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Head of Hamas killed by Israeli strike

well , if you are so brave , go against them without Merkavas , F-16s , Drones , Apache , and etc and Hamas will come straight to you for a fair battle , so if you don't dare to goes against them without your Tanks and Aircraft fighters and Helicopter then shout up and don't complain !!!

Be careful what you wish for because is Israel was to take its full might in Gaza then it may turn from world largest open air prision to world largest open air graveyard.
Any proof of that ? only 4 hamas members killed, the rest are civilians.
Hamas are pathological liars. Here example. Immediately after Cast Lead operation Israel claimed it killed 709 militanys while Hamas said that only 49 killed.

But later Hamas minister Fathi Hamad admitted 600-700 militants killed.

"Furthermore, on the second day of the war, Israel targeted police headquarters and 250 martyrs fell and they were affiliated to Hamas and other factions. In addition, about 200-300 members of Al-Qassam Brigades died martyrs as well as 150 security officers; the rest of the victims were civilians."

Minister: 200-300 Hamas fighters killed in war | Maan News Agency
Business as usual, Hamas firing from populated areas:






If Israel retaliates with artillery barrage at sources of fire there will be hundreds of killed civilians.
Pallywoods back again ...:angel:

injured guy @ 2:11 and 2:43 ...:P
One paramedic carrying another paramedic at 2:33 is also clearly staged. Just saw BBC camera men and decided to make a show.
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i dont know what will you isrealis accomplish in gaza even if you entered gaza and occupied it your army will be ambushed and blown one by one what you are doing wont solve anything
i dont know what will you isrealis accomplish in gaza even if you entered gaza and occupied it your army will be ambushed and blown one by one what you are doing wont solve anything

Some people happen to be the best stand up comedians planet earth has ever seen!
Hamas is just not learning. 2 years after Cast Lead operation there was relatively quiet. But in 2012 they boosted rocket attacks (721 rockets since the beginning of the year).


After another spanking they will get calm again for a while.

I have a question, The resent reports which has been confirmed by Israel that Hamas rockets have landed in Tel eviv. Is it not true that Israel has claimed that they have invented that Iron dome system which was supposed to intercept these in coming rockets and destroy these. So how comes they have landed there was it a lie about Iron dome system?
I think hamas right now sh** in their pants

Lets see what going to happend:

1)Israel call up for reserves and ground attack will start
2)Israel will attack the terrorist by air see and ground.
3)Most of the high value target in gaza have been eliminate
4)Hamas quantity of rokets have been decreasing dramatically
5)iron dome is a game changer
6)Hamas leaders will be hunted.

Best movie of the year *****
I have a question, The resent reports which has been confirmed by Israel that Hamas rockets have landed in Tel eviv. Is it not true that Israel has claimed that they have invented that Iron dome system which was supposed to intercept these in coming rockets and destroy these. So how comes they have landed there was it a lie about Iron dome system?
1) There are 4 Iron Dome systems currently. They cover 4 towns in south: Beersheva, Ahqelon, Ahdod and Netivot.
2) Tel Aviv is not covered. Anyways these two rockets landed in empty areas and were not supposed to be intercepted.
3) Iron Dome is not perfect. It intercepts 85-90% or rockets.

then how did hezbollah win in lebnon war 2006 ?
I wish more "victories" like that to all our enemies. :lol:
then how did hezbollah win in lebnon war 2006 ?

Only in some fanboy fantasy they won anything.

Here are actual Statistics:

Israel Defense Forces:
121 killed
(including 2 captured soldiers)
628 wounded[14]
Hezbollah militia:
250 (Hezbollah claim)
1,500 (Lebanese officials' est.)[16]
Captured: 4 fighters
Amal militia: 17 dead
LCP militia: 12 dead
PFLP-GC militia: 2 dead
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps: ~6–9 dead (Lebanese officials' est.)
Lebanese Army and Police Forces: 43 dead

Israeli civilians:
44 dead
33 seriously wounded
68 moderately wounded
1,388 lightly wounded
Lebanese citizens (combatants included):
1,191–1,300 dead
4,409 injured

Financial repercussions
The fighting resulted in a huge financial setback for Lebanon, with an official estimate of a fall in growth from +6% to 2% and US$5 Billion (22% of GDP)[334] in direct and indirect costs, while the cost for Israel was estimated at US$3.5 billion.[335] Indirect costs to Israel include a cut in growth by 0.9%.[336] and the cost to tourism was estimated at 0.4% of Israel's GDP in the following year.[337] According to one analyst in the Associated Press, the main casualty was the fragile unity between Lebanon's sectarian and political groups,[338] though an Asia Times piece points to Free Patriotic Movement head Michel Aoun's support for Hezbollah and provision of housing for Shi'a refugees as evidence for strengthened relations.

Winograd Commission Report

According to the Winograd Commission Report, the Second Lebanon War was regarded as a "missed opportunity" and that "Israel initiated a long war, which ended without a defined military victory". The report continued to state that "a semi-military organization of a few thousand men resisted, for a few weeks, the strongest army in the Middle East, which enjoyed full air superiority and size and technology advantages". Furthermore, Hezbollah's rocket attacks continued throughout the war and the IDF did not provide an effective response to it. Following a long period of using standoff firepower and limited ground activities, the IDF launched a large-scale ground offensive close to the UN Security Council's resolution which imposed a cease-fire. "This offensive did not result in military gains and was not completed".

Later in the Report, the Commission stated that "[a] decision [was] made in the night of 12 July to react (to the capturing) with immediate and substantive military action and to set... ambitious goals." This decision had immediate repercussions in that subsequent decisions were limited mainly to a choice between a) "a short, painful and unexpected blow on Hezbollah" and b) "to bring about a significant change of the reality in the South of Lebanon with a large ground operation,[occupying]...the South of Lebanon and 'cleaning' it of Hezbollah". "The fact Israel went to war before it decided which option to select and without an exit strategy, all these constituted serious failures of the decision making process."

As for achievements, the Commission reported that "SC resolution 1701, and the fact that it was adopted unanimously, were an achievement for Israel."

And now the truth by nobody other than Grand Slam Nasurllah!

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah regrets war - World - CBC News

The financial and other losses are enormously high on Lebanese side and all of this with IDF only using their standoff fire power and without putting any of their actual warplans into action yet somebody things they won jack!

I am a believer of ignorance but you are setting new heights of incompetence.
Only in some fanboy fantasy they won anything.

Here are actual Statistics:

Israel Defense Forces:
121 killed
(including 2 captured soldiers)
628 wounded[14]
Hezbollah militia:
250 (Hezbollah claim)
1,500 (Lebanese officials' est.)[16]
Captured: 4 fighters
Amal militia: 17 dead
LCP militia: 12 dead
PFLP-GC militia: 2 dead
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps: ~6–9 dead (Lebanese officials' est.)
Lebanese Army and Police Forces: 43 dead

Israeli civilians:
44 dead
33 seriously wounded
68 moderately wounded
1,388 lightly wounded
Lebanese citizens (combatants included):
1,191–1,300 dead
4,409 injured

Financial repercussions
The fighting resulted in a huge financial setback for Lebanon, with an official estimate of a fall in growth from +6% to 2% and US$5 Billion (22% of GDP)[334] in direct and indirect costs, while the cost for Israel was estimated at US$3.5 billion.[335] Indirect costs to Israel include a cut in growth by 0.9%.[336] and the cost to tourism was estimated at 0.4% of Israel's GDP in the following year.[337] According to one analyst in the Associated Press, the main casualty was the fragile unity between Lebanon's sectarian and political groups,[338] though an Asia Times piece points to Free Patriotic Movement head Michel Aoun's support for Hezbollah and provision of housing for Shi'a refugees as evidence for strengthened relations.

Winograd Commission Report

According to the Winograd Commission Report, the Second Lebanon War was regarded as a "missed opportunity" and that "Israel initiated a long war, which ended without a defined military victory". The report continued to state that "a semi-military organization of a few thousand men resisted, for a few weeks, the strongest army in the Middle East, which enjoyed full air superiority and size and technology advantages". Furthermore, Hezbollah's rocket attacks continued throughout the war and the IDF did not provide an effective response to it. Following a long period of using standoff firepower and limited ground activities, the IDF launched a large-scale ground offensive close to the UN Security Council's resolution which imposed a cease-fire. "This offensive did not result in military gains and was not completed".

Later in the Report, the Commission stated that "[a] decision [was] made in the night of 12 July to react (to the capturing) with immediate and substantive military action and to set... ambitious goals." This decision had immediate repercussions in that subsequent decisions were limited mainly to a choice between a) "a short, painful and unexpected blow on Hezbollah" and b) "to bring about a significant change of the reality in the South of Lebanon with a large ground operation,[occupying]...the South of Lebanon and 'cleaning' it of Hezbollah". "The fact Israel went to war before it decided which option to select and without an exit strategy, all these constituted serious failures of the decision making process."

As for achievements, the Commission reported that "SC resolution 1701, and the fact that it was adopted unanimously, were an achievement for Israel."

And now the truth by nobody other than Grand Slam Nasurllah!

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah regrets war - World - CBC News

The financial and other losses are enormously high on Lebanese side and all of this with IDF only using their standoff fire power and without putting any of their actual warplans into action yet somebody things they won jack!

I am a believer of ignorance but you are setting new heights of incompetence.
i can give you sources saying that hezboah won and the isrealis themselves admitted that
the IDF task was to destroy hezbolah that didnt happen they couldnt gain ground their tanks and slodiers couldnt accomplish anything isreal with full air superiority couldnt stop hezbolah rockets hezbolah popularity in lebnon is higher than it used to before the war about the casualties how many battles in history won with higher looses this not a game where you count the dead each side has objectives in mind and the side who accomplish their objective is the winner and what is even more funny is you are calling me a ignorant
i can give you sources saying that hezboah won and the isrealis themselves admitted that
the IDF task was to destroy hezbolah that didnt happen they couldnt gain ground their tanks and slodiers couldnt accomplish anything isreal with full air superiority couldnt stop hezbolah rockets hezbolah popularity in lebnon is higher than it used to before the war about the casualties how many battles in history won with higher looses this not a game where you count the dead each side has objectives in mind and the side who accomplish their objective is the winner and what is even more funny is you are calling me a ignorant

If you are able to read then you can understand that IDF delayed the action too long and UN Cease fire resolution was intacted before IDF could spin some action. But off-course you can go on an endless trolling expedition. What i posed is factual data and I am not sure what magical source you can bring of your own!
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