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Hawking: God did not create Universe

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When some thing is claimed it should be backed up with evidence. If i say there is devil in the sky i should prove it..i canon't ask other one to disprove my claim.
Science changes, and what is today's fact becomes tomorrow's laughable notion. I respect scientists like Hawking, but his "facts" may be as silly as this year 1400 professor.

The laws of Physics - which control the Universe - never change, though they may be altered in different universes.
Gravity for one. Did you know that its the weakest force in the Universe and yet is the glue that holds our Universe together?

Science does not change, what changes is our outlook towards it. Our outlook is again based on our observations and knowledge. That yera400 Prof did not have access to knowledge or facts that years of painstaking research have yielded us today. If that prof had the same facts that we have today, his lecture would have been different - unless he was a religious nutcase.
With all due respect May be Mr Hawkings is sore at God because of his disabalities !

Really? That is a ridiculous statement indeed! Do you know that he can do reams of papers worth of complex mathematical calculations in his head!

If he is mad at God for his physical disabilities, many of your kind should be really mad because God did not give your kind a mind like Hawking's!

Oh wait. You would be mad only if you understood why. The fact that you dont get mad at God says.....
Stephen Hawkings will claim that he is God & people will believe him :lol:
The point is not what you call it. The point is that it does exist.

Excellent deduction. Prove it.

FTW, show me where Hawkings said that God does NOT exist.

Big difference. Think again.
No offense intended....Just sharing to cool you guys down

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Stephen Hawkings will claim that he is God & people will believe him :lol:

A large % of population on this planet already believes in some form of "imaginary friend in sky"....... so not a surprise some idiots might believe that SH is another version of God too:D
Stephen Hawkings will claim that he is God & people will believe him :lol:

Of course. People will believe anything you tell them - in a convincing manner.

Why, isnt our history filled with examples where a single man (men) convinced people to believe what they had to say?
I believe God is playing a video game and we are programmed in it. That is why sometimes things go out of control.
Excellent deduction. Prove it.

FTW, show me where Hawkings said that God does NOT exist.

Big difference. Think again.

LoL gubbi you picked one line from so many of my posts and quoted it out of context. In fact, in one of them I myself had stated that Hawking never said that god didn't exist.

Read all my posts first and still if you feel like it, we could get into a constructive discussion.

You got me wrong buddy and there's nothing I can do about it.

Peace! :wave:
choggy said:
Science changes, and what is today's fact becomes tomorrow's laughable notion. I respect scientists like Hawking, but his "facts" may be as silly as this year 1400 professor..

Science does not change, what changes is our outlook towards it. Our outlook is again based on our observations and knowledge. That yera400 Prof did not have access to knowledge or facts that years of painstaking research have yielded us today. If that prof had the same facts that we have today, his lecture would have been different - unless he was a religious nutcase.

IMHO, both opinions are correct. It just depends on how you define science. If you consider science and 'outlook'(knowledge based on studies, observations and experimentation) the two separate entities, then yes...Science doesn't change.
LoL gubbi you picked one line from so many of my posts and quoted it out of context. In fact, in one of them I myself had stated that Hawking never said that god didn't exist.

Read all my posts first and still if you feel like it, we could get into a constructive discussion.

You got me wrong buddy and there's nothing I can do about it.

Peace! :wave:

Apologies mate. I did read AFTER I posted.
There is no place for God in theories on the creation of the Universe, Professor Stephen Hawking has said.

He adds: "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.

Then who made the gravity? IF gravity is the character of things then who give this character to those things?

According to ancient religions, Sun, Moon, Wind, Lightning etc were Gods or actions of Gods. Humans were created by Gods. pretty much everything was done by Gods. And as our knowledge grew, God diminished. Sun became a mass of hydrogen fusion, moon became a satellite, wind was caused by air pressure, and lighting by polarity.

Sun became a mass of hydrogen fusion, moon became a satellite, wind was caused by air pressure, and lighting by polarity can not proof that there is no God.

With the growth of since we've came to know that we eat foods and blood carries nutrients to my all cells from the foods - which does not proof that there is no GOD. Science tells us the secret and causes does not mean there is no GOD. Then who made food, blood and who made the system that where blood supplies important things to the cells and who made the system where cells have to depend on food and blood to survive?
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Excellent deduction. Prove it.

Dear Gubbi,

Once upon a time on a planet called earth in the milky way galaxy,

It wasn't proven that earth revolves around the sun

It wasn't proven that going above 100 miles per hour won't kill a man

It wasn't proven that time and space were all relative terms

It wasn't proven that yoga could cure diseases

It wasn't proven that man had evolved from apes

It wasn't proven that atom is not indestructible

It wasn't proven that there's something called anti-matter

It wasn't proven that heat could be converted into mechanical energy

It wasn't proven that E=mc2

It wasn't proven that A.C. was better than D.C.

It wasn't proven that time travel is theoretically possible

Heck, even today it's not proven that,

The number PIE actually terminates

Aliens exist

That cold fusion is possible/impossible

I could go on and on and on.

So, my dear gubbi,

If you can't prove something, it doesn't mean that that thing doesn't exist. May be it does exist and you don't know about it.

Just keep an open mind and be ready for suprises.:cheers:
Once we had a debate in our class about 'how the universe was created?'
Although there were no conclusion as there were different minds.So our physics sir told us ''Muslims believe that the ALLAH(GOD) has created the universe,but nobody knows how it was created,so it could be possible that he created the way science told.''

Best religious response in the thread. :tup:
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