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Help me (SUICIDAL)

Wife and death of friend and aunt.
Akhi....death of a friend and aunt is something that even you and I will have to go through. This is from Allah. You just have to accept that.
Wife. Well this is very hard one. But if its causing you so much stress, try to get some time alone to reduce the stress. If you are in Pakistan. Take off to the mountains.

Make lots of dua. Have positive thoughts and InshAllah things will work out. Don't ever quit

Don't listen to shitty people around you
I shared my thoughts with my wife , just like you she said if you want to end your life just do it. She thinks iam just making excuses or trying to get her attention but only God knows i am suffering hard.
And you made it worse.
Bro don't end your life

GET RID OF THE WIFE. If she doesn't care why the are you providing for her. Plenty of women out there. I bet she is no Angelina Jolie.
It seems i cant send you PM. Brother its not that your suffering is less but you should be assured that there are people who are in much worse conditions. Make resolve to fight it out. Remember some line from one of my father's essays

یاد رکھیے آپ میں سے ہر فرد ایک منفرد اور خصوصی شخصیت کا حامل ہے .....

آپ کو جس خصوصی مقصد کے لیے پیدا کیا گیا ہے وہ صرف اور صرف آپ ہی پورا کر سکتے ہیں ......

اس یقین کے ساتھ زندگی بسر کریں کہ اس وسیع کائنات کو آپ کی ضرورت ہے اسی لیے خالقِ کائنات نے آپ کو تخلیق فرمایا ہے .......
While reading this for one brief moment i thought my friend is talking to me, Thanks.

It might not seem like it, but we're your friends too. We can't replace the friend who's gone, but you have a valued place in this community. Everyone in life will die, but Allah promises us we will meet again InshaAllah, we just need to be patient.

Marriage is tough bro. Just yesterday i had a huge arguement with my wife about something completely pointless. I sat afterwards and thought WTF compels me to argue about such bakwas matters in the month of Ramadan when we should be focused in prayer. Sometimes I feel we're in it only for the kids now, at other times things are wonderful and I couldn't be happier. The young lovers romance wanes with the tests of time. At the end of the day bro, divorce is the way of of a bad marriage (via counselling), not suicide.

You know what gets me through the hard days - the unconditional love in my childrens eyes. Nobody will ever love them like you love them, nobody will love you, like they love you. What you have with them is precious, don't waste a second of that.

My advice for you, get medical help right now. Nobody is going to lock you up, you just need some medication to help you get the chemicals in your brain settled and under control. After that InshaAllah you'll be able to take control of the rest of your life too.

You don't really want to do it, that's why you postd this message and that's why you're reading these messages.

I shared my thoughts with my wife , just like you she said if you want to end your life just do it. She thinks iam just making excuses or trying to get her attention but only God knows i am suffering hard.
And you made it worse.

F**k that guy. He is your enemy, Followers of RasoolAllah saws do not show weakness in the face of the enemy.
While reading this for one brief moment i thought my friend is talking to me, Thanks.

It might not seem like it, but we're your friends too. We can't replace the friend who's gone, but you have a valued place in this community.

Mods can we ban this motherfukcer permanently please?

@waz @krash @PakSword @WebMaster @PDF @Irfan Baloch @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Foxtrot Alpha
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.
Brother just be strong..this will definitely pass..believe me...a day will come when you will start enjoying life
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.


My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family. For you to have the courage to start this thread shows you are already reaching out and requiring guidance. I commend you to have the courage.
Please seek guidance and help - there are people and numbers in Karachi that can assist.
There is nothing your son needs more than a father. I have a young son and i get energy and drive knowing he needs me and holds onto me like im a part of him.
You are your sons hero - you are all your son needs - you are a super hero to him. Dont leave him.
Beautifully explained in layman's terms
its a gift man! i am going through some rough shit currently (happens part of life) and was depressed most of the time and this popped up in my timeline and i was like man we have Allah who never abandons us never leaves us alone to suffer then how can i lose hope how can i feel depressed! yes i still feel low at times but i have faith in Allah everything will be fixed! so brother @Men in Green have faith in Allah! and stay strong and start working out seriously it helps!
I live in Karachi(Malir) any one guide me to psychologists/psychiatrists ?

Go to Dr Haroon. He is one of the prominent psychiatrist of Pakistan. His clinic is near Teen-Talwar. I think it's called Psycho Social Centre. I can tell you the choices of treatment before you even visit any psychiatrist: It's either medicine or psychotherapy or both. I would suggest you go for psychotherapy first. If it works then well and good. If not then and only then opt for medicine as they have their own problems.
its a gift man! i am going through some rough shit currently (happens part of life) and was depressed most of the time and this popped up in my timeline and i was like man we have Allah who never abandons us never leaves us alone to suffer then how can i lose hope how can i feel depressed! yes i still feel low at times but i have faith in Allah everything will be fixed! so brother @Men in Green have faith in Allah! and stay strong and start working out seriously it helps!
Truly a gem
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