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Here's the New Marine Corps Weapon that Just Destroyed an Iranian Drone

No one says the U.S. doesn't have the power to down Iranian drones! If Iran can shoot down a Global Hawk then clearly the U.S. could easily shoot down Iranian drones! If Iran can Jam, spoof & hack RQ-170, MQ-1C, RQ-7 & Scan Eagles then clearly the U.S. has the capability to do the same!

What is absurd is a U.S. president holding a press conference over the takedown of a freaking quad claiming it was Iranian while presenting no real proof that it actually belonged to Iran's Military and even if it did, going public in a press conference about such an insignificant takedown straight from the president of the U.S. the most powerful country on the planet is rather ridicules because it makes you look like a freaking clown!
Trump is most immature president of world and it is alarming that such type of person is ruling a top power of world.Trump is not eligible to become president of somalia like country
As far as I’m aware. US military firms like Lockheed Martin, Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing etc are all private firms. Even contractors selling arms are private. They don’t give a crap about quality. They just want to make as much money as possible, and there’s a lot of lobbying in US. That’s why most American military equipment after the 70s and 80s are junk.

IRGC might not have the same access to tech and parts as American firms. But unlike greedy American firms. IRGC doesn’t make arms and missiles for profit.

No doubt US have the tech. But the Cold War era is over. Soviet have collapsed. US have no real competitor and have already convinced most of the world to buy their crap anyways. They don’t need to progress anymore. Just look at F35, it’s a fiasco. But even tiny Norway that has absolutely 0 use for war planes ordered 52 before the plane had a single second of flight time. They continuously sell their outdated crap to gulf countries for hundreds of billions of dollars.

US arms suppliers are all about business now, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if their drone killer cost them hundreds of millions of dollars to develop and manufacture, while it doesn’t work on anything other than junk drones worth less than a couple thousand dollars. This is were we have a huge advantage. IRGC knows what they need and they produce it themselves, for themselves. Not for greed and profit. Just look at the latest Boeing 737 max scandal and how they sold a faulty civil airliner just to save money. But will anyone stop ordering Boeing airplanes in the future. No!
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As far as I’m aware. US military firms like Lockheed Martin, Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing etc are all private firms. Even contractors selling arms are private. They don’t give a crap about quality. They just want to make as much money as possible, and there’s a lot of lobbying in US.
exactly why the must care about quality,if they fail on quality then people go after the competitor
Let me get this straight, US shot down a drone completely intact. And then sent ZERO teams to retrieve ANY PIECE of it.

This is the same US that parades Houthi equipment and Iranian arms in front of the national media to make propaganda claims about how Iran is destroying the Middle East?

Yeah I doubt they shot down anything.
The world is slowly waking up to American lies from the moon landing hoax to this.
LOL, U.S desperation is at record high....
so Let's see the failure of American top notch tech again:


View attachment 570116

Epic propaganda fail or truth? Judge for yourself:

There is a strange object obscuring camera view in a few angles in Iranian released video while the "Iranian Drone" is claimed to be filming US ships.

The object is clearly landing skids of a helicopter.


I was searching relevant news reports and this is what I found.

BBC reported that a Wall Street Journal reporter who was present on board one of the US Navy Ships reported seeing an Iranian Helicopter flying close to the ships in international waters:


So what gives? Did Iran hastily put the video out to dispel US claims but failed to edit out the portion showing landing skids of helicopter while it was never a drone that was filming the video of US ships?

You be the judge.
Epic propaganda fail or truth? Judge for yourself:

There is a strange object obscuring camera view in a few angles in Iranian released video while the "Iranian Drone" is claimed to be filming US ships.

The object is clearly landing skids of a helicopter.

View attachment 570724 View attachment 570725

I was searching relevant news reports and this is what I found.

BBC reported that a Wall Street Journal reporter who was present on board one of the US Navy Ships reported seeing an Iranian Helicopter flying close to the ships in international waters:

View attachment 570727

So what gives? Did Iran hastily put the video out to dispel US claims but failed to edit out the portion showing landing skids of helicopter while it was never a drone that was filming the video of US ships?

You be the judge.

1. The report claims that the Iranian navy helicopter was escorted away by a U.S navy helicopter when it got too close to the U.S ships. There was a picture released that shows a U.S.N MH-60 helicopter flying next to an IRIN Bell-212 to back this claim up. The footage that Iran provided lasts for well over an hour unmolested.

2. The skid from the video that Iran provided cannot be from the IRI Navy Bell-212 that was photographed during the incident due to the fact that IRIN Bell 212s are equipped with inflatable pontoons on top of their landing skids. In case they have to land in water in an emergency. The skids on the video are clean so no, Iran did not "hastily put the video out to dispel US claims but failed to edit out the portion showing landing skids of helicopter".

3.There is a Persian saying that goes "Not everyone who has a beard is your father". Just because a landing skid can be seen does not mean that its a Helicopter. There are more than a few Iranian UAV designs that utilise Landing Skids instead of wheels.
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Epic propaganda fail or truth? Judge for yourself:

There is a strange object obscuring camera view in a few angles in Iranian released video while the "Iranian Drone" is claimed to be filming US ships.

The object is clearly landing skids of a helicopter.

View attachment 570724 View attachment 570725

I was searching relevant news reports and this is what I found.

BBC reported that a Wall Street Journal reporter who was present on board one of the US Navy Ships reported seeing an Iranian Helicopter flying close to the ships in international waters:

View attachment 570727

So what gives? Did Iran hastily put the video out to dispel US claims but failed to edit out the portion showing landing skids of helicopter while it was never a drone that was filming the video of US ships?

You be the judge.

this is the Bell 212 at that moment you can see how big the landing skids are and how curvature they are and there is something below them. this is the pic that was released by US navy of that day



now you can look at Iranian drone and see the same landing skids that are in the video released by IRGC



this is the Bell 212 at that moment you can see how big the landing skids are and how curvature they are and there is something below them. this is the pic that was released by US navy of that day



now you can look at Iranian drone and see the same landing skids that are in the video released by IRGC



Propaganda is a double edged sword.

Iranian nationalistic bravado for local consumption aside, Its not a big deal for the US to drop a few early gen drones, specially if one comes so close as is being claimed.

It's laughable that Iran claims to manufacture drone jammers that look exactly like the ones commercially available, lol, but is claiming that the US anti drone tech (that Iran's tries to copy) is ineffective, lol.

Propaganda aside, the most plausible explanation for the video may be that a civilian helicopter was used to make the video for hours so that the ships could be filmed in international waters without challenge.


The US navy may have moved against the other helicopter marked as Iranian navy when it came too close afterwards.

As the following drone is not stealth by any stretch of imagination so why didn't US Navy shoot it or even try to shoo it away like it did with the helicopter marked as Iranian Navy.


Anyway, the skid mark on the above one identified by yellow arrow is too diminutive and totally different than the one in video:
65686111_2289200781170183_1949437962832912550_n (1).jpg

I think Iran knows that its official version is not quite true. Nationalistic bravado for local consumption aside, Its not a big deal for the US to drop a early gen drone as the version being claimed here by some posters, if it was indeed flying so close.

On the other hand we can say that US is lying about downing that video making drone if indeed it was a helicopter making the film like the civilian version below:
Propaganda is a double edged sword.

Iranian nationalistic bravado for local consumption aside, Its not a big deal for the US to drop a few early gen drones, specially if one comes so close as is being claimed.

It's laughable that Iran claims to manufacture drone jammers that look exactly like the ones commercially available, lol, but is claiming that the US anti drone tech (that Iran's tries to copy) is ineffective, lol.

Propaganda aside, the most plausible explanation for the video may be that a civilian helicopter was used to make the video for hours so that the ships could be filmed in international waters without challenge.

View attachment 570781

The US navy may have moved against the other helicopter marked as Iranian navy when it came too close afterwards.

As the following drone is not stealth by any stretch of imagination so why didn't US Navy shoot it or even try to shoo it away like it did with the helicopter marked as Iranian Navy.

View attachment 570782
Anyway, the skid mark on the above one identified by yellow arrow is too diminutive and totally different than the one in video:
View attachment 570783

I think Iran knows that its official version is not quite true. Nationalistic bravado for local consumption aside, Its not a big deal for the US to drop a early gen drone as the version being claimed here by some posters, if it was indeed flying so close.

On the other hand we can say that US is lying about downing that video making drone if indeed it was a helicopter making the film like the civilian version below:
View attachment 570781

they can down a Iranian drone we can done there drones too but will they do it ? i will say no as we wouldn't down every US drone too. did they down a Iranian drone? we do not know they did not show us anything yet and if IRGC knew that one of there drones was really downed they wouldn't have said no because if they do then US show everyone a video of it then no one in Iran will take IRGC seriously any more so they said no because IRGC were sure that they did not loss a drone. so my guess is that they downed a quadcopter or some thing small like it.
It's laughable that Iran claims to manufacture drone jammers that look exactly like the ones commercially available
which jammer is commercially available??o_Oo_O
claiming that the US anti drone tech (that Iran's tries to copy) is ineffective, lol.
when did we tried to copy US jammer?? we introduced our system before US does.
BTW how you know our examples are the same as US one?? did you see the guts of both systems??
Propaganda is a double edged sword.

Iranian nationalistic bravado for local consumption aside, Its not a big deal for the US to drop a few early gen drones, specially if one comes so close as is being claimed.

It's laughable that Iran claims to manufacture drone jammers that look exactly like the ones commercially available, lol, but is claiming that the US anti drone tech (that Iran's tries to copy) is ineffective, lol.

Propaganda aside, the most plausible explanation for the video may be that a civilian helicopter was used to make the video for hours so that the ships could be filmed in international waters without challenge.

View attachment 570781

The US navy may have moved against the other helicopter marked as Iranian navy when it came too close afterwards.

As the following drone is not stealth by any stretch of imagination so why didn't US Navy shoot it or even try to shoo it away like it did with the helicopter marked as Iranian Navy.

View attachment 570782
Anyway, the skid mark on the above one identified by yellow arrow is too diminutive and totally different than the one in video:
View attachment 570783

I think Iran knows that its official version is not quite true. Nationalistic bravado for local consumption aside, Its not a big deal for the US to drop a early gen drone as the version being claimed here by some posters, if it was indeed flying so close.

On the other hand we can say that US is lying about downing that video making drone if indeed it was a helicopter making the film like the civilian version below:
View attachment 570781

So the skid mark on Sadeq UAV is different, but skid of that helicopter is similar?! LOL


SABA-248 Helicopter still isn't operational and has no mark on it's skid.

Yes, this drone isn't stealthy and Americans know very well that this drone is flying above their head, but since they are within Iranian waters (strait of Hormuz), IRGC dictates it's rules, so Americans don't dare to shoot it down, also U.S ships have to answer to Iranian calls in Persian language, not English.

We have drone footage of all U.S carriers in strait of Hormuz, it was nothing new. comparing to other American carriers which IRGC drones have flown above and their footage is available in Internet, USS BOXER is literally a floating garbage.
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which jammer is commercially available??o_Oo_O

when did we tried to copy US jammer?? we introduced our system before US does.
BTW how you know our examples are the same as US one?? did you see the guts of both systems??
Google is your friend dear, why do you expect me to spoon feed your ignorance?o_O
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