel, not my country, not my issue. All i know is, that we have good relations with israel and have several energy and defense projects going on. Also lots of tourists from there, who bring money to Greece and make no trouble here.
Nope, its far easier than that. Persia tried to conquer our homeland. Its a very big part of our history and big factor in our identity. We did not only crush that attempt, we later did strike back and destroyed the persian empire.

That what you brought up was an obscure little revolt far from mainland greece, i even had to google what hanukah means. I know not much about other religions. I'm 19 years old, you think im expert in jewish and islam? I know they have ramadan in islam and i know no holiday that the jews celebrate. That doesnt mean im stupid, im simply not that much interested in other religion.

In school we learn evrything about the persian wars, its a big part in history.

I dont care whats going on in Israel, not my country, not my issue. All i know is, that we have good relations with israel and have several energy and defense projects going on. Also lots of tourists from there, who bring money to Greece and make no trouble here.

If you're actually 19, this could be an explanation.

However, the Jewish revolt against the Greek empire can't be considered as an obscure, unimportant event. Perhaps it is not given the same weight in Greek historiography, but Hanukkah is one of the main Jewish festivals and it has to do with Greece and Greek culture.

I posted those links because you were regretting the difficulty for Christians to visit Jerusalem. And because of the way you contrasted Palestinians with zionist occupiers, given that said zionists have put local Christians under pressure.
If you're actually 19, this could be an explanation.

However, the Jewish revolt against the Greek king can't be considered as an obscure, unimportant event. Perhaps it is not given the same weight in Greek historiography, but Hanukkah is one of the main Jewish festivals and it has to do with Greece and Greek culture.

I posted those links because you were regretting the difficulty for Christians to visit Jerusalem. And because of the way you contrasted Palestinians with zionist occupiers, given that said zionists have put local Christians under pressure.

Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empire are not that big part in history lesson here, Seleucid is almost nothing in school. Ptolemaic is more, but school centers mostly about mainland.
Iran has a smaller economy than Romania...which is the poorest EU member state...

But to be fair my friend, Romania was once home to the most powerful being on Earth.
If I was Iran, I would have asked for sanctions to be removed as a Precondition for Negotiations to start. Given I real am able to build a nuke. Cuz any delay to meet precondition mean I get to keep working on my Nukes.
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