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Head of Hamas killed by Israeli strike

Don't know if you read the news lately, but they shifted towards Qatar. Where is the western media now for condemning Qataris for their relations with a terrorist organization like Hamas? Is it because those fat sheiks have oil? Or does that only count when Iran is supporting them?

You make a good point. The world is filled with these little ironies. But let's wait and see.
GTFO with your nonsense posts. You were the one who supported an attack on Iran, so shut up with your pseudo-indignant for military attacks.

i support attack on iran doesnt mean i support attack on poor palestinians

this way to iran for you, this is pakistani forum, im pakistani :angel:

When you beg Israel to attack Iran, you will get this instead.
Those leaders who took pictures with Hamas leaders to show off for the Muslim people, are responsible now.
Time to review relation with Israel, Mursi... If you have any back bonE
Since the west is obviously united against Islam, so called Muslims using sectism to war against any part of the Ummah can be deemed as a traiter because their obviously not benefiting the Ummah, if their to dumb to see that, they wouldn't be smart enough to raise up out of bed, stand, walk, drive a car, count money, and so on.

Every time I hear about a Muslim sect fighting another, I feel embarressed, especially at a time things are so obvious between east and west. I know the Holy Quran says kill them where ever you find them, I wonder if their be any Muslims left when they finish because The Holy Quran says not to divide your religion up into sects, and we do exactly that. How many of us can be classified as a hypocrite? The reason I lay claim to only Muslim as a title with no additives, not Makkah Muslim, not Quran Muslim, not Sunni Muslim, not Shiite, or anything other then Muslim, One name, no additives, if Saudi Arabia was to do that, it would shame the rest of the Muslims to do the same. Everybody should drop the additives and borders between one another and push the Jews back to Europe and let the Israelites stay, the ones who were here for centuries.
It would be interesting to know at what extent ,the israeli deterrent strategy of killing senior officers, is used by Hamas officers themselves as a tool in the internal power play. Theoretically used by anyone with an interest in Hamas' command structure. But just looking at Hamas I think looking at the command structure could provide some insight.

For instance where does Jabari fit into these territorial battalions. In that sense their armaments is of less relevance.
Hamas leaders bravely send children to kill themselves, but they fear a lot for their own lives.

After Israel eliminated Ahmad Yassin and Rantisi in 2004 suicide attacks drastically dropped.
After Israel eliminated Said Siyam in 2009 rocket attacks drastically dropped.

How many civilians did Hamas kill this year and how many did Israel kill ?
Here some facts that you cant deny:

1) Israel can wipe out entire Gaza in 1 day, but does not want.
2) Hamas wants to kill all Israelis, but it cant.
3) Hamas is targeting Israeli civilians on purpose. Hundreds of Israeli civilians were murdered by Hamas on purpose.
4) Hamas is using its own civilians as human shields:


5) Israel uses super expensive missiles to reduce casualties among Palestinian civilians and even risks own soldiers.
6) Israel spends billions to protect its own civilians.
5) Israel uses super expensive missiles to reduce casualties among Palestinian civilians and even risks own soldiers.

I'm assuming one Iron Dome-missile costs more than one Palestinian rocket?
GCC can always ask FSA to turn their guns away from Assad to Israel. But at this point, with weak Syria and bogged down Iran, it wouldnt make much difference. Israel is going to annihilate Palestinians if war breaks out. :sniper:
I'm assuming one Iron Dome-missile costs more than the average Palestinian rocket?
Iron Dome missile costs about 50,000 $. Grad rocket costs couple thousands maybe. Delivery to Gaza is quite expensive though, I guess. But its Iranians who pay anyways, not Hamas.

This evening 15 Grad rockets fired at Beersheba were intercepted by Iron Dome, 1 missed.

GCC can always ask FSA to turn their guns away from Assad to Israel. But at this point, with weak Syria and bogged down Iran, it wouldnt make much difference. Israel is going to annihilate Palestinians if war breaks out. :sniper:
Israel will just spank Hamas a bit. After a week or two things will return back to normal.

But war in Syria will continue for years.
Since the west is obviously united against Islam, so called Muslims using sectism to war against any part of the Ummah can be deemed as a traiter because their obviously not benefiting the Ummah, if their to dumb to see that, they wouldn't be smart enough to raise up out of bed, stand, walk, drive a car, count money, and so on.

Every time I hear about a Muslim sect fighting another, I feel embarressed, especially at a time things are so obvious between east and west. I know the Holy Quran says kill them where ever you find them, I wonder if their be any Muslims left when they finish because The Holy Quran says not to divide your religion up into sects, and we do exactly that. How many of us can be classified as a hypocrite? The reason I lay claim to only Muslim as a title with no additives, not Makkah Muslim, not Quran, not suni Muslim, not Shiite, or anything other then Muslim, One name, no additives, if Saudi Arabia was to do that, it would shame the rest of the Muslims to do the same. Everybody should drop the additives.

I just talked to some Saudi guy in here about this 'unity', he laughed and said we support any attack by Israel on Iran. Not that he is the represent of all Saudis but I honestly think we have passed that point of 'unity'. Its now fate of these people to be divided and conquered.

While the ruling elite has the power of running US according to Israel's demands along with a huge media power to manipulate these stupid people, there honestly isn't much one can do. All more reason for a country to rely only on itself and have the means to defend herself.

You can go right now and see many websites about the infamous war b/w Iran and Iraq where many countries supplied arms and financial means to both sides, showing their double standards. Aim was to let them fight each other, once they are weak enough we will conquer them with minimal loss.

Muslims and unity are two words that do not co-exist resulting in their downfall, which is quite obvious these days.
@500 I agree, conflict between Israel and Gaza would, at most, last a week or two. But the question is, would it break the momentum of so-called Arab Spring in Syria?
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