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Mar 11, 2014
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How can I disable the e mails which altering me every single post posted here by other members? I try to find out but couldn't font out. And other thing could some one please make my avatar photo In correct position? or how can I do it.
New here welcome bhi chale ga hahaha.
It's stop for whole but start getting again the e mails alerts tho I disable all the options the link I got. the like is gone plz send it me again thanks. Or any other option?
Hello someone here!
Ok my alerts are disabled now but still getting emails in my in box of every single thread I participating. how can I stop those emails from PDF?
I wanted to reply on the Iranian aircraft carrier thread but i got a (You have insufficient privileges to reply here.) message. What does that mean ?
I wanted to reply on the Iranian aircraft carrier thread but i got a (You have insufficient privileges to reply here.) message. What does that mean ?

It means that the thread is closed .
I wanted to reply on the Iranian aircraft carrier thread but i got a (You have insufficient privileges to reply here.) message. What does that mean ?

Maybe the thread posted in Senior Cafe section (only some members can post there)
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