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Here's the New Marine Corps Weapon that Just Destroyed an Iranian Drone

With the way these Americans talk about a radar jammer on top of a humvee (pretty stupid) you act like they developed an Alien weapon.

Except Syria and Iran have been using “drone” guns in battles for years. Taking a drone down via jamming or EM waves is not some “advanced technology”.

But MSM will do anything the military industrial complex tells them to.

With the way these Americans talk about a radar jammer on top of a humvee (pretty stupid) you act like they developed an Alien weapon.

Except Syria and Iran have been using “drone” guns in battles for years. Taking a drone down via jamming or EM waves is not some “advanced technology”.

But MSM will do anything the military industrial complex tells them to.

It was a fixed wing and Pentagon doesn't say they destroyed it. It says they took defensive measures. Whatever that means:

The Pentagon confirmed the confrontation but did not acknowledge the unmanned aerial vehicle's (UAV's) destruction.

"At approximately 1000 local time, the amphibious ship USS Boxer was in international waters conducting a planned inbound transit of the Strait of Hormuz," Pentagon spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement. "A fixed-wing unmanned aerial system [UAS] approached Boxer and closed within a threatening range. The ship took defensive action against the UAS to ensure the safety of the ship and its crew."

Any chances this was the drone? I know its a long stretch but this drone allegedly fall off some time later after the news of Iranian drone take down broke by USA.
I have read that even turning an aircraft carrier costs 10s of thousands of dollars

(the movie top gun paid the navy 10s of thousands to have them turn an aircraft carrier facing the sunset to get a money shot)

I wonder how much money the US wasted to park their navy vessels, and try and ambush an Iranian drone with their stupid toy only to have it fail in their faces and have the drone record the ship with the toy .... lol.....

americans are getting desperate.
My point is it’s pretty stupid to have a humvee sitting on top of a carrier or warship to knock down a drone when dedicated anti drone turret or gun can do the job just as well.
the Iranian system i posted images of, actually does the same thing as American one, they both have EO sensors to detect a drone and then jam it, the point is we made that before they do lol. they really should stop pretending like they are Iranians.:D:D
about the fact that they mounted that on a truck, you should consider the system is for ground units protection and they tried to be innovative.
I have read that even turning an aircraft carrier costs 10s of thousands of dollars

(the movie top gun paid the navy 10s of thousands to have them turn an aircraft carrier facing the sunset to get a money shot)

I wonder how much money the US wasted to park their navy vessels, and try and ambush an Iranian drone with their stupid toy only to have it fail in their faces and have the drone record the ship with the toy .... lol.....

americans are getting desperate.

US military branches dont care if they spend money. Their thinking is if they (Navy) don’t waste it then Airforce will or Army will or another area of the military will.
General Hajizadeh, chief commander of IRGC aerospace forces:
"After Tramp claims that an Iranian drone has been downed, we checked different unites for several times.
Tramp's big lie was so big that even ourselves at first believed that they have managed to down one of our drones, because it wasn't believable to us that he himself would say such a big lie directly in the media.

That's why we were delayed for a few hours to deny the news, and eventually we saw that our drone has been monitoring the activities of the flotilla before the Strait of Hormuz and until it leaves it."

he added "they themselves, after a while, threw the blame into Bolton's neck."

روایت سردار حاجی‌زاده از دروغ بزرگ ترامپ درباره پهپاد ایرانی | خبرگزاری فارس

So the the whole news is essentially a hoax.
A so-called super power has gone crazy over shooting down a cheap drone over international water and funny parts is its president is giving speech about it ... I have not heard of any top Iranian official except Zarif made a comment over shooting down a 211 million $ Global Hawk which was violating Iranian airspace.
Probably a propaganda for internal consumption over POTUS stupid comments.

A new Marine Corps anti-drone system that attaches to all-terrain vehicles and can scan the skies for enemy aircraft from aboard Navy ships was responsible for destroying an Iranian drone, Military.com has learned.

The Marine Corps' Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System, known as LMADIS, jammed an Iranian drone that President Donald Trump said flew within 1,000 yards of a Navy warship in the Strait of Hormuz, a defense official said. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the mission.

The California-based 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit deployed to the Middle East with the LMADIS, the defense official said. That unit, which includes about 2,200 Marines, is currently on a six-month sea deployment with the Navy's Boxer Amphibious Ready Group.

Trump said the amphibious assault ship Boxer took defensive action after giving multiple calls to stand down.

"This is the latest of many provocative and hostile actions by Iran against vessels operating in international waters," the president said. "The United States reserves the right to defend our personnel, our facilities and interests and calls upon all nations to condemn Iran's attempts to disrupt freedom of navigation and global commerce."

The LMADIS is a maneuverable system installed on MRZR all-terrain vehicles. One of the MRZRs is a command vehicle and the other an electronic-warfare platform, according to a Marine Corps video that describes the system. It's typically used on the ground, but has recently been put to the test on several Navy ships.

The system uses a radar and cameras to scan the sky to detect drones and distinguish between friendly and hostile systems. Once it locates a threat, it uses radio frequencies to jam the drone, C4ISR reported in May.

Low-altitude defense officers and gunners with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 163 (VMM-163) (Reinforced), which is currently deployed aboard the Boxer with the 11th MEU, trained with the system before the unit deployed, Defense Department photos show.

The 11th MEU is not the first Marine unit to use LMADIS aboard a Navy ship. Earlier this year, Marine Corps images showed the North Carolina-based 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit used it on the amphibious assault ship Kearsarge during a transit through the Suez Canal. Members of the 13th MEU also used it during a training exercise in Djibouti.


LOL! According to the US Military it's self they took down a freaking Quad from less than 1000 yards!!! So it was nothing more than a Quad and more likely than not a Civilian operated one that had nothing to do with Iran's Military that was actually operating a fixed wing Mohajer-4 at the time!

Taking down a quads doesn't require special weapons and on a ship that size they'll likely have multiple hi powered high frequency radars capable of directing a beam to fry the circuits of simple low speed quads that get within 1000 yards

And the fact that a U.S. president gets excited about the take down of a quad from 1000 yards out is just sad!
They way that poor guy announced it, I thought for sure they either took down an Iranian MALE sh-129 or one of Iran's stealth Simorgh or Saegheh UCAV's not some civilian operated Quad.

Few days ago iran drone crashed in balochistan area of Pakistan so I think it is not difficult for country like u.s to down iranian drone
LOL! According to the US Military it's self they took down a freaking Quad from less than 1000 yards!!! So it was nothing more than a Quad and more likely than not a Civilian operated one that had nothing to do with Iran's Military that was actually operating a fixed wing Mohajer-4 at the time!

Taking down a quads doesn't require special weapons and on a ship that size they'll likely have multiple hi powered high frequency radars capable of directing a beam to fry the circuits of simple low speed quads that get within 1000 yards

And the fact that a U.S. president gets excited about the take down of a quad from 1000 yards out is just sad!
They way that poor guy announced it, I thought for sure they either took down an Iranian MALE sh-129 or one of Iran's stealth Simorgh or Saegheh UCAV's not some civilian operated Quad.

give them credit for being humble at least.. if it was a british story, their SAS super snipers would have taken out 5 Iranian drones with a single sniper shot from 5km away.
Few days ago iran drone crashed in balochistan area of Pakistan so I think it is not difficult for country like u.s to down iranian drone

No one says the U.S. doesn't have the power to down Iranian drones! If Iran can shoot down a Global Hawk then clearly the U.S. could easily shoot down Iranian drones! If Iran can Jam, spoof & hack RQ-170, MQ-1C, RQ-7 & Scan Eagles then clearly the U.S. has the capability to do the same!

What is absurd is a U.S. president holding a press conference over the takedown of a freaking quad claiming it was Iranian while presenting no real proof that it actually belonged to Iran's Military and even if it did, going public in a press conference about such an insignificant takedown straight from the president of the U.S. the most powerful country on the planet is rather ridicules because it makes you look like a freaking clown!
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