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Here's the New Marine Corps Weapon that Just Destroyed an Iranian Drone


A new Marine Corps anti-drone system that attaches to all-terrain vehicles and can scan the skies for enemy aircraft from aboard Navy ships was responsible for destroying an Iranian drone, Military.com has learned.

The Marine Corps' Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System, known as LMADIS, jammed an Iranian drone that President Donald Trump said flew within 1,000 yards of a Navy warship in the Strait of Hormuz, a defense official said. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the mission.

The California-based 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit deployed to the Middle East with the LMADIS, the defense official said. That unit, which includes about 2,200 Marines, is currently on a six-month sea deployment with the Navy's Boxer Amphibious Ready Group.

Trump said the amphibious assault ship Boxer took defensive action after giving multiple calls to stand down.

"This is the latest of many provocative and hostile actions by Iran against vessels operating in international waters," the president said. "The United States reserves the right to defend our personnel, our facilities and interests and calls upon all nations to condemn Iran's attempts to disrupt freedom of navigation and global commerce."

The LMADIS is a maneuverable system installed on MRZR all-terrain vehicles. One of the MRZRs is a command vehicle and the other an electronic-warfare platform, according to a Marine Corps video that describes the system. It's typically used on the ground, but has recently been put to the test on several Navy ships.

The system uses a radar and cameras to scan the sky to detect drones and distinguish between friendly and hostile systems. Once it locates a threat, it uses radio frequencies to jam the drone, C4ISR reported in May.

Low-altitude defense officers and gunners with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 163 (VMM-163) (Reinforced), which is currently deployed aboard the Boxer with the 11th MEU, trained with the system before the unit deployed, Defense Department photos show.

The 11th MEU is not the first Marine unit to use LMADIS aboard a Navy ship. Earlier this year, Marine Corps images showed the North Carolina-based 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit used it on the amphibious assault ship Kearsarge during a transit through the Suez Canal. Members of the 13th MEU also used it during a training exercise in Djibouti.


Pakistan brings down Iranian drones regularly.

Even in austerity drive.

Beat that !!
LOL, your butt hurt is even more obvious than the Americans!
Where did you learn to speak like that dear? I care about Americans as much as you do :azn:
So the skid mark on Sadeq UAV is different, but skid of that helicopter is similar?! LOL
Any number of your skids can match as long as they look similar, that's not the point dear. Read the post again slowly so you can understand better:
Propaganda aside, the most plausible explanation for the video may be that a civilian helicopter was used to make the video for hours so that the ships could be filmed in international waters without challenge.

SABA-248 Helicopter still isn't operational and has no mark on it's skid.
Lol, not talking about marks usage dear, lol, but the protrusion that was Marked in Yellow by one of your fellow posters, lol.
We have drone footage of all U.S carriers in strait of Hormuz, it was nothing new. comparing to other American carriers which IRGC drones have flown above and their footage is available in Internet, USS BOXER is literally a floating garbage.
Are you telling me IRGC is using doctored old peace time footage and using it as propaganda? That explains everything dear.

Thank you for sharing such an honest confessional about the videos of all ships already available with IRGC.
Google is your friend dear, why do you expect me to spoon feed your ignorance?o_O
lol my friend you don't make any sense and it seems like you are butt hurted.
again our drone jammer entered serviece before US one (LMADIS), and as i noticed by looking at these anti drone guns that they look like each other.

Are you telling me IRGC is using doctored old peace time footage and using it as propaganda? That explains everything dear.

Thank you for sharing such an honest confessional about the videos of all ships already available with IRGC.
the drone toke footage of the US fleet for hours and in the footage you can see the LMADIS system onboard of the USS boxer.
Propaganda is a double edged sword.

Iranian nationalistic bravado for local consumption aside, Its not a big deal for the US to drop a few early gen drones, specially if one comes so close as is being claimed.

It's laughable that Iran claims to manufacture drone jammers that look exactly like the ones commercially available, lol, but is claiming that the US anti drone tech (that Iran's tries to copy) is ineffective, lol.

Propaganda aside, the most plausible explanation for the video may be that a civilian helicopter was used to make the video for hours so that the ships could be filmed in international waters without challenge.

View attachment 570781

The US navy may have moved against the other helicopter marked as Iranian navy when it came too close afterwards.

As the following drone is not stealth by any stretch of imagination so why didn't US Navy shoot it or even try to shoo it away like it did with the helicopter marked as Iranian Navy.

View attachment 570782
Anyway, the skid mark on the above one identified by yellow arrow is too diminutive and totally different than the one in video:
View attachment 570783

I think Iran knows that its official version is not quite true. Nationalistic bravado for local consumption aside, Its not a big deal for the US to drop a early gen drone as the version being claimed here by some posters, if it was indeed flying so close.

On the other hand we can say that US is lying about downing that video making drone if indeed it was a helicopter making the film like the civilian version below:
View attachment 570781
You are becoming boring . you claim USA jammed our drone and it fall in the sea . show evidence at least a video or something .
You know ,you can cure a blind but you can't cure one who simulate.
Also look at the landing skid in the video and that helicopter you posted . does they look anything similar to each other.
seems like you are butt hurted.
My dear, why are you guys obsessed with the B word? Any special reason?

The "Iranian" gun looks not only familiar but it looks like it is reverse engineered from tri band drone jammers commercially available even on Alibaba.com

Now if you claim that the difference in cosmetics of the body and the gun's "butt" (pun intended, lol)or the stock is different and that mean its entirely an iranian invention and not copied from American or chinese jammer guns then what else is new, lol.
Propaganda is a double edged sword.

Iranian nationalistic bravado for local consumption aside, Its not a big deal for the US to drop a few early gen drones, specially if one comes so close as is being claimed.

It's laughable that Iran claims to manufacture drone jammers that look exactly like the ones commercially available, lol, but is claiming that the US anti drone tech (that Iran's tries to copy) is ineffective, lol.

Propaganda aside, the most plausible explanation for the video may be that a civilian helicopter was used to make the video for hours so that the ships could be filmed in international waters without challenge.

View attachment 570781

The US navy may have moved against the other helicopter marked as Iranian navy when it came too close afterwards.

As the following drone is not stealth by any stretch of imagination so why didn't US Navy shoot it or even try to shoo it away like it did with the helicopter marked as Iranian Navy.

View attachment 570782
Anyway, the skid mark on the above one identified by yellow arrow is too diminutive and totally different than the one in video:
View attachment 570783

I think Iran knows that its official version is not quite true. Nationalistic bravado for local consumption aside, Its not a big deal for the US to drop a early gen drone as the version being claimed here by some posters, if it was indeed flying so close.

On the other hand we can say that US is lying about downing that video making drone if indeed it was a helicopter making the film like the civilian version below:
View attachment 570781

This is not the first time we have dealt with dishonest Pakistanis like you on this Forum. First you make the accusation that the footage released by Iran to counter the U.S claim of shooting down an Iranian drone was filmed from an Iranian Navy Helicopter. We presented actual proof of why your claim was BS and instead of arguing the facts we have presented, you come up with a scenario in which it was a "civilian Helicopter" that took the footage. Since when does the U.S Navy allow civilian aircraft get so close to its ships? If that was not enough you move the goal post once again to Iran's drone jammers being "commercial copies". It is clear to me that you are coming to this with your mind made up that Iran is lying and any evidence to the contrary will be brushed off as "Iranian propaganda and Bravado". No doubt you will also move the goal post once again to another topic like you have already with the F-313 and Iranian drone jammers.
My dear, why are you guys obsessed with the B word? Any special reason?

The "Iranian" gun looks not only familiar but it looks like it is reverse engineered from tri band drone jammers commercially available even on Alibaba.com

Now if you claim that the difference in cosmetics of the body and the gun's "butt" (pun intended, lol)or the stock is different and that mean its entirely an iranian invention and not copied from American or chinese jammer guns then what else is new, lol.
we don't know the specifications of Chinese, Iranian or American jammer guns but your logic in this argument is like if we produced an assault rifle then it's a copy of German STG-44. as it has a magazine, barrel, it has full auto option, semi auto, safety and it has an stock. per your logic these are STG-44:





and about the butt hurt part: you guys came with a claim that your drone project is way ahead of Iran now after hearing that we have drone that flies at 12 km of ground with 1300 km combat range with max speed of 600 km/h and you can arm it with a pair of missiles with 30 km range, you are butt hurted and are trying to make a victory out of your failure.
this is the Bell 212 at that moment you can see how big the landing skids are and how curvature they are and there is something below them. this is the pic that was released by US navy of that day



now you can look at Iranian drone and see the same landing skids that are in the video released by IRGC



Good spotting there!.
My first thought was that it was a shahed 123,but the e/o ball is mounted between the skid struts so the picture angle would be different,the forward mounted location of the camera on the mohajer however is just right,not to mention that you can even see that little piece of metal just in front of the strut in the picture.

Well done.:enjoy:
View attachment 570782
Anyway, the skid mark on the above one identified by yellow arrow is too diminutive and totally different than the one in video:
View attachment 570783
Really?,I`d say it looks exactly like the one in the video still,and it even has the small metal piece right next to the strut.
Heres a pic of the same model of drone with arrows pointing out the feature and a close up of the landing skid in question,just in case you missed that small detail.

Sooo...its clearly not a video feed from a helicopter thats pretending to be a drone[lol!]
Dont you think that the americans would`ve videoed any such attack on an iranian drone?,I mean the propaganda value alone would`ve been considerable,but if the americans had actually done as they`d claimed ie the drone got to close and they were just defending themselves,then a video would`ve only served to bolster this account and american credibility.Instead we have nothing just unverified us claims that iranian drone footage seems to discount,not to mention that the chump regimes near nonstop compulsive lying doesnt help its credibility as far as this claim is concerned either.
Really?,I`d say it looks exactly like the one in the video still,and it even has the small metal piece right next to the strut.
Heres a pic of the same model of drone with arrows pointing out the feature and a close up of the landing skid in question,just in case you missed that small detail.

Sooo...its clearly not a video feed from a helicopter thats pretending to be a drone[lol!]
Dont you think that the americans would`ve videoed any such attack on an iranian drone?,I mean the propaganda value alone would`ve been considerable,but if the americans had actually done as they`d claimed ie the drone got to close and they were just defending themselves,then a video would`ve only served to bolster this account and american credibility.Instead we have nothing just unverified us claims that iranian drone footage seems to discount,not to mention that the chump regimes near nonstop compulsive lying doesnt help its credibility as far as this claim is concerned either.
also I'm wondering why US fleet feels threatened when a drone with 500 kg weight flies around it but they are OK with a helicopter right above their heads that can drop 2 torpedo/bombs??
Good spotting there!.
My first thought was that it was a shahed 123,but the e/o ball is mounted between the skid struts so the picture angle would be different,the forward mounted location of the camera on the mohajer however is just right,not to mention that you can even see that little piece of metal just in front of the strut in the picture.

Well done.:enjoy:
thanks alot, noting to see here :lol::tup:
Is U.S still busy editing the footage of shooting down that drone in Adobe After Effects? It took them so long. They should hire better video editors. Hell, even Pixar can make an animated version much better.
This is not the first time we have dealt with dishonest Pakistanis like you on this Forum.
Hmm, your accusatory post seems to be popular among your fellow like minded posters, lol.

I guess those who are generally dishonest about interfering in every neighboring country in the region, in one way or the other, should be the last to be calling Pakistanis dishonest but I guess thats how you operate.

We presented actual proof of why your claim was BS
Another B word, how colorful, lol, actually proves more of the same by you dear and not any proof.

Since when does the U.S Navy allow civilian aircraft get so close to its ships?
You only just proved my earlier point dear; how propaganda is a double edged sword; by your own logic and words "Since when does the US Navy allow hostile military drones get so close to its ships?"

I have only argued with logic and your anger and abusive language against myself and my country only shows your frustration at coming up with a logical explanation.

I guess Kulbhushan, Uzair Baloch and routinely violating Pakistani airspace with drones etc only explains what you call being truthful, then indeed you need a change of dictionaries and mindset.
Hmm, your accusatory post seems to be popular among your fellow like minded posters, lol.

I guess those who are generally dishonest about interfering in every neighboring country in the region, in one way or the other, should be the last to be calling Pakistanis dishonest but I guess thats how you operate.

Another B word, how colorful, lol, actually proves more of the same by you dear and not any proof.

You only just proved my earlier point dear; how propaganda is a double edged sword; by your own logic and words "Since when does the US Navy allow hostile military drones get so close to its ships?"

I have only argued with logic and your anger and abusive language against myself and my country only shows your frustration at coming up with a logical explanation.

I guess Kulbhushan, Uzair Baloch and routinely violating Pakistani airspace with drones etc only explains what you call being truthful, then indeed you need a change of dictionaries and mindset.
What a dishonest character you are. Be a man stand up to the fact that you were wrong. The proof is overwhelming and you have avoided to address the actual point of discussion, just as @Bahram Esfandiari said you would. A sad sight to behold. Your countrymen should be ashamed of you.
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