What about attacking islam??Their religious beliefs??
Care to explain how come certain verses are almost uniformly repeated by fanatic offenders who hold their holy book and say that those lines are the ones that have instigated them.
Can you tell me why a Jew or a Hindu or a Buddhist or a Jain or a Sikh or a Parsi doesn't hold his holy book, point at verses and claim to be encouraged to kill?
The best part is, all these faiths also have war-like or martial verses in their scriptures. But why is it that they understand and the ones you speak of don't?
And how is it that only a certain type of Muslims always get instigated while other Muslims remain calm and understand?
Surely you're not telling me that those who were in the pictures showering flowers at RSS karsevaks are from some other planet, right?
I know how hard RSS is working to villify christians and Muslims and spreading hate about them.
Yeah and what Christian missionaries do in the ghats of Varanasi or here in northeast to vilify Buddhism and Hinduism, is all secoolar isn't it?
Go tell this we-are-victim-of-Hindus nonsense to someone else.
If they were intolerant, they'd not have even let any other religion exist... a trait well observed just across the border in case of one organized religion and another in Philippines where Buddhism was systematically replaced by Christianity...in fact, you need not go far away. Just come here and see in states like Meghalaya and Nagaland and even Mizoram as to how non-Christians are treated...
Will tell you volumes about how tolerant Hindu society has been of organized religion that never respects their tolerance.